Gilgamesh showed a gratified smile, opened his arms boldly, and said to everyone.

"People of Uruk!"

"Tiamat, has been defeated!"

"The crisis has been resolved, and this king is here to pick you up!"

Gilgamesh smiled confidently, in his cognition.

His people are his treasure!

Born to serve the king!

Following the king is a great blessing!

As long as he raises his arms, he will definitely get a response like a mountain roar and a tsunami.


The atmosphere at the scene was destined to disappoint him.

Because of the arrival of Gilgamesh, the atmosphere of the originally lively bonfire banquet fell to the lowest point.

Pairs of clear eyes were silently watching the king.

for a long time...

No response was heard...

"The king is here to take you home."

"Don't you want to go back?"

Gilgamesh frowned and asked majesticly.

His long-standing deterrence made the Mesopotamians on the scene avoid their sight.

In the dense crowd, silence remained.

Peace and peace in this world!

Don't worry about the safety of your life!

The climate is good, and the land is good!

Great for growing crops!


The wise "king of ideals" never reprimanded them for no reason.

Not to deprive them of their wealth.

There are even new jobs offered.

In getting along with that "Knight King", they were surprised to realize that.

It turns out that the gap between kings and kings can be terrifying to such an extent!

The reformed Gilgamesh, if he can be called: a virtuous king.

Then this powerful, wise and powerful knight king is enough to be called: the ideal king!

This otherworldly land...

For all Mesopotamians, it is like an "Utopia"!

No tyrant, no danger...

No tragedy, no pain...

Although only a few days have passed, no one wants to leave.

it's here...

Their wives and daughters, their families, and future generations all get better treatment.

They don't want to go back, don't want to go back to that desperate world!


The people in front of Gilgamesh didn't say anything.

But they said nothing...

Their dodging eyes, as well as the atmosphere of silence at this time, are the best answers.

Gilgamesh, who felt that he had been betrayed, had intense anger in his eyes.

But at this moment...

Jiang Shang raised his hand and patted him on the shoulder.

"This is human..."

"As long as you enjoy the happiness you have never experienced, you will be crazy infatuated and out of control."

"In the future thousands of years later, people will call this phenomenon: fanaticism of converts."

Jiang Shang calmly told the truth that Gilgamesh was unwilling to accept!


Looking at the people in front of him, that pair of guilty and evasive eyes.

Gilgamesh, very uncomfortable.

"You guy..."

"It was planned from the beginning."

Gilgamesh complained in a complicated mood.

"You should know..."

"Uruk... doomed..."

"Staying here is their best ending. 387.."

Jiang Shang sighed and shook his head, telling the cruel truth.

As the king of this era, after Gilgamesh's death, Uruk will be destroyed.

The "Warcraft Front" he built himself will turn into the dust of history with the passage of time.

Mesopotamian civilization will gradually come to an end.

Only the legend of Gilgamesh, and his great deeds, is engraved on the stele.

Leave it to future generations to comment.

This is the fate of "Uruk".

Cannot be changed.

cannot be continued.

Instead of letting the people of this era, with the collapse of the kingdom, turn into piles of bones.

Might as well...

Let them start a new life in this different world.

It is impossible for Gilgamesh not to know this simple truth.

"This fact, the king naturally knows."

"But when you say it from your mouth, it really makes people angry."

Gilgamesh rolled Jiang Shang's eyes, and sighed with a sad look on his face.

The hopeless future he saw through "Clairvoyance: EX" was realized in another way.

Uruk survived.


He was left alone.

If nothing else, the [-] soldiers stationed in Uruk.

I will also follow my family and go to this different world to live.

The last city...

Only the king is left...

Sitting alone on the throne, waiting for the end of the day...

All men, all gods, are redeemed...

Only Gilgamesh, the wounded world reached....

290. Drinking with the King under the Moon!Crumb Fox's Tail Pillow!

Vanity Sky Garden...

After leaving the imaginary space...

Jiang Shang and Gilgamesh sat down in the courtyard in the garden.


All the catastrophe has come to an end...

The two who have been idle can finally open their hearts and have a good chat.

Golden ripples appeared in front of Gilgamesh.

Two luxurious wine glasses made of pure gold, and a jug made of pure gold emerged from the ripples.

Gilgamesh, holding a wine jug, personally filled a glass for Jiang Shang.

This glass of wine...

With his thanks...

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