On a deserted street...

After confirming that there was no danger, Lion Jie stood up cautiously.

The eyes hidden under the sunglasses showed vigilance and doubt.

"Don't touch...other Masters..."

"What the hell does this... mean..."

Lion Jie muttered suspiciously, thinking about the meaning of these words.

at this time...

Lancelot has come to his side...

The stable knight of the round table patted Shishi Jie on the shoulder.

"That man's strength is very scary..."

"Even I can't see clearly, his authenticity..."

"Since he said that, let's be careful..."

After some consideration, Lancelot comforted his Master.

Lion Jie took out the cigarette case from his pocket, and sighed bitterly.

"you're right..."

"The meeting with that "priest" should be changed to a phone call..." Beg.

308. Castle in the Sky!come!Astolfo's Shock!

On the wasteland outside the city...

Circles of ripples emerged from the invisible space.

Jiang Shang's figure appeared from inside, standing alone in the wilderness.

He calmly looked into the distance, just a few kilometers away.

A majestic castle is being erected!

And there...

It is the final fortress of "Tree of Thousand Realms"!


"You chose to let it go, Lion Jie Jieli."

"Congratulations on getting: Random Enhanced Skill!"

"Random enhanced skills, loading!"

"Congratulations on obtaining: Poison Attribute Immunity!"

"Poison attribute immunity: Immune to all poison attribute attacks, even if it is a treasure, it can resist!"


The reward panel of the system appeared in front of Jiang Shang.

"Poison attribute immunity..."

"I always feel that this skill is a bit redundant... "Four Three Three"."

Jiang Shang complained complicatedly.


He is not very satisfied with this reward.

Think about it too...

He has "Semiramis" by his side, the oldest poisoner.

Is it...

This enhanced skill of "Poison Attribute Immunity" is used to guard against her, isn't it?

"never mind..."

"It's a blessing in disguise..."

"Maybe this "passive reinforcement" can cause some miraculous effects. "

Jiang Shang sighed with a complex expression.

Right at this moment...

The bloody light, beside Jiang Shang, turned into the figure of Black Joan.

After appearing, Joan of Arc rolled her pretty little eyes with a sad expression.

"Master, I didn't say you..."

"You really know how to choose a place..."

"That castle in the distance is the enemy's lair..."

"In that castle, there can be more than one servant..."

"Do not..."


"Except for the "Assassin", the rest are here..."

"What should we do now?"

"We are already fighting alone..."

Black Joan detected the enemy's breath almost immediately.

The fiery blood flames burned from her palm, turning into a black magic gun!

She looked up at the night sky above, revealing a cruel sneer.

Even those night owls soaring in the sky are the enemy's "reconnaissance familiars"!

That is to say...

Now they have been completely exposed...


The enemy's followers are on their way...


"Who said we were "fighting alone"? "

"If you want to compare the numbers, I won't lose."

Jiang Shang rolled his eyes at Joan of Arc...

With a tone of winning, he spoke calmly.

At the same time as his voice fell, a dazzling light suddenly lit up in the dark night sky!

this moment...

The darkness quickly recedes and the world returns to daylight!

"How could this be?"

Black Joan looked up in surprise and looked at the sky!

The original deep night sky is now shining brightly like a "diamond"!

Every cross-section reflects the image of the "parallel world"!

That shocking scene was like Jiang Shang taking her through time travel!


The scene that appeared in the sky...

It is a collision between two worlds, reflecting the scene of other worlds!

and this...

It is also the display of the ability of "Second Magic"...


at the same time...

The abnormal phenomenon in the night sky immediately attracted the attention of "Thousand World Tree"!

As the leader of the "Black Camp"...

The king named "Vlad III" gracefully put down the goblet in his hand.

at this time...

The servants who have just been summoned in this world are gathering here, waiting for his order.

Vlad III lowered his eyes slightly, and he looked at the "Riding Servant" below.


"You are in charge, go and investigate..."

The king of the black camp gave orders in a low voice.


"Wrap it on me!"

The handsome pink-haired boy clenched his fists full of vitality and spoke excitedly.

Ah Fu, who is a "riding servant", includes the mount.Holding multiple treasures!

her mount.

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