Semiramis turned around with an ugly face and looked at Jiang Shang behind him.

"I admit..."

"I lost this bet..."

Semiramis closed his eyes and turned his head coldly.

You have to admit that you are wrong.

Stand still when you are hit.

Although she is unwilling, she is willing to gamble and admit defeat!

She will abide by the "gamble" and dedicate her loyalty to the Master in front of her.

Jiang Shang is not pretentious...

This empress of the "civil engineering department", he wants to get it no matter what!


Under Jiang Shang's command, there is no shortage of top combat power!

Even the strengthened "Ibaraki Doji", such a top-notch youkai servant!

Under Jiang Shang's command, they are all marginal roles!

As for the underlying combat power...

Then there is no shortage...

Each of the [-] "Rahelm" is comparable to a second-rate follower!

Just sending them is enough to destroy a kingdom overnight!


The current Jiang Shang pays more attention to the "functional" assistant servants!

Just like...

Semiramis, the queen of Assyria!

She has the terrifying ability of "Team Construction: EX!"!

For "construction" and "dismantling", has a unique and extraordinary understanding!

Even being the "Mistress of the Underworld" would take a week to do.

After simply detecting the terrain, she did it easily in just two days!

This is the difference!

Not only that!

Even Morgan once expressed emotion to Jiang Shang when he was resting.

If the same material was built by the "Empress of Assyria", I am afraid it will be even more shocking!

This Assyrian empress lost 0....

But the actual result is not completely lost!


Jiang Shang drew up a new "Master-Slave Contract".

He raised his hand in a very gentlemanly manner, beckoning the Assyrian empress to take a look.

Semiramis glanced at it briefly.

No problem was found, and the contract was signed.

The command spell on the back of Jiang Shang's hand flashed a strange red light.

This is a normal phenomenon that occurs after the contract is successful!

Satisfied, Jiang Shang clapped his hands with a gentle face.

Attract everyone's attention to his direction.

"Just treat it as a reward..."

"Until you leave, you can live in heaven."

"I asked the maid of "Einzbern" to prepare a sumptuous dinner. "

"There is also a luxurious large bathroom and a comfortable soft bed."

"There are special "court musicians" who can play your favorite tunes. "

"How about it, do you like this reward?"

Jiang Shang asked gently.


"Simply love it!"

"I can't wait to relax!"


Yuzao raised her hands excitedly, with a little dusty face and a happy smile.

Matthew, who was also ashamed, showed a yearning expression.


"Senior! Wake up!"

She put Gudazi in her arms back on the ground again, and shook excitedly!

Gu Dazi, who was sleeping soundly, his head was shaken like a rattle.

But even so, the tired 4.3 girl showed no signs of waking up!

In desperation, Mash had no choice but to make a big move!

Mash put her head next to Gudazi's ear.

Under the suspicious gazes of others, she spoke in a low voice.


"Dinner is about to start..."

Matthew's voice is very soft, but it has a magic power that goes straight to the soul!

Gu Dazi, who was sleeping drowsily, immediately opened his red eyes.


"Where is there food..."

The drowsy Gudazi was talking vaguely in his dreams.

Let the atmosphere of the scene, by the way, shroud a layer of cheerful atmosphere.

"Let's go..."

Jiang Shang raised his left hand with a smile, and snapped his fingers crisply while everyone was watching.

Five elements escape technique, activated instantly!

When the girls and followers come back to their senses!

They have appeared in the palace of "Sky Garden"! .

269. The Assyrian Empress Returns!Female commander, now in place!

Luxurious palace interior...

The main color is black, dotted with golden gilt patterns.

The radiant "magic chandeliers" radiate golden light.

Everything in the house reflects a layer of noble holy light.

The "artificial man" of Einzbern, with a humble smile on his front, bent his slender waist, and stood respectfully on both sides.

In this palace alone, which is used to accommodate guests, there are 64 maids who take care of daily life!

In contrast to...

The temple of Gilgamesh suddenly became dim.

As for the main city...

Two hundred maids led by "Siduri" are responsible for the operation of the main city.

The former chief priest is now working as the "chief maid".

This place will become Siduri's new home.

As for...

Knowledge about the future...

She can learn little by little in the future.



"I'm coming!"

In front of the blasting Yuzao, 04 happily shook his fox ears and rushed towards the inside of the palace.

Her keen sense of smell has already sensed the smell of aromatherapy!

Seeing Yu Zaoqian's happy face, the others quickly followed.

After watching the girls leave...

The calm Jiang Shang turned around lazily and looked at Semiramis who was left behind.

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