as if nothing happened...

"Knot... over?"

Ishtar (aeed) murmured a little dazedly, with his hands folded on his shoulders.

That terrifying weapon exuded an aura that made her extremely uncomfortable!

Even the body of a god can't resist the biting chill!


This guy shows off his "Noble Phantasm"!

No matter how you look at it, it seems that you are not sure!

Noble Phantasm, failed to activate?

No way!

The lazy monster!

Never!At such times!Drop the chain suddenly!

Just when Ishtar, cranky!

The sky above suddenly became gloomy!

Gray space ripples spread rapidly across the sky, dispelling the dark clouds in a radius of ten kilometers!

next moment!

A super giant iron whip fell from the ripples in space!

A space close to ten square kilometers was plunged into lightless darkness!

this moment!

It was as if the entire sky was collapsing!

Tiamat raised his head in shock, his pupils tremblingly looking up into the sky!

The "barrier" she condenses is like a mirror under a hammer!

The moment it comes into contact with the "Magic Whip", there is a crisp cracking sound!


Tiamat roared unwillingly, and another four-sided barrier appeared in front of her!


Comparable to a world-class barrier!

It needs "Quetzal" to burn the spirit foundation to break the protection!

at this time...

But face to face, shattered in the air!

Just like what Jiang Shang said!

He only needs to smash the creation divinity endowed by Tiamat in the barrier, and that's it!

Lost the protection of "Creation Divinity"!

The mere "energy barrier" is like a blown bubble, it is vulnerable to a single blow!

Tiamat, who was not reconciled, could only watch the giant whip fall from the sky!

In the friction of the atmosphere, the whip ignited a blue flame!

Ruthlessly printed on the face of "Tiamat" from above!


At the moment of impact!

Attack on God!

Special Attack on Demons!

Special attack on beasts!

Three specialized attack effects, activated at the same time!

"Tiamat" didn't even feel the pain!

The body of tens of thousands of meters began to collapse rapidly!

From the head, to the upper body, to the soles of the feet!

All destroyed!


Before waiting for "Tiamat", a new body was condensed again!

The magic whip that fell from the sky smashed her newly condensed skeleton into pieces again!

The "God's Whip" piercing the ground is like a sea god's needle!

Let the surging "sea of ​​blood" fall into deathly silence!


The domineering "Magic Whip" directly hit Tiamat's seven inches!

Just like the Five Fingers Mountain that trapped the "Monkey King"!

As long as this "Magic Whip" is still there, Tiamat, whose body was smashed into pieces, will not be able to condense into shape!


"Use your Noble Phantasm to blast open the door of the Underworld. "

"I want to speak to Tiamat. "

Jiang Shang put his hands behind his back, and gave orders with a calm expression.

His confidence and calmness made everyone present shudder!

This is!

Is it the power called "Magic Whip"!

Even Tiamat, the "God of Creation", couldn't compete! ! ! .

282. The Death of Tiamat!True meaning from the God of Creation!

Sky Garden...

The atmosphere fell into a deathly silence...

Everyone is waiting, waiting for Tiamat to wake up again!


The passage of time every minute and every second~...

The calm sea of ​​blood below did not splash - a single ripple...


"Tiamat, has it been wiped out...?"

Gu Dazi looked at the situation at the scene, and asked in a nervous whisper.

at this time...

Even "Chaldea" is silent...

After waiting for a long time, came Da Vinci's bitter emotion.

"Do not..."

"Tiamat, there still exists..."

"However, her spirit base is maintained at a very delicate value."

"It's just like..."

"It was forcibly sealed by some kind of "terrible force". "

Da Vinci said melancholy.

Even she, who has been promoted to a genius, doesn't know what kind of mood to use to explain the shock at this moment.


Gu Dazi looked straight ahead, the "God Whip" that pierced the sky!


Already revealed...


Not just Gudazi, the last master of mankind.

The expressions of the other servants at this time are also very exciting.

The higher the divinity you have, the more you can realize how terrifying the blow just now was!

Noble Phantasm for God!

The level of that weapon can no longer be measured by "Noble Phantasm"!

Even Tiamat, which has no "concept of death", ended up being forcibly sealed!

Then if the target of the attack is replaced by them...

for a while...

Everyone is creepy...

Recalling this journey, the encounter with Jiang Shang.

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