Quetzal's body spun around in the air, kicking towards the "second barrier" swiftly!

At the moment of contact with the barrier, Quetzal's left leg was already shattered!


Large cracks covered the entire barrier!

Before Quetzal's body completely collapsed, she saw it as she wished.

The shocking scene where the second world-class barrier completely collapsed.

Not only that...

Even on the first barrier, large cracks appeared!

just a little bit...

last of the last...

Quetzal showed a regretful expression...

After all, the body of the servant is still too fragile to display her true strength...


She has completed her mission, the last remaining barrier...

I'll leave it to that lovely Master and others to handle it....

281. Noble Phantasm Activation: Hit the Magic Whip!The blow that knocked down the gods!

Quetzal's "Spiritual Reaction" disappeared...

Just when everyone is grieving for parting...

The bright golden light, on Jiang Shang's left hand, turned into a noble "Banquet of Gods".

As a "outside specification" treasure, the Fengshen Bang has extraordinary authority!

As long as there is enough energy support, Jiang Shang can continue to revive!


There is no such thing as a "cooldown"...



Jiang Shang gave instructions to the "Fengshen Bang", when he read Quetzal's real name.

The golden particles of light, right in front of Jiang Shang, turned into Quetzal.

Quezal, who regained consciousness, opened his eyes blankly and looked around suspiciously.

When she saw one after another, familiar faces...

Even the elder sister of the main god couldn't help showing an embarrassed smile.

Although I know myself, I will definitely be resurrected.


I didn't expect the resurrection to come so quickly!


"Welcome back..."

"The new body, I have strengthened it."

Jiang Shang smiled gratifiedly and gave Quezal a warm hug.

Patting the back of this "big sister" calmed down the shock in her heart.


"I am also very happy to be reunited with you so soon..."

Quetzal complained helplessly.


After hugging...

The big sister of the main god turned around with a complicated expression, and looked at the "Tiamat" that was still approaching.

Her complicated expression quickly retreated at this moment.

She moved her shoulders, and her eyes revealed a fierce calendar!

She was resurrected again, but her strength has not decreased but increased!

the reason is simple!

The protection from "Third Magic" and "Fengshen Bang" provided her with a stronger body!

With the current body!

At this time, Quetzal has enough confidence to break the last barrier!

Not only that!

She wants to personally send "Tiamat" to the underground world of the underworld!


"Let me go again!"

Quetzal moved his neck and made a crisp sound.


Jiang Shang stopped her...

"Leave the rest to me..."

Jiang Shang smiled slightly. He looked at Tiamat who was approaching, and his smile became more intense.

getting closer...

At this time, "Tiamat" has reached the boundary of "Underworld"!

The real big fish has already taken the bait!

This distance is exactly when he makes a move!

With a smile on his face, he stepped forward.

The two fingers were quickly closed, and a strange bloody light gushed out from his fingertips!

"Fengshen executes!"

With a wave of Jiang Shang's sword, a bloody light flew out from his fingertips!

Regardless of the distance in space, it is engraved on the lower abdomen of Tiamat!


Tiamat let out an angry roar, and the intense burning sensation in her lower abdomen made her feel panic like never before!

It's that human again!

It is different from the previous "Evil Eye of Distortion"!

The imprint on her body this time made even her who had no "concept of death" feel a trace of fear!


"It's about time..."

Jiang Shang looked at "Tiamat" in the distance, and whispered softly to himself.

The scarlet light, in his right hand, condensed into a ferocious "Spiritual Whip"!

A ray of dark golden light flashed from the whip!

This precious treasure, which has always seemed to be very "ordinary", finally shows its true appearance!

"84 sigils, start the whole machine!"

As soon as Jiang Shang's words fell, a vast aura from the prehistoric world spread from the "Spiritual Whip" to all directions!

The blood-like mist spread towards the surroundings!

Let the gods at the scene tremble instinctively!


If you want to smash the protective barrier of "Tiamat", except for the attack of the world-killing level!

There is another way!

That is...

Destroy the divinity of "Tiamat" and make her barrier unbreakable!


Jiang Shang has this strength...



"Sky, open the hole!"

The corners of Jiang Shang's mouth rose, and he activated his magical powers with a chuckle!

Transparent space ripples, like the surface of water, emerged under his feet.

Under the suspicious gaze of the crowd...

The "God Whip" that fell from the mid-air disappeared into the ripples of space and disappeared quickly...


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