Ai Lei looked at the endless sea of ​​golden flowers around her, her lowered eyes showed distressed expression.

"It's so beautiful..."

"I don't know after this battle..."

"Can this peaceful beauty be maintained..."


3 minute later...

The people who were sent back to the ground appeared on the streets of Uruk under the guidance of Ai Lei.

at this time...

On the deserted streets, soldiers holding torches are patrolling the streets.

The appearance of Yu Zaoqian and other followers caused quite a stir!

In the nearby three blocks, the patrolling soldiers rushed to the scene almost immediately.

Thinking that foreign enemies invaded, they immediately surrounded the scene!


An elderly centurion, holding a torch aloft, illuminates the crowd in front of him.

.... 0

He happened to see Ushiwakamaru with his hand on the handle of the knife in the middle of this group of people!

"Niu Ruo... my lord?"

"Are you...?"

He showed a joyful expression, and immediately went up to meet him.

Before the arrival of the "Savior", he was one of the "Servants of Heroic Spirits" who protected everyone.

She and this group of fighters all know each other!


Lead them more than once to repel the attack of Warcraft!


After recognizing the identity of "Ushi Wakamaru", he immediately signaled everyone to put down the weapon in his hand.

Ushiwakamaru tilted her head in doubt, squinting her bright eyes, and inspected the dark surroundings.

"Is the night in Uruk so dark?"

Ushiwakamaru asked suspiciously.

She has lived in this city for half a year.

Although she is only an outsider, she likes the city.

The starry sky in Uruk is the most beautiful scenery she has ever seen in her life!

But now...

In a dark city, you need to light a torch to barely see things clearly.

She only left for two short days, how could the outside world have changed so much?

Hearing Ushiwakamaru's question, the centurion tremblingly raised his finger and pointed above his head.

"Master Niu Ruo..."

"As long as you take a look at the sky, you will understand..."

Under the reminder of the centurion, Ushiwakamaru and his party raised their heads with doubts on their faces.


Suspended above their heads, that "Vanity Garden in the Sky".

They opened their mouths in shock, and stayed in place for a long time without being relieved... Beg...

268. The Empress Willingly Admit Defeat!The bet is over, and Jiang Shang wins!

What kind of concept is the "Sky Fortress" of 200 million square meters.

This is like a mountain, suspended above the head!

An inexplicable palpitation is exuding!

For the first time in my life!

Everyone at the scene understood what "giant phobia" is!

as well as...

Tiny being promoted to "primate"...

The sky garden of vanity seems to be suspended in the night sky hundreds of meters high!

Even the light of the stars cannot pass through this "Sky Fortress" and shine on the city below.

so that...

The street below, shrouded in darkness...

In order to prevent accidents, the soldiers could only light torches and patrol nearby.

after all...

Inside the circular tower at the bottom of this "Fortress of the Sky".

But there are "[-]" Raheems living!

As long as one escapes, it will be a disaster of "[-]" for this "Uruk City"!


Only then did the previous misunderstandings occur...


"This...this is!"

"My lord... how did he do it!"

Ushiwakamaru's eyes widened in shock, and he couldn't believe what he saw!

With her knowledge, it is simply unimaginable!

How was such a huge "Fortress of the Sky" created!

not just her...

Everyone present was shocked...

But the most shocking thing was the Assyrian empress "Semiramis"!

Vainglory Sky Garden!

Just a glance!

This Assyrian empress has already identified the true name of the floating "Heavenly Fortress"!

Do not!

This "sky garden of vanity" is even more extravagant than the one on her drawing!

Even the huge size is far away from the "original shape", more than a few times!

Semiramis opened his mouth, wanting to say something.

But when the exclamation reached his mouth, he swallowed it back again.

for a while...

The strong unwillingness and sense of decline made her look extremely ugly...

Her white and slender little hands were trembling slightly because of shame and anger...

In her field of expertise, she was actually defeated by someone!

Such a result was too cruel for her!


The unspeakable complexity turned into that woman's name!


Semiramis frowned, and muttered to himself in a gloomy voice.

Her desire to win won't allow her to lose so embarrassingly!

But she had to admit that she underestimated that woman!

at the same time...

She also underestimated that temporary Master...

Although I don't know what kind of taboo magic from the Age of Gods they used.

But the results in front of him can already explain everything!


"How about it?"

"This "sky garden" still looks like that. "

"Empress of Assyria, what is your impression of this "sky garden"? "

Jiang Shang's frivolous voice sounded from behind the Assyrian empress.

His playful tone was mixed with gloating.

He won the bet.

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