Forced to become the opponent's "Servant"!


After hearing Ishtar's complaints, Gilgamesh entered the "red temperature state"!

"You incompetent fool goddess!"

"You can throw something as big as the "Bull of the Sky" away? "

He was so angry that even the raised fingers were trembling slightly!

Gilgamesh never expected that at such an important moment 0  …

As the "goddess of the sky", Ishtar will lose the chain!

Ishtar shrank his head aggrievedly, and looked at Jiang Shang pitifully.


This master has become her last umbrella.

Seeing Ishtar being wronged, Jiang Shang showed a black-bellied smile gloating at his misfortune.

"It's just a small thing..."

"What are you talking about so much, why don't you eat a bun first..."

Jiang Shang patted Gilgamesh on the shoulder, signaling him to stop talking.

at the same time...

He snapped his fingers again...

A "dimension channel" appeared in front of him.

Two Lala fats in chef uniforms appeared in front of the crowd with several drawers of meat buns that had just come out of the cage.

"Pay attention to the atmosphere!"

"Is it time for breakfast?"

"You guy, you are too lazy!"

"Without the insurance of the "Bull of the Sky", I want to see how you plan to deal with it! "

Gilgamesh said with a headache, he had not eaten for a long time, and he accepted the kindness of the lesbians.

He took a bite of the meat bun angrily, and then his eyes lit up!

He didn't expect that the soft dough, wrapped in meat, would be so delicious!

Gilgamesh 4.3 looked at Jiang Shang resentfully, waiting for Jiang Shang to come up with a solution.

"It's nothing more than a question of combat power..."


"Please allow me to introduce..."

"My friend who just joined the team..."

Jiang Shang raised his hand pretentiously, signaling everyone to look at the "dimension channel".

The crisp footsteps sounded from inside...

That voice sounds like bare feet.

But when it touches the ground, the sound is not right!


The tall and slender sister Yu, wearing a black gauze dress, walked out from the "Dimensional Passage".

The moment she appeared, Gilgamesh's pupils instantly enlarged!

Because the woman who appeared here...

不 ...

The goddess who appeared here...

It is the "Goddess of Warcraft" who almost destroyed Uruk!

Gorgon! .

259. The role of Gorgon!Let go of the twin sons who hate each other!


The moment she appeared, Gilgamesh's face became extremely ugly!

This guy is his enemy!

Because of her previous actions, countless deaths and injuries were caused on this land!

Every drop of blood that seeps into the land of "Mesopotamia" symbolizes the sins committed by Gorgon!

Not so much the Goddess of Warcraft!

This guy is a demon!


"Dare to appear in front of this king, how courageous you are!"

"Being my king, it's the dough that won't make it!"

Gilgamesh's eyes revealed a trace of violent murderous intent.

His fists were clenched and rattled, and even the strength of his breathing increased a lot!


"Don't get me wrong, human..."

"The reason why I show up is entirely for the sake of the Master."

"There is nothing worse than protecting a selfish and greedy race like yours."

Gorgon sneered contemptuously, but her gaze was on Jiang Shangshi.

become very gentle...


"Boring talk, let's stop here."

At this time, Jiang Shang stood between the two of them.

"Gorgon's strength, you have personally experienced it."

"Don't you want a second line of defense? She is my plan."

"What Tianzhi 04 Bull can do, she can do now."

After Jiang Shang mentioned the function of "Gorgon", he looked at Gilgamesh who was still angry.

He continued.

"This era is facing an unprecedented catastrophe."

"If you are really a virtuous king, you should understand a truth."

"In the current environment, timely is the enemy of the past, but also the object of solidarity."

"Keep the Gorgon alive and hold off Tiamat. "

"Only by preserving the city and allowing more people to live."

Starting from the overall situation, Jiang Shang earnestly persuaded him.


Gilgamesh turned around with an ugly face and snorted unhappily.

"Ha ha..."

Gorgon made a playful laugh, she had given up revenge on humans.

even so...

She still doesn't have a good impression of the human race.

As she said before, she is now Jiang Shang's follower.

For my sister and "myself", I can live happily and peacefully.

She will firmly carry out every task assigned by the Master!

Even if she burns her life, she won't have any complaints!

The atmosphere at the scene suddenly became incompatible because of the appearance of Gorgon...


There was a sound of chains colliding...

A sharp sickle blade struck from a dark corner and slashed towards the back of Gorgon's neck!

"Small tricks..."

Gorgon didn't even turn around, and sneered contemptuously.

She casually raised two fingers, pinched them easily, and attacked her sickle blade!

Although she has transformed into a "demihuman form", it does not mean that her strength has weakened!

Strengthening from the Holy Grail!

Master's Infinite Magic Power!

Plus this brand new body transformed from "all the evils of this world"!

At this time, although she has lost her "godhead"!

Lost the creation authority of "Mother of Beasts"!

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