Still standing in place, the dazed Raheems...

Without any chance to dodge, he was tightly strangled by the "Sky Lock"!

These chains, under Jiang Shang's control, are very tight!

Not only did "Raheem" ​​feel pain, it even made them unable to breathe!

"It hurts..."

"The feeling of pain..."

The monsters murmured with difficulty, trying to tear off the chains around their necks with extraordinary strength!

But the shackles from the "Sky Lock" make it impossible for them, who are divine, to break free!

I can only endure the pain and cry out the pain of grievance!

Jiang Shang looked at the hundreds of painful Laheem, and suddenly pulled his arm as if playing a prank.

Under the pull of his arm strength, those hundreds of Lahemu were dragged to the ground one after another!

After falling, they try to get up again!

But as soon as their knees left the ground, the chains on their necks tightened again!

More than a dozen Rahm, because they got up too hard, were directly chained and their necks were broken!

Ended up a tragic end of a corpse separated!

The rest of the Raheems, after seeing the tragic situation of their companions.

With wisdom, they can already understand what fear is and what despair is!

They are also afraid, even afraid of death!


At this time, they can only be like pet dogs, kneeling on the ground in humiliation!

In a circular formation, Jiang Shang, who was kneeling and standing in the middle, did not dare to act rashly!

Jiang Shang looked down condescendingly at the group of monsters beside him.

This group of monsters made the biggest mistake.

340 That is evolution, advanced wisdom!


The more cunning a creature...

The more afraid of death, the easier it is to be dominated...

For example...

This group of monsters who dare not stand up because of fear!


Jiang Shang unexpectedly noticed that among these disgusting monsters, there was a trembling alien?

It hides at the back, much smarter than other companions.

at the same time...

It's also more timid...

Jiang Shang showed an interesting smile...

Under his command, the "Sky Lock" that restrained Raheem was suddenly retracted!

Dragging that one quickly, Raheem, who was so frightened and trembling, came to Jiang Shang.

Jiang Shang raised the "Raheem Spinal Sword" in his hand, and used the sharp point of the sword to lift the monster's chin, forcing it to raise its head.

"You have two options..."

"First... as a prey, I killed it."

"Second... Give me everything you have."

Jiang Shang looked down coldly, and Raheem, who was kneeling in front of him, ordered in a low voice.

His voice is like the bell of death.

It made that Raheem tremble even more violently.

hardly any consideration...

This timid monster tremblingly made a choice.

"I would like to..."

"Dedicate everything to you...".

265. The Man Who Raises Monsters!An army of monsters is about to be born!

Raheem, who was kneeling on the ground, raised his head with difficulty...

The sharp blade of the weapon made of "companions" rested on its throat.

Just advance a few centimeters and you'll be able to pierce its throat!

Although it has no eyes, it can perceive the surrounding environment through the "ether magic power"!

Just like this time...

The image of Jiang Shang's cruelty and indifference is displayed in the mind of this "Raheem".

Just like a "curse", it can't go away!

it's scared...

From the moment of becoming an "advanced intelligent creature".

The fear of death surpasses the arrogance brought about by "new humans"!

"I would like to..."

"Dedicate everything to you..."

The cowardly monster opened his mouth again timidly, offering his loyalty to the humans in front of him.

It is different from the other "Rahem".

In its mind, there is a piece of fragmented memory.

that is a gem...

A clear and flawless round gemstone...

It is the most beautiful thing in the world it has ever seen...

A memory that cannot be forgotten even if transformed into "Rahelm"!

The existence of that "transparent gem" has become an obsession!

The obsession to keep it alive!


It will be more afraid of death than its companions...

That's right...

The identity of this "Raheem"...

It is the "gem merchant" who was deceived by Jiang Shang!


The current gem merchant has become a complete monster.

The only bits of fragmented memory don't represent anything at all.


At the moment when this Raheem offered his allegiance...

It feels like a pair of invisible big hands!

One holds its heart!

One grabs its brain!

A sense of weight that has never been felt before casts a shadow on its deformed life.

Let it experience the pain of losing "freedom".

at the same time...

The sky lock bound around its neck was broken from the connection.

Take back the inside of Jiang Shang's bracelet.

The other section continued to strangle Raheem's neck like a collar.

This is the second "insurance".

As long as these guys try to break free from the chains, or disobey orders.

The "collar" transformed into the sky lock will instantly strangle its neck!


Jiang Shang raised his hand and patted this Raheem on the head.

"You're a smart guy...~々."

"Since you choose to be my "pet". "

"I will definitely 'feed' you well. "

Jiang Shang said approvingly, but his eyes were on the group of Lahemu who were kneeling on the ground.

"Eat them..."

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