But her personal strength, compared to her previous life, is only stronger than weaker!

The muscle strength of "A++" can catch the sharp sickle blade with only two fingers!

The dark golden scales spread all over her palm, providing protection comparable to that of a "Noble Phantasm".

With just a slight force, she threw the little sneaker who was hiding in the dark a few meters away!

The girl in the cloak was ruthlessly thrown against the wall by her, and let out a painful cry.

Before the girl landed, Gorgon had already exploded with inhuman speed, like a hunting python!

She grabbed the girl's neck with one hand and lifted her into the air!

It all happened so fast!

Even the people present and the goddesses were not relieved!


The girl who is being strangled by the "Gorgon" and held up in the air is Anna!

"I thought who it was..."

"It turned out to be the "garbage" that I discarded..."

"You are so weak, how dare you attack me..."

"You really don't know how to live or die..."

Gorgon sneered contemptuously, she strangled Anna's throat, and slightly increased her strength.

The pain of being unable to breathe made the girl let out a weak moan.


There was stubbornness and killing intent in Anna's eyes, even though she had been subdued by Gorgon.

She still swung the sickle blade and slashed at Gorgon's arm!

Brilliant sparks, wanton splash.

But even Gorgon's scales have not been broken.

"too weak..."

Gorgon said sarcastically, she looked at Jiang Shang's position.


"What are you going to do with her?"

Gorgon's voice exuded harshness and cruelty.

as if...

As long as this master nods, she will break Anna's neck!

"Stop messing around..."

"This is the "good side" you have separated..."

"This is your purest, noblest, gentlest and most beautiful side."

"Calling it 'garbage', I'm afraid you won't even believe it yourself. "

Jiang Shang walked up to Gorgon and motioned for her to let Anna go.


"It's such a nasty love story..."

"Master, when did you become so glib?"

The corner of Gorgon's mouth raised slightly, teasing Jiang Shangdao.

But she let go of her hand, and placed the hostile Anna on the ground.

After regaining her ability to move, Anna dishonestly prepared to attack again.

But a warm meat bun was thrown in her direction.

Anna put down her weapon instinctively, and carefully took the 340 meat bag.

The scalding heat made her little hands ache.

It's like juggling, constantly switching between left and right hands.

It took a full half a minute before I got used to the temperature of the meat bun and held it in the palm of my hand.

"You should have heard what I said before."

"Gorgon can't die..."

"Even if she delays for an hour, more people can survive."

"It's not about committing crimes and doing meritorious service, but only she can do it."

Jiang Shang walked up to Anna, bent down slightly, and said while pinching the girl's little face.

"All right..."

Anna said reluctantly.

She cannot accept the crimes committed by the "evil side", but she is well aware of the situation.

She turned all her anger into appetite, and bit down on the meat bun.

Looking at the pair of sisters who "put aside their disputes", Jiang Shang had a doting smile on his face.

He picked up another meat bun and handed it to Gorgon.

Because of his "Infinite Magic Power", the negative effect of the Hunger was removed.

But Gorgon is still the "big eater" with a strong appetite.

"That's great..."

Because of the appearance of Gorgon, Ishtar, who was under a lot of pressure, held the warm meat buns in both hands.

She showed a happy smile, enjoying the last leisure time before the war.

For her at this time...

There is a warm meat bun in my hand, I am happier than anything else...

260. The Mission of the Goddesses!Tiamat's System Rewards!


In the big house where Jiang Shang lives...

Five goddesses, gathered here...

The out-of-character Leopard, like a mascot, curled up on the sofa, sleeping in the dark.

As a goddess, she expressed indifference to everything that happened outside.


Have a meal!


If you can drink two glasses of wine, it would be great!

The other four goddesses selectively ignored this guy.

Waiting for the order from Jiang Shang.


"The development plan of the underworld must be accelerated."

Jiang Shang asked Ai Lei.

"Do not worry..."

"I can feel that the underworld is opening up new spaces with terrifying speed."

"According to the current progress, it may not take three days."

"That Assyrian empress is truly an incredible existence..."

Ai Lei showed a reassuring smile and promised Jiang Shang.


"Then I'll be at ease..."

"But in order to ensure that the follow-up plan can proceed smoothly, Ai Lei, you should go back first."

"The development of the underworld is the most important move against Tiamat."

"There must be no negligence."

"Such an important task, I will feel at ease only if I entrust it to you."

Jiang Shang smiled slightly, and solemnly told Ai Lei.

Under Jiang Shang's praise, Ai Lei's crimson face showed a charming smile.


"Since the situation is so urgent, I'll go back first."

"See you in a while..."

After greeting Jiang Shang again, the happy Ai Lei turned into particles and couldn't wait to return to the underworld.

Speed ​​up the execution of the task arranged by Jiang Shang.

Watching Ailei leave, Jiang Shang looked at Ishtar again.

Before he could speak, Ishtar volunteered to snap his fingers!

"I understand!"

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