Semiramis, raised her slender palms to cover her sexy lips.

Even she was a little excited about this crazy plan!


"For the sake of "Commander"..."

"The next construction project, you can rest assured to leave it to me...".

270. Three flashes accidentally in the same frame?Angelica, Flash is here!

The return of Semiramis made Jiang Shang smile from the bottom of his heart.

"As the saying goes, there are specialties in the art industry..."

"The construction of the second phase of the "Sky City" will be in your charge. "

"After are a professional..."

Jiang Shang took out an obsidian from his pocket.

as well...

The original Semiramis is the same as being handed over to him.


Jiang Shang held the gem with two fingers, and placed it lightly in the palm of the "Empress of Assyria".

He has already proved his ability, now it's the empress' turn...

Semiramis took the gem, she held it between her thumb and forefinger, and raised it above her head curiously.

Under the illumination of the starlight, tiny golden characters emerged from the inside of the obsidian.

These words drawn together are the drawings and instructions for the next stage.

"Ha ha..."

"Master, you are really wicked..."

Semiramis glanced at Jiang Shang, and after understanding what the master meant, he smiled softly.


For her, this is a good opportunity to show her abilities.

The strength of this "sky city" in the future will directly determine her position in Jiang Shang's heart!


In the following time, she will go all out and do everything possible to achieve the ultimate!


Silent night...

In the early morning of the next day, the first ray of dawn had not yet come.


A melodious call suddenly sounded from a distance!

Just like sounding the horn of the general attack, the soldiers who stayed in Uruk hurriedly entered the fighting state!

Even Gilgamesh in the temple suddenly opened his eyes!

After waking up from hibernation, he landed on the city wall as fast as he could, and looked into the distance with an unfriendly expression!

at this time...

On the eve of dawn, a thick gray fog filled the outside of the city.

For ordinary people, the visibility is no more than five meters.

In this abnormal weather, they couldn't determine the distance to Tiamat!

But according to Jiang Shang's judgment three days ago, Tiamat will descend on the evening of the third day!

That is to say...

This afternoon at the earliest is the day of the decisive battle!

To protect this "Uruk City".

It is necessary to stop this "Creator Goddess" on the plain before she arrives!

The "Sky Fortress" suspended in the sky.

"The Fang of Napistine" on the ground.

It is the front-line fortress for air and land defense!


Gilgamesh looked around, his eyes on the top of the temple.

During this time...

The "Bow Servant" who had been staying on top and was in charge of long-distance reconnaissance had quietly retreated at this time.

She wasn't the only one who took it down...

And her assistant, the tiny goblin!

"Natalia, Trott~々!"

"Where is the person in charge of long-range reconnaissance!"

Gilgamesh turned angrily, his eyes quivered slightly, and looked at the warriors gathered on the city wall.

"It's been four hours!"

"Four hours!"

"Why didn't anyone report such an important thing!"

"Without them observing Tiamat's movement through the "clairvoyance"! "

"Could it be that you plan to let me do it myself!"


"You really think that this king is omniscient and omnipotent!"

Gilgamesh yelled at the warriors present, his head aching again.

During this period of time, he has never had a peaceful rest.

There are endless things to deal with every day!


He will hand over the important task of observing "Tiamat" to Jiang Shang's followers!

To know...

At this time, he is not yet a follower...

He is a living life, and like Jiang Shang, he is made of flesh and blood!

Even for a "magician" like him, if he doesn't rest for a long time, his body will have various problems.


is one of them...

Gilgamesh covered his forehead with his hands, and his slender body was trembling with anger.

As the king of this era, he hates unruly and disobedient guys!

Jiang Shang is like this...

Unexpectedly, even his followers were like this!

This kind of way of not saying hello at all, directly passing him!

Let the Xian Wang, who was already bad-tempered, become even more irritable at this time!


A bold and careful commander stood out from the crowd looking at the restless king.


"Ms. Natalia and her little goblin assistant were called back by Master Jiang Shang."

"Before they left, there was already a "new Heroic Spirit" who took over her work. "

"Currently...everything is fine..."

The commander spoke slowly and explained for the two followers.


The commander-in-chief's face looked a little weird.

not just him...

Even the other fighters present are the same...

To be precise, it was their strange eyes that looked at "Gilgamesh".


"A new follower?"

"Could it be the guy from "above"? "

Gilgamesh raised his head suspiciously, and looked at the "Fortress of the Sky" floating in the air.

Inside this fortress, there is a strong man who even rushes to him to give him a headache!


Far more than one...

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