"I don't quite understand what a "servant" is..."

"But if "District Magic" can help you, please send me as much as you want. "

The blond girl holding a staff showed a charming and cute smile.


Jiang Shang couldn't laugh at all...

The "Grand Sword Rank" that was clearly promised was replaced with the "Ordinary Skill Rank".

this kind of thing...

It could be called "cheating"...

Jiang Shang showed a hard smile and walked towards Artoria.

He enthusiastically raised his hand, pinching the girl's cute little face.

Soft, fleshy...

"Even (good Zhao's) you, a guy with thick eyebrows and big eyes, have you learned to deceive people?"

"You should have appeared on the stage as the "Grand Sword Rank", right? "


Jiang Shang pinched the small face of "Artoria" and questioned the girl in front of him.

"Ah this..."

Artoria of the surgery stage showed an embarrassed yet polite wry smile.

This Fairy from Paradise doesn't understand what the Master is saying at all.

Jiang Shang frowned, he let go of Arturia's little face, and quickly pinched his fingers.

Clairvoyance: Divine fortune telling!

Start the dust!

There is a wonderful connection between the scenes of the past and the pictures of the future.

Double call!

The "Artoria" in front of me is actually the same as Semiramis!

Have at the same time: two classes!

The "surgery stage" in front of me is just a superficial camouflage!

Inside her body, there is still a powerful force that has not been activated!

I am afraid...

Only when the world is in danger, this power will be activated! .

286. Naive Custer!Just met, was raised?

The truth is out...

The rare "Double Summoning" gives girls gorgeous panel data and career bonuses.

Only extremely rare followers can trigger this condition!

The probability is equal to: winning the billions of dollars in a row!


realize this...

Jiang Shang looked at "Artoria" with a lot of relief.

at this time...

The aggrieved girl at the surgery level was covering her hot little face.

It's not about being shy...

It was pinched...

Jiang Shang realized that his previous behavior was a bit excessive.


He opened the storage space and took out a can of red bean soup from inside.

The real fire of samadhi ignited from his hand.

But in the blink of an eye, the cold canned instant red bean soup burst into steam.

The sweet and strong breath made the girl sniff her nose vigorously.

This was food she had never tasted before, but just the dreamy taste caught her mind.

Gudoo -!

The sound of the girl swallowing her saliva was especially clear in the quiet garden.

"Do you want to eat..."

Jiang Shang handed the can in his hand to the direction of the girl.

"This...how is this so embarrassing!"

Artoria's cheeks instantly became shy and charming, but her eyes were fixed on the 370 cans that Jiang Shang handed over.

"Be careful of the heat."

Jiang Shang reminded with concern that he had foreseen the girl's past through "clairvoyance".

Just like in the original work, she has never felt what happiness is.

The identity of the Son of Prophecy made her a living curse.

In a short life, I have been accompanied by loneliness and lived in a malicious world!

at this time...

Now that "Artoria Scat" has become his follower.

It's his duty to be nice to her.


Artoria said sincerely, and she took the can from Jiang Shang with her little hand in gray leather gloves.

The hot can made her feel warm.

She took out a spoon from the satchel on her waist.

Carefully scoop up a spoonful, put it near your mouth and blow it gently.

The moment when the warm red bean soup is put into your mouth!

The girl's cute little face was about to melt, revealing a look of contented enjoyment.

"It's delicious..."

"I didn't expect "Pan Human History" to have such delicious food! "

"It's really the right place!"

The girl was so happy that she stomped her feet and came out excitedly to praise the delicious food in her hand. (aeed)

Growing up in the countryside, she didn't know what etiquette is.

And this natural simplicity is not possessed by the ideal king.


The girl's appetite is surprisingly amazing...

Especially when you bite into the soft and glutinous rice cake and pull out the slender rice cake string, the surprised little expression is so cute.

After eating a small can of red bean soup, she breathed out a breath of happiness comfortably.


The girl raised her small head expectantly, and stared at the Master in front of her.

The meaning goes without saying...

"Just eat this, don't want to..."

Jiang Shang fondly raised his hand and rubbed the girl's little head through the leather hat.

The girl didn't feel ashamed, but squinted her eyes happily, showing a sweet smile.

She is not king...

Although he is the "son of prophecy", he has been living the life of an ordinary person.

Coupled with the "master-slave contract" and the sense of security exuded by the master.

The girl naturally chose to accept the care and love from the Master.


until then...

The cute girl was surprised to find...

There are extremely luxurious castles in the distance...

Even more beautiful than the palace of "Her Majesty the Queen"!

do not know...

Is it her illusion...

She always feels that the ground under her feet is moving slowly...

It seems to be a city in the sky suspended in the night...


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