The existence of evil deeds that are easy to do has raised the upper limit of Jiang Shang's ability!


Jiang Shang turned around and looked at the "evil deeds are easy to do" behind him.

This is his "spiritual energy", transformed into an image.

In addition to abilities, it even has the ability to fight!


Destruction: A

Speed: A

Range: C

Stamina: A

Accuracy: A

Growth: A


Gorgeous panel, although it is often called by people: the shame of five A.

But for Jiang Shang, he values ​​ability more than melee combat!

With the powerful ability of "evil deeds are easy to do"!

Jiang Shang can open up a new way of fighting!

But it's a pity...

In the parallel world, there are no other individuals of "Jiang Shang".

He is the only existence.

Therefore, it cannot be revived infinitely like "Valentine".


Jiang Shang looked at the night sky in the distance.

Just as he was thinking about how to test his ability.

The voice of Gilgamesh 4.3 sounded from behind Jiang Shang.

"You're still the same as usual..."

"You who sneaked away from the dinner party, where do you want to go?"

Gilgamesh sighed playfully.

He had been paying attention to Jiang Shang, and when he noticed that the man had left the hall, he chased after him.

"What's up?"

Jiang Shang asked suspiciously.

He didn't understand why Gilgamesh was here.

In such an environment full of sentimentality, the tryst of two men must be a bit weird no matter how you think about it.

Seeing Jiang Shang pretending, I don't understand what you are talking about.

Gilgamesh was so angry that his lips were twitching slightly.

To this...

He cut it straight and stated the purpose of the trip.

"The matter of Tiamat has been resolved."

"The people who belong to this king, you should let them back..."

289. The Fate of Uruk!A world where only the virtuous king is injured?

Gilgamesh, come running to ask for someone...


Jiang Shang's thoughts are not on this point...


Gilgamesh's eyes didn't even notice the "stand-in" behind Jiang Shang!

This also means...

Some things are not interoperable between two different worlds.

Just like...

Ordinary people cannot see the existence of "substitutes"...

Only "substitute messengers" can detect...

If even Gilgamesh, who has "Clairvoyance: EX", can't perceive it.


As the only "stand-in messenger", Jiang Shang will become the most terrifying assassin!

Crown Assassin!



After realizing this secret, the smile on Jiang Shang's face became even more intense.

"About this matter, it is not for you and me to make a decision."

"Whether to go or stay depends on the wishes of the "civilians". "

"do you think so?"

Jiang Shang half-closed his beautiful eyes, revealing a gentle and harmless smile.


After hearing Jiang Shang's reply, Gilgamesh frowned.

Do not know why...

In the heart of this virtuous king 04, an "unknown" premonition suddenly appeared.

"what do you mean?"

"Aren't you going to pay it back?"

Gilgamesh's mood sank to the bottom for a moment.

He frowned gloomyly and questioned the man in front of him.

"I didn't say that..."

"after all..."

"I was invited by the "Restraining Force", the savior who protects the world..."

The smile on Jiang Shang's face also became more intense at this time.

A gray "dimension channel" appeared in front of him and Gilgamesh.

"Come with me..."

"The next thing is you, it's time to show the charm of the king..."

Jiang Shang raised his hand leisurely, making an invitation gesture.


"I want to see how many people you can win over in such a short period of time!"

Gilgamesh smiled contemptuously, and walked into the dimension channel first.

Tiamat, has been surrendered.

The crisis of annihilation is over!

As the king of "this age", Gilgamesh has an obligation to bring back his subjects!

Watching Gilgamesh off and walking into the imaginary space, Jiang Shang sighed pityingly.

The king's wishes are likely to come to nothing.


imaginary space...

After a few days of acclimatization...

Tens of thousands of residents from Uruk have accepted their current life.

The once deserted city became lively again.

Under the rule of the knight king "Artoria".

All the faces of the residents are filled with happy smiles.

Market at night...

A grand bonfire banquet is being held here.

A "Dimensional Passage" that suddenly appeared attracted everyone's attention.


In their hopeful gaze, the figure of Gilgamesh appeared in front of them.

Gilgamesh, who arrived in the "imaginary number space" for the first time, was somewhat uncomfortable.

But when he saw the densely packed Uruk people gathered around.

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