
"Are you crazy!"

Ishtar roared eagerly, looking at his former friends, making such a realization!

This fiery goddess of heaven couldn't hold back at that time!


"Quetzal, but your servant!"

"It's just breaking the barrier, let me do it!"

"As long as you have the supply of magic power, ten times won't work, just a hundred times!"

"The "barrier" will always be broken! "

"do you think so?"

Ishtar said eagerly, and she tried to rush to Jiang Shang to stop this cold-blooded guy.


A white and tender slender hand pressed down on her shoulder as quickly as possible.

"calm down..."

"The Master's "Fengshen Bang" can revive servants. "

"Quetzal, you can't die."

"No, mind your own business."

Nezha's voice sounded from behind Ishtar.

What she hates the most is a tragic farewell!


Having participated in the "Battle of the Conferred Gods", she decisively told the truth!


Ishtar turned his head sluggishly.

Looking back, Nezha with a flat expression.


Nezha nodded calmly, looked forward, and looked at Quetzal expectantly.

The main god of the Maya, even as a servant, was summoned in a downgraded manner.

Her real strength is not a follower, but a comparable extraordinary existence!


The treasure she releases next will definitely be very shocking...


Quetzal walked to the front of the crowd.

She closed her eyes full of remembrance, and the expression on her face gradually became firm.

"The past is here!"

"It's the same today!"

"The future is here!"

Quetzal opened his hands, and with a passionate magnetic voice, he read the oath of the "Noble Phantasm"!

A bright golden light emerged from her body, turning into a huge golden magic circle in the sky ten meters high!

"Exhale the wind..."

"Calling Thunder..."

"At dawn, it's time for Venus to shine!"

"You must know that the sun is also on the other side, shining brightly!"

"Solar calendar stone!"

At the end of Quetzal's chanting, the golden magic circle was spinning at high speed!

A "stone" wrapped in blazing flames fell from the magic circle!

and this...

It is the Noble Phantasm of Quetzal!

Its name is: Solar Calendar Stone!

Quetzal raised his left hand, showing a farewell smile.

She is ready to sacrifice!

A world-class defensive barrier, let her completely defeat it!

Quetzal, holding the "Solar Calendar Stone", jumped down from the sky garden!

Fly towards "Tiamat" in the distance!


Thousands of Rahm rushed towards Quetzal like crazy at this moment!

"Don't try to succeed!"

Raheems, howling fiercely!

No matter what the price is, they will stop it, this crazy god!

even though!

In self-destructive fashion!

"You're too handsome..."

Seeing the overwhelming monsters and losing his foothold, Quetzal murmured wryly!

But right now!

A mass of fiery dragon breath turned into a monstrous fiery sea of ​​flames!

Burn those flying monsters mercilessly into coke!

Quetzal showed a dull look.

Before she came to her senses, she had already landed on the broad dragon's back!


Quetzal looked at the dragon below and asked in a daze.

"I'll take you there."

Thor answered very simply, the emerald green defensive barrier spread around her!

She waved her huge dragon wings, increasing her speed to an unbelievable level!

Crush those swarming monsters into minced meat flying around!

now that...

She can't stop this "hot-blooded idiot"!


Let her complete the task vigorously!

Even if the enemy ahead is the legendary god of creation—Tiamat!

Even if the breath of God she exudes makes Thor suffer from the suppression of blood!

even so...

Thor also gritted his teeth stubbornly, breaking through the encirclement of the enemy!

It is bound to send Quetzal to the "God of Creation - Tiamat"! .

280. The World-Destroying Blow!The blazing flame will also burn the gods!

Getting closer!

Tiamat's body, in front of a dragon and a god, is constantly zooming in!

On this planet, the highest known peak is only over 8000 meters!


The "God of Creation" in front of him is tens of thousands of meters high!

The closer you are to "Tiamat", the more terrifying the coercion she exudes!

The careful Quetzal noticed Thor's pressure at this time.

She leaned down gently, patted Thor's body, and made a movement of accumulating strength.

"Just go here..."

"Thanks for taking me here, Thor..."

Quetzal smiled gently, and the moment the words fell, she had already jumped up from the dragon's back!

The fiery iron fist melted Thor's protective barrier!

Launch a self-destructive charge towards "Tiamat" thousands of meters away!

"Solar calendar stone!"

Quetzal's body spun around at high altitude, threw a punch with all his strength, and smashed hard on the "third defensive barrier"!

The high temperature of thousands of degrees transformed into a blazing impact that burned everything!

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