Gilgamesh asked a question, but there was no warrior present who dared to answer it.

as if...

The identity of that "Servant" is like an indescribable taboo.


Gilgamesh's scolding sound had already attracted the attention of that "Servant".

The crisp sound of armor resounded from the city wall.

A cold and proud elder sister with golden twin ponytails and an expressionless face.

Wearing the golden armor of the age of gods, he appeared in front of Gilgamesh.

"` ~The servant who replaced the "Assassination Team" was me..."

"Do you have any opinion?"

The cold wooden female voice contained no trace of emotion.

The moment the sound rang...

The soldiers who stayed on the city wall pushed away to the sides full of awe.

Make way for this indifferent heroic spirit.


In Gilgamesh's astonished eyes...

"Angelica" with one hand (okay) on her hips stepped out of the crowd and appeared in front of Gilgamesh.

"You guy..."

Gilgamesh said in a deep voice, his cheeks twitching non-stop.

The "doll girl" who appeared in front of him was stealing his power!

This damn fake is trying to use his dirty hands to get his hands on his king's treasury!

on purpose!

It was definitely that man who did it on purpose!

Boundless anger rose in Gilgamesh's heart.

Just when Gilgamesh was about to ask for his punishment!

A lazy complaining voice sounded from behind the woman.

"That guy, really...Commissioner"

"You actually sent this king here..."

The fair-haired, beautiful boy yawned reluctantly.

He looked in Gilgamesh's direction as if he hadn't woken up, and raised his little hand jokingly.


"My old self..."

"Your attire is really funny..."

271. The Wicked Still Need the Wicked!A new unlucky egg appears!

The oppressive atmosphere at the scene suddenly became extremely strange.

Gilgamesh frowned, looking at the woman in front of him.

as well as...

That annoying "smelly kid" beside her!

"Jiang Shang...that guy..."

"Could it be that you want to piss me off to death?"

"On the eve of the decisive battle, they still engage in such pranks!"

Gilgamesh said angrily.

He clutched his chest with an ugly face and leaned his body against the city wall.

Do not know why...

Since Jiang Shang came to this world, his body has been getting worse day by day!


Pure is to be pissed off...


The fair-haired, beautiful boy looked at "Gilgamesh" and smiled contemptuously.

"You clearly know that Uruk is bound to be destroyed."


"Hehehe... actually..."

"Also built an "absolute front" in an attempt to change the inevitable fate. "

"It's so funny..."

"I can't do it anymore, tears flowed from the king's smile..."

Young Jill burst into tears as she laughed, but she continued to sneer mercilessly.

"You guy, are you really this king's "Different Time and Space Same Body"? "

"You idiot, you are so stupid that you can't even look at me anymore!"

Jill smiled contemptuously.

His defiant look made the Xian Wang Shan on the opposite side clenched his fists angrily.

"You defeated "brake species", how dare you say that! "

"Evidently 357 is dying, yet he still has to put on an arrogant face."

"You, who can't even protect your subjects, are you worthy of being called a king?"

"For a tyrant like you to end up like this, it's really a good reincarnation."

Xian Wangshan sneered and raised his head, looking down at the brat in front of him.

"You "brake species"! "

"Could it be that you can't find death!"

"Is this king an idiot like you who can comment?!"

Young Jill was angry, although he looked like a teenager.

But his character is what he looked like during the "Fourth Holy Grail War"!


Cold-blooded and ruthless!

Heaven and earth, I am the only one!

In addition to being tricked by "Jiang Shang", he accumulated a lot of resentment.

Seeing myself in the parallel world, of course I have to open my mouth to ridicule!

But he didn't expect...

The other party dared to fight back, and his mouth was sharper than him!


Golden ripples emerged from behind Young Jill.

But in the blink of an eye, the six doors of the treasure house were opened!

For the idiot who offends the majesty of the king, even if that person is his own "different plane homotopy"!

I have to die to make atonement!

Six peerless divine weapons slowly leaned out from the door of the treasure house.


Xian Wang Shan, who was standing opposite him, did not move.

Instead, fold your arms around your chest...

Slightly raised lips, showing a look of gloating.

at the same time!

A terrifying evil spirit that made "Young Jill's hairs stand on end" suddenly struck from behind!

The "Gate of the Treasure House" that unfolded behind him was forcibly closed at this time!

Realizing that something was wrong, he turned around stiffly with a bitter face.

As expected...

Jiang Shang, who did not know when he appeared, was standing behind him, looking down at him coldly.

This scene...

Nearly gave him cardiopulmonary arrest...

If you want to describe it, the deterrence is probably not lost to: the head teacher standing behind the door.

"I asked you to come here, not to find trouble..."

"My teacher is very disappointed in you for your behavior..."

Jiang Shang bent down with a cold expression, raised his warm hands, and squeezed Young Jill's little face.

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