
Morgan had already come to Mordred's side, and raised his palm, pinching the girl's left cheek.

"Of course."

"The next time we meet, she will appear as the Fairy Knights of the Round Table. "

"My husband, just look forward to it..."

Morgan smiled confidently.

She looked at Mordred with a look of expectation, curiosity, and encouragement.

A girl with the dual bloodlines of "Red Dragon" and "Paradise Fairy".

do not know...

What will she look like after awakening...

Even Morgan is looking forward to it...


After handing Mordred to Morgan.

The purpose of Jiang Shang's trip is over.

He didn't stay too long, but left the imaginary space.

after all...

What he has to face next is a collection of "human consciousness".

The restraining power called "Alaya"...


Jiang Shang didn't know how such an unconventional existence would show up.

But one thing can be confirmed.

Since the other party proposed to meet, it must be with good intentions.

What he has to consider is how to talk to "Alaya".

Seek for yourself, more benefits!


into the night...

Vanity Sky Garden...

After careful consideration, Jiang Shang chose here as the place to meet.

at this time...

Jiang Shangzheng was alone, sitting in the pavilion in the garden, waiting for the arrival of the "restraining force".

On the white stone table, there are several exquisite snacks.

This is also Jiang Shang, responding to an act of kindness.


Jiang Shang is also full of curiosity about this "restraining power".

Her transcendent existence, even "clairvoyance" cannot see through.

不 ...


The restraining power that connects the past, existence and the present, and is passed on to the future...

It is an aggregate formed by the will of countless human beings.

Wanting to see through her reality is itself an unrealistic thing.


"do not know..."

"What will the incarnation of restraint appear in this world?"

"It's really exciting..."

Jiang Shang murmured expectantly.

But just when his voice fell.

A gentle and pure girl's voice suddenly sounded from beside Jiang Shang.

"As an integration of "human consciousness". "

"I will come with the most perfect image in the minds of the witnesses."

"Man of destiny..."

"It's the first time we meet, please take care of me..."

The girl's pure and gentle voice is like a spring breeze blowing through the heart, making people feel refreshed.

Jiang Shang was taken aback for a moment, then slowly turned his head.

In his gaze...

A beautiful girl with white hair and blue eyes appeared beside the table out of thin air.

She didn't have any decorations on her body, she was only wearing a white dress.

no time...



This is a girl, the first impression...



"What I like is obviously a mature big sister with tall blonde hair..."

"It's not a "white hair control". "

"It's such a cold night that you have so little to wear."

"Look at yourself, you're shivering from the cold..."

Jiang Shangbai glanced at the girl beside him, and couldn't help complaining.

Speechlessly, he borrowed the black feather cloak from his body and threw it into the girl's arms.

Jiang Shang was relatively precocious since he was a child.

Compared with 387 girls of the same age, he prefers independent and mature women.

Just like...

White guns stay, black guns stay...

This type of lady...


After hearing Jiang Shang's complaints...

The girl froze in place...

However, his body was very honest, wrapping the cloak obediently so as not to shiver in the cold wind.

"terribly sorry..."

"I can't read your "heart", I don't know the type of your preferences. "

"I retrieved the imitated image of young people of your age from the database."

"According to the data..."

"A youth of your age has no resistance to a pure white-haired girl."


"I can reshape this body that you dislike."

"Hairstyle, body shape, figure."

"Looks, personality, preferences."

"It's all right, switch at will."

The girl who came back to her senses apologized very sincerely.

"forget it..."

"that's it..."

"Compared with the beautiful appearance, I care more about the interesting soul."

"After all, beautiful opposite sex can be seen everywhere."

"There are very few companions who can chat with each other."

Jiang Shang smiled and shook his head, then put his hand on his chin and looked at the girl beside him.

"Tell me..."

"As the "restraining power" you..."

"Why don't you hesitate to end the game yourself, but also talk to me?".

295. Alaya's gift!The second magic delivered to your door? !

Before "Alaya" came, Jiang Shang considered a lot.

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