The probability of summoning "Noah" should be more than [-]%!


The place for crowned cavalry has already been taken by Jiang Shang.


With a great probability, Noah will not respond...

After excluding the "riding rank", among the remaining ranks...

The most likely one is "Crown Killer"!

Jiang still has the qualification of "Crown Rank Killing", plus the bonus of "Standing in the Realm"!

That "Old Man in the Mountain" will most likely answer his call!

Of course...

Considering other reasons, it is not impossible to summon other crowns.

realize this...

Jiang Shang decided to wait for all the things in front of him to be dealt with before proceeding to summon!

"Tiamat, I leave it to you to reclaim the "Ocean of Life". "

Jiang Shang raised his hand and patted Tiamat's shoulder.

Don't dig "Mesopotamia" three feet into the ground, and transfer resources as much as possible!

When Jiang Shang sleeps at night, he may suffer from insomnia!

"I understand."

Tiamat responded gently, and she turned to look at the sea of ​​blood below.


Under the nervous gaze of a group of people, the god of creation made a melodious call.

All of a sudden!

The boiling sea of ​​blood turned into a huge vortex!

At the same time, Jiang Shang raised his hand with a smile!

At the center of the vortex, a huge dimensional crack opens!

Take this sea of ​​life into your own imaginary space and keep it as the material for the future!

In a sea of ​​blood...

Those Lahemu who were still dormant turned into black mud again.

In Jiang Shang's eyes...

These Raheems are unqualified...

It is a failed product that must be remade...

Although Jiang Shang is lazy by nature, he is absolutely online when it comes to aesthetics.

Jiang Shang can ignore other creatures!

But as an intelligent life, it must be beautiful!

Larafael, that's just the beginning!


He will create, more races!

Jiang Shang provided the original prototype, and Tiamat will supplement it in quantity!

As long as they work together, the empty different world will soon become lively!

at this time...

In the eyes of others...

Standing side by side, they cooperated so tacitly.

Even the aura they radiate from each other is so harmonious!

"This guy...~々."

" did it happen..."

Gilgamesh's cheeks twitched, revealing a bitter exclamation mixed with horror.

"Who knows..."

"This guy still has a trump card hidden in his hand until now..."

Young Jill spread his little hands complicatedly, responding to Xian Wang Shan's question.

after all...

He had come into contact with Jiang Shang a long time ago.

He has understood the divine power of this guy before!


"I didn't expect that even my mother would be robbed of her "name" by this guy..."

"On a day like this, when will it be the end?"

The listless Ishtar muttered in a low voice.


things have happened...

All she can do is accept it...


late at night...

Only when the sea of ​​life is recovered...

On the dark land below, there are a lot of nutrients left.

Presumably in the future thousands of years later, this place will definitely become a treasure land.

The sky garden of vanity is slowly flying towards Uruk.

Everyone, who was exhausted physically and mentally, just wanted to take a good rest after confirming that the crisis was over.

Led by the maids, they disappeared in front of Jiang Shang one after another.

Watching the followers leave, Jiang Shang raised his head to look at the bright moonlight.

He was alone, standing in the garden.

The virtual screen of the system appeared in front of my eyes.

Jiang Shang looked at the "Grand Summoning Ticket", with a look of anticipation in his eyes.


Jiang Shang gave the order readily.


The system beep sounds!


"Grand Summoning Ticket, successfully used!"

"You summoned: Crown Sword Rank!"


If nothing else, there must have been an accident.

Jiang Shang forgot one thing...

Now he not only holds the "Sword of Promised Victory".

She also enjoys the protection of "Utopia far away from the world".


It is a ready-made "holy relic"...

In other words, from the very beginning, this was a designated call!

Colorful light particles condensed into a dreamy magic circle right in front of Jiang Shang!

next moment...

Colorful beams of light, soaring into the sky!

Vast energy fills the sky garden!

At the core of the magic circle, the figure of a delicate girl is gradually taking shape!

The powerful aura she exudes is not inferior to Joan of Arc, such a top follower!


The dazzling beam of light dissipates in the night sky...

Wearing simple white clothes, with a small gray leather hat.

A blond girl holding the "Wand of Selection" appeared in front of Jiang Shang.

The first moment he saw her, the smile on Jiang Shang's face disappeared quickly.

"` ~First time meeting, handsome Master."

"I am Arturia from the "Surgical Order". "


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