Tiny cracks surfaced on the third defensive barrier!

But what shocked Quetzal was!

These broken traces were restored to their original appearance at a speed visible to the naked eye!


The blow of her "Noble Phantasm" is powerful enough to destroy a city!

Such a horrible attack!

It didn't work, any real effect!


A trace of cold sweat slid down the forehead of "Quetzal".

Distorted white steam was evaporated by the surrounding scorching high temperature.


"By ordinary means..."

"Can't smash the "world-class" barrier..."

"In that case..."

Standing on the "third barrier", Quetzal's expression gradually became serious.

"This body of mine is not the weapon of this planet, but the divinity of the distant magic mirror!"

"The "God of Creation" in Mesopotamia is not to be feared at all! "

Quetzal roared resolutely.

The "solar calendar stone" held in the palm quickly melts into the chest!

Not only this "solar calendar stone", but also the hot impact that spread out!

At this moment, it also accelerated its retraction and poured into Quetzal's body!

Quetzal's pale skin was like a fragile ceramic doll, golden cracks began to emerge!

Even the gauntlets bound on the wrists to suppress power!

And the boots under your feet!

Includes head decorations!

Under the soaring energy, they burst one after another!

The fiery golden long hair flutters wantonly in the air!

Quezal, who released his divinity, those majestic orange eyes, shining with the light of Venus!

"Let's get to know each other~々!"

"I'm waiting for the underground underworld in South America! The power of the shock that wiped out countless lives!"

"Quetzal", covered in flames, broke through the planet's gravitational limit the moment his feet exerted force!

She turned into a fiery meteor, smashing into the dark clouds covering the sky!

It wasn't until breaking through the stratosphere and getting rid of the shackles of the planet that he turned his body gracefully from the outermost space of the universe!

"Turn me into a burning boulder!"

"Use a comet! Destroy the earth!"

"Quetzal", which flew to the planet again, has turned into a fiery meteor!

The light across the sky dispels the haze of the world!

Even "Tiamat" raised its head at this moment!

A look of astonishment flashed in those pure eyes!

as if...

Reminds me of some long-lost memories...

So far "500 million years" ago, her children died in that catastrophe!


Tiamat opened his eyes, stared at the falling meteor, and let out an angry roar!


She only realized now that it was too late!

Quetzal, who carried the power of destroying heaven and earth, his body has already begun to shatter!

After all, this "body" in this world cannot contain her true divine power!


"Burn all the gods!"

Quetzal roared angrily, except for the "solar calendar stone"!

This is her strongest "Noble Phantasm"!

In the gaze of everyone in the distance, only a flash of light across the sky was seen!

From the extraterrestrial space, crash on the defensive barrier of "Tiamat"!

Sixty-five million years ago, the "collision of heaven and earth" that caused the extinction of dinosaurs!

At this moment, it is staged again!

The fiery ring-shaped air wave swept towards the surroundings!

Even the sea of ​​blood boiling below was evaporated for hundreds of kilometers at this time!

The terrifying impact caused hundreds of kilometers away to hover over the "sky garden" at an altitude of [-] meters!

They all suffered a lot of tremors!

That destructive kick made the whole world fall into silence!

this moment...

It seems that even time and space are at a standstill!

Tiamat's defensive barrier was immediately covered with countless cracks!

The third barrier was also completely shattered!

Even "world-class" defense!

I can't bear the catastrophe that caused the mass extinction of creatures!


Quetzal in flames is not satisfied with this!


Breaking the "third barrier" has exhausted most of the power!

With her current remaining strength alone, she can't penetrate the harder "second side" at all!

Unwilling to end this, Quetzal saw Jiang Shang's figure in his mind!


Quetzal looked up to the sky and shouted, seeking Jiang Shang's help!

She wants to contribute the final value before this "body of follower" completely collapses!

Her voice pierced the sky!

The connection through the "master-slave contract" sounded in Jiang Shang's mind.

"` ~Quetzal..."

"I accept your wish!"

Jiang Shang's eyes were slightly red at this time.

Quetzal is using his life to protect the continuation of human civilization!

As the master, he will never let down this goddess, the last sincere heart!

in the eyes of the crowd.

Jiang Shangliang showed the "Command Spell" on the back of his hand, and gave the final order!

"Jiang Shang ordered him with the "Command Spell"! "


"Burning heart fire! Defeat him!"

Jiang Shang solemnly gave the order, and the bewitching seraph wings appeared behind him!

This gift from "Joan of Arc" showed its true effect at this time!

Not only that!

There is also the endless vast magic power from the "Third Magic"!

After Jiang Shang's order was issued!

Quetzal's spirit foundation, burning rapidly!

The already dim flames on her body became even more dazzling at this moment!

It's like the last smoldering fire in a dark world!

In the desperate way of sacrificing (good Li Zhao) himself, offer the last ray of hope for this world!

Quetzal smiled...

"Burn it! Soul fighting!"

"Burn all the gods!"

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