A handsome man in a black trench coat with his hands behind his back.

With a gentle smile, appeared on the plain below.


The Rahems don't know how this human being appeared.


He was unarmed...

I really want to look like a bully...


Those hundreds of floating Raheem temporarily gave up their missions.

They flew over "Nabistine's Fang" and landed around Jiang Shang.

Form a dense circle, blocking all escape routes!

The leader, Raheem, wiped his left hand that had turned into a sharp blade.

Arrogantly imitating human beings, he hooked his fingers in Jiang Shang's direction.

"Come and play with us."

"Otherwise I will kill you!".

264. Raheem's Spinal Sword!Give me your all!

on site...

"I don't know... how do you want to play?"

With a smile on his face, Jiang Shang stared at the two-meter-tall Raheem on the opposite side.

His tone was gentle, without a trace of fear or anger.

His breath was as usual, as calm as the dead sea, without a trace of waves.

After hearing Jiang Shang's inquiry, the leader Rahm swung the arm blade that turned into his left hand.

The crisp sound of swords echoed in the air.

It is enough to see that this weapon is sharp!

"Defeat me, or die!"

"Games start!"

This cunning Lahemu suddenly pounced on Jiang Shang the moment his voice fell!

Its speed is extremely fast, setting off a piercing gust of wind!

But in an instant, he came to Jiang Shang!

That sharp arm blade cut towards Jiang Shang's head!

Seeing this human being, the corpse is about to be separated!

His head with only a mouth showed a ferocious smile!


Jiang Shang's figure disappeared in front of it!

"I see..."

"Not 04 wrong "panel data"..."

Jiang Shang whispered to himself, and the figure appeared behind this Raheem.

The "virtual screen" from the system is currently floating in front of Jiang Shang.

on the screen...

The data of "Raheem" ​​is being displayed...


Monster: Rahelm

Muscle strength: B

Durability: B

Agility: A

Magic: C


Compared to many followers...

Raheem's "basic value" can be called very good!

Although there is no "Noble Phantasm", his melee combat strength is not weak!

Relying on the crushing of "basic attributes"...

After the second evolution, they even reached the level of "second-rate followers"!

and this...

Just what Jiang Shang needs...

It is also his favorite, mass-produced miscellaneous soldiers...



Raheem, who hit the air with one blow, turned around slowly and looked at Jiang Shang behind him.

Just as it raised its arm blade again, it was about to split its prey in two!

Jiang Shang, who was facing away from Lahemu, raised his hand without looking back, and grabbed the tentacles on Lahemu's head.


"God's mud and black mud..."

"It seems to be the same "material"..."

"In that case..."

"I'm welcome..."

Jiang Shang spoke lazily, with a cruel smile on his lips.

When the voice fell!

He was holding the tentacles of "Raheem", although he didn't use too much force!


The sound of flesh and blood being torn apart still resounded throughout the battlefield!

The monster's head, together with its complete spinal cord, was pulled out by Jiang Shang!

But the strange thing is!

Those splashes of black blood seemed to be controlled by an invisible force!

When it gushes out from the wound on the neck!

All attached to the spinal cord of "Raheem"!

Transformed into a sharp blade at a speed visible to the naked eye!

At this moment, the tentacles that Jiang Shang was holding turned into a sword hilt!

He took this strange weapon and slashed towards the front left at will!

The black mud thrown from the blade turned into a high-pressure water knife!

Split a Rahm in front left neatly into two halves!


Jiang Shang inspected this weird "weapon" and praised critically.

"Just call you..."

""Rahelm Spinal Cord Sword" is ready..."

Jiang Shang showed an evil smile, and whispered in a cold tone.

this moment...

The identities of prey and hunter have been reversed!


Some smart Raheems have already sensed something is wrong at this time!

The wings on their backs are opened, intending to escape from the scene as quickly as possible!


How could these clumsy little moves of these newly born little monsters escape Jiang Shang's eyes?

"Did I allow you to escape?"

Jiang Shang showed a ruthless sneer, and the bracelet he was wearing on his wrist flashed bright golden light!

Hundreds of silver chains flew out from Jiang Shang's wrist!

Like a boa constrictor on the hunt!

With lightning speed, traces were drawn in the air!

Those who plan to escape...


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