At this time...

Jiang Shangcai noticed that the pillow behind his head was something as soft as satin, not a pillow at all.

It's the fox tail in front of Tamamo...

"Feel sorry..."

"I don't remember what happened last night."

Jiang Shang got up lazily, trying to fumble for his clothes.

at this time...

A blue arm wrapped in alloy protruded out first.

Pass the clothes on the hanger to Jiang Shang's hand.

Evil is easy to do!

Jiang Shang's "stand-in", after sensing the needs of the subject, it started to act!

It is like the "Platinum Star" at the beginning, playing the role of nanny (good money Zhao) without complaint.

"here we go again!"

"here we go again!"

"Master, are you haunted by "evil spirits"! "

Seeing the supernatural scene before Yuzao, she shivered subconsciously.

She is obviously a monster, but she is also afraid of ghosts?

After Tamazamo withdrew his tail, he held it in his arms distressedly, and rubbed it with his small face...

last night...

For her, it is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!


Before waiting for the crumb fox, he planned to cook raw rice and cooked rice.

I can feel the terrifying aura emanating from Jiang Shang's body!


It seems that some "dirty thing" is staring at her eeriely!

Seeing the bad situation, Tamamomae was about to run away.

But he felt his tail being held by an invisible palm!

Forcibly dragged to the back of Jiang Shang's head, as a comfortable pillow!

All night!

Yuzao didn't dare to move the whole night before!

She could only sit obediently on the edge of the bed, watching eagerly, such a good opportunity slipped away from her eyes! .

291. Tamamo-mae's Small Thoughts!The oppressive feeling of crowned heroic spirit?

Jiang Shang couldn't help laughing at the crazy words in front of Yuzao.

The presence of a substitute...

Not even the "gods" can perceive...


If you feel carefully, you can still notice the weirdness!

Just like...

The terrifying coercion of "Evil is easy to do"...

That sense of crisis that would make everyone's hairs stand on end!

Even without the ability to activate, his strength cannot be ignored!

An invisible, unlocatable enemy!

An invisible assassin hiding in the dark!

Even gods...

When faced with this situation, I feel uncomfortable...


"What kind of ghost is there..."

"You must be too tired..."

Jiang Shang got dressed, patted Yuzao's small head, and comforted him gently.


He put on his leather boots and headed to the bathroom, preparing for a simple wash.

Yu Zaoqian got up from his seat, showed a sly smile, and followed Jiang Shang.

"Master, what are you going to do next?"


"Is there anything I can do for you..."

Yuzao stretched out her tender little hands to hold Jiang Shang's sore shoulders.

And standing on tiptoe, with a charming and sexy voice, jokingly asked.


Jiang Shang387 squeezed the toothpaste with an excited smile on his face.

"Of course the "Seal of theocracy" has been removed. "

"And Gilgamesh, the tablet in his hand, I want to get it too."

"The king's cannon composed of 360 "seals of theocracy". "

"With all the guns fired, it is enough to cause a devastating blow to the enemy."

"Since you are so free, you can go there with Gorgon and the others later to dismantle it."

Jiang Shang gave the order maliciously.

How could Yuzao's careful thinking be hidden from his perception?

In order not to let this restless and kind-hearted crumb fox, he grabbed his handle.

Jiang Shang decisively chose "Shaking People"!

Summon the servant closest to you!

Forcibly shatter the conspiracy of this crumbly fox!

"Ah this..."

"Then... what about the others?"

"Master, it's still early."

The smile on Yu Zaoqian's face froze, but soon she spoke softly with a sweet smile.

The meaning of these words is already very obvious.

But right now...

The door to the outside world was pushed open.


"Do you have anything to do with me?"

"What's for breakfast today, I'm a little hungry!"

The cheerful and charming female voice reveals a warm sense of intimacy.

That was: Artoria Castor!

After getting along with her last night, she no longer felt nervous at the beginning.


Lying in front of Yuzao behind Jiang Shang, he showed an expression of seeing a ghost.

last night...

In order to prevent anyone from disturbing her, she locked the doors and windows!

Even set up a "spirit-expelling barrier" to prevent other followers from appearing in a spirit form!

"How did you get in here?"

Tamamo raised her delicate face in front of her, and questioned the fairy servant in front of her condescendingly.

"Unlock it."

Arturia, speaking very bluntly.

As a magician, she can pick a lock with a wire, isn't it normal?


Tamamo opened her mouth in astonishment, looking at the girl in disbelief.

Just when she was about to roll up her sleeves and hit the girl on the head.

Jiang Shang's voice sounded from behind her...

"Castor, it's a paradise fairy from the "Star Inner Sea". "

"By the way..."

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