"Obviously the strength is so strong, but he still refuses to make a real move."

"You guys are really hateful."

Xian Wang flashed a helpless expression, complaining about this mysterious man.

He chose to ignore all the sufferings he encountered in his "parallel world self".


I still want to applaud...


Jiang Shang smiled lightly and shook his finger.

"A seemingly soft tongue can also break a person's bones."

"The art of stratagem sometimes deters others more than punishment."

"I hate fighting..."

"I never use my fists to settle things that I can sit down and negotiate."

Jiang Shang said calmly.


At this time, the first ray of dawn fell from the sky and shone on the city wall.

Let this "savior" have an extra layer of soft blessing of holy light.

Witnessing this scene in front of me...

The warriors of Uruk have clasped their hands together.

To this savior, pray for the final victory!

Gilgamesh snorted softly, and by the way gave Jiang Shang a white look.

The virtuous king turned around and stood on the city wall, looking at the dissipating fog.

"The thick fog is starting to recede..."

"Jiang Shang, when are you going to launch an attack?"

Gilgamesh asked curiously.

After all, this "sky garden of vanity" is in the hands of Jiang Shang!

Only he has the power, control it to the final battlefield!

Go intercept the "God Tiamat" and prevent her from moving forward!

"It's noon..."

"Compared to this, you should go to rest..."

Jiang Shang looked ahead at the weak Gilgamesh.

Chronic sleep deprivation, combined with overwork, was like a dull knife consuming his health.

he needs to rest...

Even if there are only six hours from now...

"you're right..."

"For the remaining battles, this king will fight side by side with you until the last moment."

Gilgamesh smiled knowingly, made his promise, and returned to the temple again.

Although he hates "himself in the parallel world".

But he still agrees with the strength of "himself".


And Jiang Shang, stay here and sit in charge...

Gilgamesh can finally let go of things and rest with peace of mind.

Then use your peak state to deal with the next battle!



Semiramis, who acts as the "commander", injects his own magic power into the control center.

Let the standby "Vanity's Sky Garden" be activated again.


This powerful treasure out of specification now belongs to "Jiang Shang".


The phase of Semiramis is more in line with this empty fortress.

If she is in control...

Can use the power of this "sky garden" to the maximum!

As the owner of the "Bao Phantasm", Jiang Shang can do other things as he pleases.

You will not be bound in the "control room" and run the fortress all the time.

Because of this, Jiang Shang appointed "Semiramis", the Assyrian empress, to take on the role of commander.

Hands off shopkeeper...

With a loose personality, he once again became the hands-off shopkeeper...


This entrustment is not a world!

It is a floating city in the sky!


The "Sky Garden" that started to operate did not make a single sound.

Floating in the air, the eleven-faced black coffin similar to the "loyal wingman" is also unfolded.

0····Ask for flowers·······

Watched by the "Three Thousand Warriors" who stayed behind in Uruk.

This heavenly fortress flew towards the direction of the battlefield.

Ishtar, who was driving the "Tianzhou Maanna", was already floating in the sky on the left.

With one hand on her waist, she calmly looked down at the distant sky.

And on the right side of "Fortress of the Sky".

Nezha, who used the "Second Avatar Technique", separated out ten avatars again, responsible for the protection on the right side.


"In the next battle, you must protect yourself!"

From the front of the Fortress of the Sky, Quetzal's voice came.

She rode the "Fengshen Pterosaur" and enthusiastically greeted everyone behind.

Beside her, Thor, who was transformed into his own body, was floating in the air, waving the black dragon wings on his back.

In the next operation, she will act as the main attacker.


It has been a few days since I came to this era.

She couldn't wait a long time ago, she wanted to soothe her body that was almost rusted!

left, right, forward...

Jiang Shang has made arrangements...

As for...

Behind the Sky Fortress...

Illya, who was summoned by Jiang Shang, has turned into a magical girl at this time.

She was floating in the air, encouraging herself softly.

"Come on!"

"Illya, you are the strongest!"

The soft girlish voice revealed a trace of nervousness.

The hostile creatures she will face next are real monsters!

She has to work harder and get serious!

In addition to the "four directions" of air power.

On the ground below, Xian Wang Shan, who landed in the "Fortress of the Sky" for the first time.

He was holding a tomahawk with a weird shape, made of pure gold and special metals.

On the other hand was a magic book carved on a stone slab.

Through this "magic code"...

Gilgamesh can summon overwhelming magic wands from the "King's Treasury".

Cast any familiar magic from the Age of Gods, and send out attacks of varying power!

not just him...

Whether it's Young Jill or Angelica...

Or Mordred, Bagster, Ushiwakamaru and others are also ready at this time!

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