The skies over Uruk...

On the gray sky, a cloud of blue light suddenly appeared!

That mysterious halo is like another sun!

The cool-colored strong light that bloomed illuminated the entire city below!

The unidentified soldiers stopped in their tracks one after another.

They raised their heads blankly, squinted their stinging eyes, and observed the bizarre phenomena in the sky above!

Not just them...

Even "Gilgamesh" in the temple frowned suspiciously.

"This is...?"

Gilgamesh asked suspiciously.

Maybe it's a coincidence...

Just when Gilgamesh's voice fell!

The dazzling halo in the sky exploded on the sky!


It turned into an arc of blue light and spread towards the distance!

The speed of the light arc unfolding is extremely fast!

In just a short time, it covered the entire airspace of Uruk City!

Under the shroud of light arcs, the dim sky turned into a dreamy dark blue.

Waves of tidal waves, as well as dreamy light and shadow, unfold from above the sky.

Looking up at the sky on the ground, there is an illusion of being on the bottom of the sea!

at this time...

Everyone in the city raised their heads in unison, looking up at the vision in the sky.

Even the servants in charge of defense opened their mouths in shock...

"This is..."

"His Majesty's "Mirror Magic"! "

Bagster looked up at the sky, his pupils trembling and whispering.


Even Her Majesty the Queen, who has been watching the battle, has decided to make a move!

"Spatial transfer..."

Gilgamesh inside the temple also noticed it at this time!

Such a large-scale space magic is not too much to call it "magic"!


The style of the opponent's attack is completely different from Jiang Shang's "Five Elements Escape"!

Jiang Shang is good at transferring from the ground!

And the opponent is good at flying from the air!

0····Ask for flowers·······


Gilgamesh seemed to understand something.

Such a large-scale space transfer, I am afraid that Jiang Shang's so-called "decisive weapon" is an incredible big guy...


A huge black shadow suddenly appeared above the sky above the sea!

A huge black circular tower slowly fell from the inside of the horizontal plane.

Under the terrified gaze of the crowd...

The higher you go, the bigger the area...

as time flows...

The grander and more spectacular upper part of the building is revealed to the world!

This is actually a magnificent air fortress!

The black and golden exterior coating is dotted with deep dark red.

Above this fortress, there are towering castles!

The total number of castles, big and small, exceeds [-]!

.... 0

Like the hearts of the people holding the moon, the core of the most luxurious royal city is surrounded!

In other areas, bloody roses are planted!

The total area of ​​the entire aerial fortress exceeds 200 million square meters!

Even the largest imperial city in the world!

In contrast, it all looks bleak!

Around the fortress, there are still eleven black coffins that are more than a thousand meters long!

The black coffin of ten and one!

The eleven sons who symbolize "Tiamat"!

Each black coffin is engraved with the complex strategic magic of the Age of Gods!

The interior is inlaid with the "Little Holy Grail", which provides endless magic power!

The power of the single-sided black coffin is equivalent to an "EX-level" anti-army treasure!

Not only that!

Twelve towers of light, on the periphery of the fortress, built a towering city wall!

It is the thing transformed by the holy spear "Lungomniard" of the limit!

A fortress in the sky of 200 million square meters!

Compared with the original "Vanity's Hanging Garden".

It is simply the difference between "Shenhao" and "beggar"!

without any exaggeration!

Even if this giant sky fortress falls from the stratosphere!

The moment it comes into contact with the ground, it can trigger a "mass extinction"!

The disaster that caused the extinction of dinosaurs is happening again in this era!


Do not!

This is called: extravagance and extreme desire!

Extreme luxury, greed to its peak!

The arrival of this "Sky Fortress" shocked even Gilgamesh!

for a long time...

no words...

Jiang Shang, leaning on the stone pillar, folded his arms in front of his chest, and looked at the shocked Gilgamesh with frivolous eyes.


"What do you think of my decisive weapon?" Beg.

263. Crown Bandit!Jiang Shang's Raheem Captive Breeding Plan!

In the temple...

Gilgamesh didn't recover until Jiang Shang's voice sounded.

"How on earth did you do it?"

"It's impossible for you to create this treasure in such a short time!"

Gilgamesh frowned, questioning Jiang Shang in front of him.

"With the current time, this air fortress cannot be built."

"Then let time "accelerate", can't it be solved? "

Jiang Shang explained lazily.

"Time speeds up..."

"That kind of great magic that is infinitely close to "magic", even this king can't do it. "

"You bastard, how many things are you hiding from me!"

Gilgamesh complained in embarrassment.

His breathing rhythm became rapid.

Gilgamesh, with pale lips, was covering where his heart was.


He is ready...

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