Ishtar's face was pale, and his cheeks twitched and complained about Jiang Shang 0. …

Make "Son of Tiamat" a sacrifice!

Use the cruel method of "burning the core of God" in exchange for terrifying destructive power!

Use this to smash the barrier of "Tiamat"!

This is no longer a question of "morality"!

It's a question of "human nature"!

Jiang Shang... this guy...

"Cold-blooded" can no longer be used to describe...


"This is a necessary "sacrifice"..."

Jiang Shang replied calmly.

When the voice fell, he had already selected the "Son of God" in the middle!


Jiang Shangping gave the order peacefully.

Another dazzling "light arrow" rising from the ground!

After zooming hundreds of times in the air, rush towards the barrier of Tiamat!


The second roar that resounded through the heaven and earth turned into a bloody shock wave and shattered the sixth barrier!


Before everyone came back to their senses, the third shock came one after another!


The continuous explosions created a chain reaction!

The power generated is even more multiplied!

The fifth layer of barriers, and the fourth layer of barriers, will soon be broken one after another!


Shown in public...

Only the innermost one remains, the three "world-class" protective barriers!

at this time...

The people who were already shocked and completely speechless began to look around.

Tiamat's Son of God has been used up!

do not know...

Who will be next...

Replacement: Tiamat Eleven...

Use your life to smash the three sides, the most solid defense barrier? .

279. Quetzal's Dedication!Noble Phantasm Activation: Solar Calendar Stone!

When everyone doubts each other...

Quezal, who was riding the "Fengshen Pterosaur", showed a complicated smile...

She got up from the pterosaur's back and was about to jump down...

A palm, but suddenly grabbed her wrist!

A powerful force pulled her back forcibly!

"What are you thinking!"

"Has your guy's head been burned!"

Thor scolded.

During this period of getting along, she and Quetzal have become acquainted.

Although calling it "friends" is still a bit premature.

But one dragon and one god, after all, allegiance to the same master!


The "hot-blooded idiot" in front of her is her friend's "different space-time counterpart"!

she even...

Haven't seen it lightly yet...

These two "Quetzals" have an epic meeting!


She wants to stop this guy, she must not be allowed to do stupid things!


Quezal showed a doting smile, raised his hand and rubbed Thor's head.


"Although I don't know why, as a giant dragon, you obviously hate God so much, but you care so much about me."

"But I promise you..."

"Soon, we'll meet again..."

Quetzal comforted her gently, like a big sister who dotes on her younger sister.


She broke Thor's palm, and jumped off the back of the Fengshen pterosaur!

Maybe it's a coincidence...

The direction where Quetzal landed was exactly where the "Son of Tiamat" was before.


Quezal, who landed steadily, brushed his long golden hair on his forehead, and said softly.

"It's a tough choice..."

"You should... understand?"

Jiang Shang turned his back to Quetzal and sighed in a complicated tone.

Servants included in the "God Ranking", even if their spirit foundations are burned, their god cores will be destroyed.

You can also use your "real name" to be summoned to the world again!

Not only that...

Previous memories will also be preserved...



Treat your own servants as one-time consumables...

Even Jiang Shang couldn't bear to do such a ruthless thing.


Facing the approaching "Tiamat"...

Let "Quetzal", the main god, send out the strongest blow by burning the god's core!

It is the most effective and easiest way to break the third barrier!

after all...

There is the existence of "Fengshen Bang"...

Quetzal can be resurrected at any time...



Quetzal showed a relieved smile, and she walked forward slowly.

When passing by Jiang Shang, she raised her palm and patted the master's shoulder.

Compared with other goddesses, Quetzal is more stable and intelligent.

She can see the warmth and coldness of human nature through things.

For example, the Master in front of me is a very extreme human being.

He treats his enemies in the most cold-blooded way, extracting value from them.


He treats his subordinates with such gentleness, like the head of a family.

"When we meet next time, don't forget our promise."

"You want to accompany me to the "Wrestling Match"! "

Quetzal smiled freely, waved to Jiang Shang, and said goodbye briefly.

And this scene...

It is also seen by other people...

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