"Aren't we flying in the sky?"

The girl looked around suspiciously, and she activated her innate talent "Fairy Eyes"!

The scene in front of her proved her guess!

That's right!

This is exactly the "Heavenly Fortress" floating in the night!


"This is my Noble Phantasm: The Sky Garden of Vanity."

"We've just had a battle and we're coming home triumphant."

"You came at the right time, the celebration banquet is about to begin."

"The maids here have already prepared a sumptuous meal."

"Just let go of your stomach and have a good meal."

Jiang Shang held the girl's little hand and led her towards the distant buildings.


"I didn't do anything to help, just eat and drink like this..."

"Will it be inappropriate?"

Arturia blushed, lowered her head timidly, and said embarrassedly.

For a dinner party between nobles, it is inevitable that a simple girl like her will have stage fright.

"Do not worry..."

"With me by your side, you just have to do what you want to do."

Jiang Shang comforted Arturia, and then launched the Five Elements Escape Technique.

With a surprised girl, she appeared in the gorgeous dinner hall.

Maybe it's a coincidence...

Or the bad taste of "music people"...

The location where Jiang Shang and the girl appeared happened to be in front of Mordred.

The moment he saw "Artoria", this innocent brat was like a vigilant kitten!

I was so shocked that even my hair started to frizz!

"Father...Royal Father?!"

Mordred guarded the plate vigilantly in front of him.

After quickly retreating a few meters, he greeted him with a guilty conscience.


Artoria, but ignoring her...

The girl exclaimed with bright eyes, staring at the spacious buffet table.

There are all kinds of delicious dinner plates placed on it!

Nearly [-] kinds of delicacies are available for you to enjoy!

From luxurious desserts to exquisite desserts.

From the finest roasts, to sumptuous dishes.

There is also a well-built: giant champagne tower!

At the bar not far away, there are a few cute lesbians serving as bartenders.

A variety of exquisite wines and freshly squeezed juices can meet all the needs of guests!


Artoria made an incredible sound, she took Jiang Shang's hand and ran towards the buffet table.

Leave the dazed Mordred where she is, and let her mess around in the wind.


Mordred turned around stiffly, looking at the one who looked the same as his father.

But the more cheerful and natural cute girl frowned suspiciously.

Could it be...

After the "Mother Queen" appeared...

Even the father of the "Hearted Belt" was summoned to this world?

No way....

287. What is the difference between you and Cao thief?The fairy knight whose rationality has evaporated!

Corner dining table...

The innocent girl is immersed in the happiness brought by delicious food.

These delicious foods are things that she could not have imagined before.

Every bite goes down...

It can bring girls different surprises and happiness.

Jiang Shang sat in front of the girl with a complicated expression on his face.

He is "brainstorming".

Thinking about how to explain it to Morgan.

after all...

With Morgan's character of "cold on the outside and soft on the inside"~...

As long as you explain it clearly, she will definitely understand.


As people come on stage one after another...

The originally deserted castle hall began to become lively.


A surprised call suddenly sounded in the hall.

Bagster, who was wearing an evening gown, sensed a familiar smell and rushed over immediately.

Beside this loyal goblin knight was Yaolan, whom he hadn't seen for a long time.

Enemy's road is narrow...

I'm afraid I can describe it as this moment...



Looking at her former enemy, Artoria said in shock.

She quickly got up from her seat and protected Jiang Shang behind her.

The bright golden glow condenses into a gorgeous staff of selection!

A golden rune appeared in front of him!

She is ready for battle!


Something that puzzled her happened quietly.

Bagster too...

Melyuzzina is worth mentioning...

These two "Fairy Knights of the Round Table" had no intention of making a move.

"I didn't expect to see you in "Pan-Human History". "

"Please don't be nervous, we belong to the same "Master". "

Bagster sighed with a look of melancholy.

I thought meeting "His Majesty Morgan" was already absurd enough!


Even "Artoria Custer" was summoned by the Master!


And who will it be...



The girl tilted her head in confusion and made a suspicious voice.

It is a heavy burden for the master to provide energy for the servants.

The more powerful the servant, the more energy he needs, naturally!

In theory...

The magical power of a master can only be supplied to one follower!


Analyzing from the words of "Bagster"...

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