"Three Four Zero" But when he saw "Vanity's Hanging Garden", he was still shocked.

This is definitely not a "miracle" that humans can achieve!

not to mention...

In such a short time...


"Let's stop chatting here..."

"Since "Tiamat", the action has already begun. "

"We can't be idle either."

Jiang Shang lazily stretched his waist and walked to Gilgamesh's side.

"There are about two days left before the arrival of Tiamat. "

"During this spare time..."

"I'm going to capture some "Raheem" ​​and try to see if they can be raised in captivity. "

"Dangdang "pet" or something..."

Jiang Shang stared at the "Vanity's Hanging Garden" and told his next plan.

In the original...

The "Emperor of Assyria".The combat units put on the battlefield are just a group of Dragon Tooth Soldiers.

Strength, speed, stamina...

Although these three aspects are several times stronger than human soldiers!

But if you face a "magician" or a follower, you will only end up being harvested!


Such "miscellaneous soldiers" cannot catch Jiang Shang's eyes at all.


He's going to focus on "Raheem"...

This group of life forms transformed from "God's Mud"...

As a degraded version of "Enkidu", the strength of a single Raheem is comparable to that of a follower!

Plus the setting of "evolution"!

Raheem's fighting potential will only become stronger!

How could Jiang Shang not be moved by such a powerful creature?

to this end...

Before the "Vanity Sky Garden" was completed...

He has asked Morgan to specially expand the lower tower of the "Sky Garden".

This is like a "pet dormitory" for dogs.

Although a little narrow...

But it shouldn't be a problem to stuff [-] pieces...

[-] Raheems are equivalent to [-] average servants!

That picture, just thinking about it...

Just let Jiang Shang couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth, revealing a longing look.


"What more stupid things are you talking about!"

Gilgamesh questioned the man beside him with a frightened look on his face.

Good guy!

Grab people!

Grab the land!

Grab the money!

Force the goddess of heaven to sign a master-slave contract!

The hostess of the underworld is even more heart-warming!

Even Gorgon, Feathered Serpent God, such monsters and dragon gods have not escaped the clutches of the devil!

Now even "Raheem" ​​is being targeted?

Wherever this guy went, he dug three feet into the ground!

Crown cavalry?


This guy must be the "Crown Bandit"!

Rather than saying that they are here to save the world, it is better to say that they are here to share the cake!

For such a good person, even Satan, the demon king in hell, would not dare to have it tattooed on his back!

孽 孽!


Gilgamesh, that's a shame, he's even clenched his fists!

I can't wait to beat up the man next to me to relieve my hatred!


Jiang Shang misunderstood what he meant...

I thought "Gilgamesh" was worried about his life.

"I know, you are worried about me..."

"But I'm not, alone..."

"Sky Lock, I also use it often..."

Jiang Shang raised his hand showing off, showing off the "bracelet" on his wrist.

That's right...

This is exactly what "Jingu" turns into...


Gilgamesh's angry lips turned black...

Jiang Shang's crime has one more...

To cheat his best friend and try to bring down Enkidu "Golden"!

"Let's go..."

"Just wait for my good news!"

Jiang Shang patted Gilgamesh on the shoulder, and at the same time he turned around, he activated the Five Elements Escape Technique 0  …

Watching Jiang Shang disappear, Gilgamesh's lips were purple with anger.

Sitting hard and breathing deeply, adjusting the emotions that were almost out of control...


If he dies in the future, it must be because he thinks of what happened today.

Being pissed off by "Jiang Shang"!


at this time...

On the plains of Mesopotamia...

Because of the obstruction of "Nabistine's Fang", the blood sea cannot expand!


This world-destroying disaster has not been resolved!

Although it is said that the sea of ​​blood is blocked outside the tooth wall!


The incalculable number of Rahm stored in the "Blood Sea" will not give up so easily!

Hundreds of second-evolved Lahem took off from the sea of ​​blood one after another!

It is worth mentioning that...

Their horrifyingly deformed bodies are already transforming into human forms!

Not only that...

After the second evolution, even their combat ability and IQ have been strengthened!

With the improvement of IQ, they also know how to use strategies.

If you want to destroy "Uruk City", you must first destroy this obstructive tooth wall!

realize this...

The left arm of the hundreds of "Rahemu" that flew into the air suddenly elongated and narrowed, turning into a sharp blade!

Just when they were about to cut off the "Nabisteen's Fang" that got in the way!

But suddenly smelled the fresh human breath of 4.3!

In their perception...

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