"Aren't you going with me?"

Jiang Shang joked gently.


"I like clean..."

Semiramis sighed dejectedly.

She is feeling a little bit uncomfortable now.


Vanity Sky Garden...

It is a miracle that only she can create...


Not only was it built quickly, but it was even more magnificent than the design drawings!

When she stepped into this area in person, what made her sigh was yet to come.

This is the land blessed by "Goddess of Heaven - Ishtar"!

As the queen of Assyria, standing on this land, she can get local bonuses!

never fail!


all the results...

It has nothing to do with her...

She couldn't help but regret why she didn't participate in the construction in the first place.

The remorse of Semiramis was clearly seen by the master Jiang Shang.

"Let's go for a walk..."

"The rose garden blooming in the outside world, but I "cultivated" it with my own hands. "

Jiang Shang raised his hand, motioning for Semiramis to accompany him for a stroll outside.


Semiramis sighed bitterly, she walked to Jiang Shang's side.

Without pretentiousness, she took Jiang Shang's arm,

The two looked at each other, both showed knowing smiles, and went to the outside garden together.

at this time...

In the night sky of Mesopotamia, the stars twinkle and shine from the night sky to the courtyard.

The two who left the palace walked on a quiet path.

Semiramis raised his hand and brushed the delicate rose beside him.

She looked surprised.

Even in a sub-zero environment, they still ignore the change of seasons.

And every petal has not withered or decayed!


This anomaly came from the hands of a magician...

"I'm afraid these flowers are not simple..."

"I'm up here, smelling soul and death."

The palm of Semiramis stroked one petal after another, asking curiously.

"That's right..."

"These petals are handicrafts of "soul materialization". "

"It is a thing transformed from the countless dead souls who died on this land."

"Under the supply of magic power, they can maintain this state until eternity."

Jiang Shang explained calmly.

The places where these "flowers of the dead" bloom are the extension of the underworld!

This also means that the entire "Vanity Sky Garden" enjoys the protection of the underworld!

Any unit that dies here will have its soul intact.

Through the Noble Phantasm of "Tamamo-mae", you can resurrect infinitely!

Although it takes time to reshape the body.

But this is like the time when monsters refresh in the game.

As long as you are still on this heavenly fortress, you will not really die!

at the same time...

This is also the flower field, the meaning of existence...

It is worth mentioning that flower fields like this are all over every castle!

Destroying the flower fields is no less difficult than directly destroying the "sky garden"!


"Is that so..."

"No wonder every rose is so delicate."

Semiramis sighed thoughtfully.

The pursuit of eternal life was once her obsession.

It is also one of the wishes that she will obey the call and respond to the Holy Grail in this world.


Such an opportunity was right in front of her...

And you get it without asking...


The two walked forward without saying a word, passing through the beautiful flower fields and the quiet corridor.


At the end of the corridor, Jiang Shang stopped.

"How do you like it here?"

Jiang Shang turned his head expectantly, staring at the Assyrian empress beside him.


"Even I can't do it, such a perfect masterpiece."

"The more you understand, the more emotional you will be."

"I'm convinced that I lost."

Semiramis sighed in disappointment.

She herself enjoys building.

Failed to participate in the construction of this "fortress".

For her, it is a great regret.

Jiang Shang showed a clear smile, he turned around lazily, and sat on the bench at the end of the corridor.


"I'm telling you now..."

"This is just the first stage of the "Sky Garden", what will you do 340? "

Jiang Shang leaned on the back of the chair and asked expectantly.

"The first stage...?"

"You actually called the "two square kilometers" of the fortress of the sky: the first stage? "

"Master, what are you thinking?"

Semiramis, who was in a trance, asked back in shock.

Jiang Shang smiled and nodded.

"That's right..."

"My original plan was to build a real "sky city". "

"What you see now is only the most basic core part."

"The "central part" of the second stage is about ten square kilometers. "

"I want you to build it, what do you think?"

"Of course..."

"You are my servant now, and I will never let you down."

"I can give you a subsidiary authority second only to mine."

"Let you become, the commander of this "City in the Sky", what do you think? "

Jiang Shang talked to himself, and offered a generous bargaining chip.

"Ten kilometers..."

"Master, you are really greedy..."

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