Each layer of protection is multiplied...

The last three layers are world-class defenses...

Wanting to break through the protection of "Tiamat" is no less than daydreaming...

Everyone's hearts instantly rose to their throats.

Everyone looked at Jiang Shang in unison, waiting for his countermeasure!

at this time...

This man is the backbone of everyone!

"Master! Let me come!"

"With my "Noble Phantasm", breaking the outermost layer is not a problem! "

Ishtar descended from the sky, walked to Jiang Shang's side, patted his chest confidently, and introduced himself.

"Do not..."

"Your task is to blast the ground and create a path that leads directly to the entrance of the "Underworld". "

Jiang Shang entered the arena shaking his head, rejecting Ishtar's proposal.


"What time is this, why are you still in this "three-five-seven" lazy look!"

Gilgamesh is angry, this is the final battle of human civilization!

There must be no mistakes!


Jiang Shang just glanced at him calmly and made a booing gesture.


He calmly looked at Raheem, who was bound by the "Sky Lock", kneeling on the ground.

"The outermost layer of defense..."

"The children of Tiamat will be responsible for destroying it."

Jiang Shang showed a gentle smile, and said the answer to the problem amidst everyone's confused expressions.

"Children of Tiamat?"

"You bastard, what stupid things are you talking about!"

Ishtar stomped his feet angrily. It was already this time, and this guy was still joking.

not just her...

Others also looked puzzled...

I don't know what kind of medicine this "savior" sells in the gourd.

But the next moment, Jiang Shang answered everyone's doubts with practical actions!

Jiang Shang lazily looked down at the approaching Tiamat in the distance.

The corners of his mouth are raised slightly...

The three god children bound by the "Sky Lock" knelt down on their knees.

But when they sensed Jiang Shang's smile.

The body began to tremble unconsciously, and even the sound of the heartbeat became extra harsh!

They have already experienced the horror of this man!

Not only that!

Jiang Shang exuded an aura similar to "mother"!

Do not!

That breath is stronger than that of mother!

That is the most primitive, purest malice!

This man is the real monster!

Out of fear of the unknown, one of the divine sons couldn't resist the pressure!

"I...will surrender!"

"Raheem" ​​on the far right suddenly begged for mercy!

As the "Eleven Son of Tiamat", he has the panel of a top servant!

No matter as a thug!

Still as a guard!

It is all an object worth conquering!


Jiang Shang lazily turned around and shook his head regretfully.

"It's really a simple "creature"..."

"This embarrassing appearance is not acceptable..."

Jiang Shang joked with a smile.


And in a harmless tone to humans and animals, he said to the begging Raheem.

"I've always been kind..."

"I can't see the world suffer..."


"I'll see you off right now, and reunite with your mother..."

When Jiang Shang's words fell, his left hand quickly formed a seal!

When subduing the "Leopard Man", the reward provided by the system.


Finally came in handy...

"With ingenuity and cold blood, end everything."

Jiang Shang teased with a light smile.

And the target is the one who surrendered first!

next moment...

Suddenly, a surge of extremely powerful energy surged out from the body of the Son of God!

That is its "God's Core", through the way of burning, transformed into a blow of sacrifice!



Sensing something wrong with his body, that Raheem begged for mercy eagerly.


The cold-blooded Jiang Shang has already turned around...

He smiled jokingly, pointing his slender fingers at Tiamat in the distance.

"Squeeze for a while!"

Jiang Shang sneered and said the real name of "Bao Phantasm"!

next moment!

That Raheem turned into a bright white light and soared from the ground!

The energy transformed by the divine core is multiplied by multiples soaring rapidly!

After breaking the body of "Raheem"!

At a height of thousands of meters, it turns into an "Arrow of Light" hundreds of meters away!

Under Jiang Shang's control, he rammed towards Tiamat at a speed dozens of times Mach!


There was a loud roar that resounded through the sky and earth, accompanied by a dazzling glare!

Everyone had to raise their hands to protect their fragile eyes to resist the burning sensation!


The sound similar to the breaking of eggshells rang in everyone's ears...

Tiamat's seven barriers, the outermost side, actually collapsed in the air!

Not only that!

Tiamat's speed has also been disturbed!

For everyone, more blocking time!


Everyone's faces became even paler...

Even "Gilgamesh" looked at Jiang Shang with a hint of fear!

"As expected of you..."

"Even this kind of thing can be done!"

"Are you really human?"

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