Even the entire house where the archers were standing was forcibly torn apart!

Amidst the debris of the scattered houses, the bodies of more than a dozen artificial humans were twisted into irregular shapes!

Their bodies, like towels, were twisted into a twist!

The sound of bones breaking, accompanied by screams of extreme pain!

Blood splattered, falling from the sky...

Just like a monstrous rain of blood, Jiang Shang's appearance cast a depressive atmosphere.


Lancelot who split the "golem" into two with a single sword.

When he landed, he raised his head in horror, looking at the rain of blood.

Those inhuman corpses fell in front of him like garbage.

"This is!"

Lancelot lost his mind in shock.


"The other party is a magician with the "magic eye"! "

Lion Jie, who was hiding behind a car, eagerly reminded him.

Under his reminder, Lancelot didn't dare to be careless, and followed his Master's example and hid behind a truck.

at the same time...

The remaining dozens of android soldiers also noticed that something was wrong!

Just when they were about to adjust their status and launch an attack on Jiang Shang!

The blood-colored light particles turned into a female follower behind Jiang Shang!

"Turn into ashes!"

Black Joan said with a gloomy expression, a bloody flame ignited from her hands!

The fiery blood flames devoured the surrounding air, and strengthened his own body of red flames!

Under Black Joan's gesture.

Turned into five ferocious fire dragons, let out a silent roar, and flew towards the enemies on the scene!

The group of man-made people had no time to dodge, and they were swallowed up by the flames!


The shrill screams resounded through the night sky again!

Under the scorching heat, the group of artificial soldiers didn't even leave their corpses behind!

The charcoal aroma lingering in the air is the last proof of their existence!

"Ah ha ha ha ha ha ha!"

Black Joan let out a violent laugh, she never showed mercy to her enemies!

Someone who has ill intentions towards her!

She will definitely pay back a hundredfold!

That's how she acts, and that's how all "Avengers" act!


"well done..."

Jiang Shang rubbed Joan of Arc's head and praised.

"Stop kneading!"

"Hairstyle is going to be messed up by you!"

"I'm not that stupid saint!"

"Don't think I'll be happy if you do this!"

Hei Zhen waved her fist in embarrassment and said angrily.

Her rare handsome appearance was destroyed by the Master!


In the battlefield where corpses are everywhere, the fight between the two is so weird.

Lancelot, who was hiding behind the truck, frowned solemnly.

Even Shizi Jie, who was hiding on the right side of the car, couldn't help showing a bitter smile.

"Master, what should we do?"

Lancelot clenched the knight's greatsword in his hand and asked his master.

Because of the "master-slave contract", he can use sound transmission to enter the secret.

"Let's change it..."

"The target of his attack is an artificial human."

"At least it can be judged that he was not sent by the Thousand Worlds Tree. "

Lion Jie Jieli responded solemnly.


"Excuse me, are you a participant sent by the "Magic Guild"? "

"The servant next to you is the "Knight of the Spear" from the red side, right? "

The vigilant Lion Jie, pretending to be carefree, asked Jiang Shang's identity.


He's still hiding in the back of the car...

Obviously, he is afraid of Jiang Shang's magic eyes...


Jiang Shang raised his eyebrows and looked in the direction of the car.

Not surprisingly...

A system pop-up window appeared in front of Jiang Shang.


"The master is detected, triggering the main plot."

0····Ask for flowers·······

"If you make a choice, you can get system rewards."

"One: Kill the lion Jie Jieli, and you can get: The Encyclopedia of Necromancer Magic!"

"Two: Let go of the Lion Jie Jieli, you can get: random strengthening skills!"


When in contact with "important people".

The system activated again without accident.

two options...

Either one seems to be pretty good.


Jiang Shang thought about before...

Lion Jiejieli, that kind reminder...


"Lion Jiejieli, you have saved your life."

The corner of Jiang Shang's mouth raised a playful arc, and he spoke gently.

When hearing Jiang Shang's answer, Lion Jie Jieli could not help but breathe a sigh of relief.

"is it?"

"That would be wonderful..."


Lion Jie, who was hiding behind the car, sighed wryly.

He put down the weapon in his hand, but did not remove the "bullet".

In order to prevent this enigmatic and mysterious man from going back on his word.

Naturally, this little trick couldn't be hidden from Jiang Shang's perception.

Before turning around to leave, Jiang Shang kindly reminded him.

"Think of this as a 'warning'. "

"If you still want to continue living..."

"Don't contact other masters of the "red camp"..."

The voice falls...

Jiang Shang's figure has disappeared on the street...

Even Black Joan, who guarded him, turned into blood-colored light particles and dissipated...

Only Lion Jie and Lancelot were left, stunned in shock...


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