This man's behavior style, although unpleasant.

But he did his best and made everything the best!

Jiang Shang has found the most ideal place for everyone.

at this point...

Even Gilgamesh couldn't do it...

The things he has done have already exceeded the specifications of the "crown position".


It can already be described as a "miracle"...


A mellow wine with aromas of fruit...

Even Jiang Shang closed his eyes enjoying it...

"It's incredible..."

"The technology of this era can actually brew such fine wine."

Jiang Shang picked up the pure gold wine glass and took a small sip.

A sweet wine with a soft aftertaste.

Unlike those wines of later generations, it is spicy and strong.

Layered palate, you can even taste the brewed fruit at various stages of ripeness.

It's very comfortable to drink, even people who don't know how to taste wine will feel happy!


Hearing Jiang Shang's praise, Gilgamesh smiled proudly.

"Of course it is!"

"The wine that this king brought to entertain him is naturally the best in the world!"

"This is a pure girl who picked the best quality fruit."

"In passing the magic of the Age of Gods, only the best parts are preserved."

"The clearest spring water in Mount Ebifu and the immersion of time are used to brew fine wine."

Gilgamesh said with a proud expression.

This fine wine was originally dedicated to the gods.

Only the gods are eligible to enjoy it.


"As expected of you...~々."

Jiang Shang sighed complicatedly.

Gilgamesh's "extravagant desire" has reached the point where the entire kingdom serves him alone!

The old tyrants enjoyed the wine pool and meat forest.

Even in later generations, it can be regarded as a spectacle.

"Jiang Shang..."

"What's your next step?"

Gilgamesh, sipping the fine wine in his glass, asked the friends around him.

"Go home and fish..."

"My ideal is to catch a big fish weighing twenty catties."

Without any hesitation, Jiang Shang stated his next arrangement.

After hearing Jiang Shang's ideal, Gilgamesh broke the defense on the spot.


"Cough, cough, cough!"

Gilgamesh was choking and coughing continuously.

He thought of many kinds of ridiculous answers.


When he heard this unpretentious ideal, even he couldn't hold back!

"You bastard, what are you kidding!"

"That 'guy', don't you care? "


"You've already met..."

Gilgamesh blushed from choking, and questioned Jiang Shangdao angrily.

"You said 'Getia'? "

"He's already in hiding."

"If you don't remove the "mark" on your body, he will never appear. "

Jiang Shang showed a playful smile, teasing Getia who was hiding in the dark.

In Jiang Shang's perception...

Getia's coordinates are always in motion.

The "Fengshen Execution" he imposed is similar to one: coordinate positioning.

No matter where the other party fled, Jiang Shang could sense his position.


At this time, Getia knew it very well.

Tiamat was defeated, he was next.


Without Jiang Shang's action, Gaitia can be frightened and the current plan can be postponed!



"You guy..."

"It's the scariest "beast"..."

Gilgamesh looked at Jiang Shang melancholy, complaining complicatedly.

"What nonsense..."


"With a firm heart of love."

"Always firmly believe that there is nothing wrong with my actions."

Jiang Shang responded confidently and firmly, and he drank the fine wine in his glass.

"What an arrogant guy..."


"I like your answer very much..."

Gilgamesh picked up the flagon again and let out a joyful laugh of approval.

Accompanied by good wine, the two gradually let go of their guard.

In a carefree atmosphere, we chatted for a long time.


Jiang Shang, who couldn't bear the strength of alcohol, was already drunk and dizzy.

Tamamo, who happened to be passing by, helped him get up from his seat.

Gone before Gilgamesh's gaze...

Silent night...


The next morning...

Drunk Jiang Shang held his drowsy head and opened his eyes with difficulty.


The first thing that appeared in front of him were three tails!

At this time, Yuzao was standing on the edge of the bed, looking at him with a smile on his face.

Before Tamamo? !

Jiang Shang, whose mind was sober in an instant, tried to recall the memory of last night.


He who drank the fragments didn't remember what happened at all.

"` ~Hey hey..."

"Master, you are awake..."

"I took care of you last night..."

Yuzao showed a small resentful expression, and pointed to his own tail.

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