Jiang Shang left the banquet hall and strolled in the secluded garden.

After a long period of contemplation, he decided to go through the system and exchange for a reward.


"Provide me with a "reward list" that can be replaced. "

Jiang Shang directly gave the order.

He had already noticed this when he exchanged the "Summon Ticket" last time.

If you don't like rewards, you can exchange them through the system.


Direct redemption for "Other Worlds" rewards...


"The reward is: SS rank, and the exchangeable items are as follows."

"Substitute Summoning Qualification."

"Dragon Summoning Qualification."

"Three Eight Seven"

"Qualification for Witch Summoning."

"Eligibility for Demon Summoning."

"Evil God Summoning Qualification."


The prompt of the system was displayed in front of Jiang Shang.


"Which one is it referring to?"

Jiang Shang showed a puzzled expression and consulted the system.


"This ability is a hidden reward."

"It is an image condensed by spiritual energy."

"The holder can use the substitute to display various special abilities."

"After the master makes a choice, the system will select from known substitutes."

"Choose the stand-in who is most compatible with you!"


The detailed introduction of the system emerges in front of you.


Jiang Shang showed a clear smile, he already knew which world the "stand-in" came from!


"Exchange for "Substitute Summoning Qualification" and use it directly! "

Without any hesitation, Jiang Shang made a decisive choice.

There are no useless doubles in the world, only idiots who don't know how to use them!

No matter what kind of "stand-in ability" you get, it can make Jiang Shang's strength a qualitative leap!

after all!

As the "Third Magician", he is good at the spiritual field!

With such a layer of strengthening effect, the substitute summoned by Jiang Shang!

On the basis of the original ability, it will also be strengthened a second time!


"Activated: Substitute Summoning Qualification."

"The system is matching..."

"Stand-in is being fitted..."

"Congratulations on your acquisition: Evil deeds are easy to do!"


A system pop-up window appeared in front of Jiang Shang.

next moment...

It was as if some kind of "switch" was suddenly activated in Jiang Shang's consciousness!

This strange feeling is like growing another pair of hands suddenly!

不 ...

More precisely...

It should be Jiang Shang, who has comprehended the profound meaning of "spirit" and evolved new abilities!

"Evil is easy to do..."

Jiang Shang frowned slightly, muttering the name of "substitute".

At the moment when his voice fell.

A terrifying breath turned into a cold black mist and rose from behind Jiang Shang!

A pair of crimson eyes emerged from the black mist.

A mysterious creature with a height of two meters appeared behind Jiang Shang.

It has a human-like body and long, narrow, vertical ears resembling a rabbit.

The strong and slender body seems to be tightly wrapped by blue alloy.

And it is beautifully stitched with scarlet silk thread.

He put his hands flat on his chest, making a weird gesture similar to "virtual grip".

The terrifying and powerful aura spread from it to all directions!

That is the terrifying coercion that belongs to the "final boss"!

Evil is easy to do!


A deadly act that is extremely easy to execute!

A space demon traveling through parallel worlds!

The controller who brings everything to annihilation!

Is the final villain of the seventh part, a powerful stand-in for Valentine!

The ability is to send "designated objects" to any parallel world!

Through this ability...

The "noumenon" can freely travel through parallel worlds with other things.

It even has more room for manipulation than "Second Magic"!


Follow the natural laws that the same things in different worlds cannot appear at the same time in the same parallel world!

Once the two get too close, they will be irresistibly attracted to each other!

As a result, the "Menger sponge" was produced, causing the phenomenon of annihilation, and completely disappeared from the world!

And cause: a certain range of space explosion!

This is also the attack method of "evil deeds are easy to do"!

Take a simple example.

When Jiang Shang is fighting the enemy, he can activate this ability through "Easy to Do Evil"!

From the parallel world, drag the enemy's "different world homotopy"!

As long as things from the two worlds appear in one scene at the same time!

They will be forcibly glued together, and their bodies will be annihilated quickly!

This is not a special ability!

It is the supreme law of the universe!

The law of annihilation!

Even existences of the level of "Getia" and "Tiamat"!

Once plotted by "evil deeds are easy to do", they may be instantly killed!

Use the characteristics of "Law of Annihilation" to attack the enemy!

As small as a cell, as large as a multiverse!

In theory!

As long as Jiang Shang's spirit can sustain it!

A planet that can be dragged from a "parallel world"!

Come to a "planetary level" annihilation effect!

Of course...

He doesn't have to, at least not currently 0....

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