As for Jeanne...

She was already standing in front of the "Fortress of the Sky", holding the flag tightly in her hand.

In the next "Front Charge"!

Joan's "Noble Phantasm" will exert an unexpected magical effect!begging.

273. Flying Garden Shows Its Power!The power of the light cannon burns the sky and boils the sea!

The sky garden of vanity, from the moment of operation, it flies towards the sky.

3000 meters!

6000 meters!

9000 meters!

Ten thousand meters!

This giant sky fortress is not only flying high, but also speeding up!

It has even reached "Mach [-]"!

Fly at the speed of sound!

This is a speed that even many airliners in the future world cannot reach!

A layer of blue barrier slowly opened, forming a ring shape, covering the entire fortress.

It is isolated from the temperature from the outside world and the impact of migratory birds.

Even the gusts of the outside world are isolated at this time.

The sky garden inside the barrier has become its own small world!

Unless the outer barrier is broken, all attacks will not be able to affect the inside!

When this "Sky Fortress" passed over the sky above "The Fang of Napistine".

The "Rahem" sleeping in the sea of ​​blood have detected the enemy's breath!

"Three-five-seven" they are forced to enter the wake-up state, wriggling their backs, and stretching out pairs of wings!


"Destroy him!"

The Rahems are calling, those who are still sleeping!

Take the "Fortress of the Sky" in the sky as the target of attack!

All of a sudden!

Countless Lahemu flew out of the sea of ​​blood, like locusts magnified countless times!

They are like dark clouds covering the land, blocking the sun's rays, and trying to destroy the fortress in front of them with a huge number!

Seeing them getting closer, the servants in charge of air combat frowned more and more!

Such an astonishing number, at least tens of thousands!

If you don't unseal the "Treasure Phantasm", I'm afraid it will be too soft to kill, and you won't be able to kill it all!


Ishtar looked at the "Floating Garden of Vanity" and his lips were trembling with anger.

With such a big goal, to challenge the "God Tiamat", no matter how you look at it, it is stupid.

Just relying on the number of "servants" on your own side, how can it be compared to the endless monster army!


"That guy's head, isn't it funny!"

"How can such a flashy thing be useful!"

Ishtar muttered angrily, she raised her slender hand and made a shooting motion.

But just then...

The order from Jiang Shang sounded in the minds of all the followers.

"The miscellaneous soldiers in the outfield don't need your help."

"Semiramis, she will take care of it."

Jiang Shang's voice could not hear the nervous tone, and it was a bit lazy as always.


Thinking of Jiang Shang, what he did before...

They decisively chose to trust Jiang Shang, and retreated to the inside of the barrier one after another.

Leave the next battle to that Assyrian empress!

control center...

The curved virtual screens on one side are showing the clear picture of the outside world in all directions!

On the towering Thorn Throne, Semiramis is watching the situation on the outside battlefield.

After hearing the command from the master, the queen of Assyria raised her sexy lips slightly.

"The black coffin of ten and one, activate."

"Output power, ten percent."

Semiramis raised his palm with a faint smile.

A gorgeous purple-black magic circle emerged between her fingers, floating in front of her sight!

As the commander of this "Heavenly Fortress", she has authority second only to the Master!

This also means!

Now she can use any weapon!

The order of the Assyrian empress was issued!

Suspended in the "Sky Garden of Vanity", the outermost eleven black coffins were immediately activated!

The huge black coffin, which is thousands of meters long, glows with purple-black veins of light!

The "Little Holy Grail" inlaid inside provides infinite vast magic power!

next moment!

Eleven purple light cannons with a width of one kilometer fired from eleven black coffins!

Wherever the light cannon passed, even the space was burned and deformed!

The blazing light devoured everything!

Under the brilliant light, those attacking Raheem didn't even have a chance to dodge!

Those deformed bodies were vaporized in the blink of an eye, turning into the most primitive ether particles!

Eleven thousand-meter-wide light cannons extend tens of kilometers away under the magic power provided by the "Holy Grail"!

Wherever the light cannon passed, even the boiling blood below was evaporated for dozens of kilometers!

Exposing a thousand-meter-deep giant rift!


When the purple light cannon fired by "Black Coffin of Ten and One" dissipated into the sky.

Within a radius of tens of kilometers!

Apart from the people inside the barrier, there is no sign of any "life" activity!

Only the "Sky Garden of Vanity" was left, flying smoothly over the ruins that had turned into hell at a speed of Mach [-]!

for a while...

Everyone who observed this scene widened their eyes in astonishment.

" scary..."

Gu Dazi, who witnessed this scene, had fine sweat on his forehead.

Her slender body was trembling.

Tens of thousands of Raheem were instantly vaporized!

That's right!

Just evaporate!

The Raheem Legion, which was like a "dark cloud cover" before, has all disappeared!

Even the sky turned blue, as pure as if there were no impurities!

Just when Gudazi was shocked, Jiang Shang returned the 0 inside the bracelet to her....

The doctor's exclamation sounded.

"Lixiang, how are you doing now?"

"We just detected: high-energy reactions!"

"In the high-energy reaction just now, the temperature has exceeded the surface temperature of the sun!"

"That level of power is enough to destroy the current world in a short time!"

"By the way!"


"The "Holy Grail" reaction was also detected! "

"But the number is as high as: twelve!"

"These weird holy grails are like "artificial suns"! "

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