business as usual...

Let the world continue to run on its original track.

And Alaya who is the "restraining force"!

It is a collection of "human will"!

The only meaning of her existence is to ensure that human civilization can continue!

In all known timelines, she will unconsciously guide humans to the right path.

In order to ensure that human civilization can continue forever!

As a "restraining force", her style of dealing with things tends to be extreme!

Any creature that is an enemy of "human beings", no matter what the purpose is, will be judged as an enemy!

As a "restraining force", she will guide the heroes forward and bestow miracles and hope!

It is because of the protection of "restraining power" that human beings can continue to this day!

Because the existence of "Alaya" is the collection of human consciousness!


In Jiang Shang's mind, the identity of "Alaya" emerged.  …

From the beginning...

He accepted the rank of "Crowned Cavalry".

And go to this era to defeat the goal of "The Second Beast: Tiamat"!

Just for: the reward of restraint!

He helped "Alaya" to solve the disaster of this era.

As an employer, it was time for her to show up and pay a handsome salary.

"When is she going to come over?"

Jiang Shang asked Natalia, before meeting this "restraining force".

He needs to make a clear bottom line, and then negotiate to get more benefits!


"The boss says..."

"When we meet is up to you to decide..."

"But it's better that no one else bothers..."


"You careful..."

"It's not a joke to get in touch with her..."

Natalia wiped the sweat from her forehead, reminding her with concern.

She vaguely felt an abnormal and strange aura.

Since when has the always indifferent "restraint power" become so easy to talk about.

some of...

There must be some kind of conspiracy...


"4.3 so..."

"Then the agreed time to meet will be tonight..."

Jiang Shang smiled and agreed.

"I will tell the truth."


"Be sure to be more careful!"

Natalia responded tiredly, as a "guardian", she is very embarrassed now.

She is Jiang Shang's follower and should sacrifice her life for the Master.

But "Alaya" is her boss, and it is the restraining force that gave her her current strength.

stand between the two...

Whoever she chooses is a betrayal...


"so be it..."

Jiang Shang patted Mordred on the shoulder, motioning for her to leave with him.

A gray "Dimensional Tunnel" appeared in the room.

Before meeting "Alaya"...

Sending Mordred to Morgan's side is the top priority...

294. Are you not a white hair control?Alaya, do you understand people's hearts? !

Royal palace

Mordred followed behind Jiang Shang, looking around vigilantly.


"My mother...does she really have a way to make me stronger?"

Mordred scratched his hair and asked in a low voice with some doubts.

"Of course..."

"You have the blood of the Fairy of Paradise flowing through your body. "


"You can only count, half goblin..."

"But the other part of you is the blood of the red dragon in Britain."

"In a way..."

"You who inherit the blood of the two are destined to become an invincible powerhouse."


"From the moment you were born, you have the qualifications to be a "King". "

"What you lack is not strength, but systematic knowledge and the bearing of a king."


"Morgan in the history of pan-humanity, after all, his vision is too narrow."

"If she could work harder on you, you wouldn't be like this."


Jiang Shang raised his hand dotingly, and rubbed Mordred's little head regretfully.

04 Mordred raised his delicate face, grinning a little not very smartly.

Showing a cute and shy smile...

She likes the Master's compliment...

This recognition with "regret" made her want to stop!

Even if the false ingredients occupy at least half of it!

She can also get great satisfaction in a moment!


"Even if you praise me so much, I won't be happy!"

Mordred said arrogantly, just as she raised her hand and was about to punch Jiang Shang.

A cold breath struck from the front!

Make her put away her smile and look forward seriously!


Mordred murmured in fear.

She has a heartfelt fear of the fairy queen in front of her!

"You came..."

"Mordred, rebellious knight, child of my panhuman history."

The corners of Morgan's mouth raised slightly, and he greeted him coldly.

Her deep ice blue eyes looked at the young girl lovingly.

It can be seen...

She is working very hard and wants to be a responsible and good mother.

"Morgan, I will leave this child to you."

Jiang Shang said solemnly.

He raised his left hand and patted Mordred on the back.

Let the girl who tried to hide behind him muster the courage to face the queen.

Mordred turned around resentfully, and looked at Jiang Shang angrily.

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