The cold aura emanating from her body is very different from that of human beings!


This petite girl is actually a follower!


Hearing the inquiry from "Good Daughter"...

The beautiful woman resting her chin on her right hand shook her head dotingly.

"That's not okay..."

"If we can board that "Castle in the Sky"..."

"With the strength of "Jack", maybe my wish can come true..."

The woman spoke softly.

Her name is: Liu Dao Lingxia.

She is now one of the seven masters of the "Black Faction".


She was just a poor woman tricked by a magician into a sacrifice.


The moment before death...

Her strong desire to survive has resonated with her followers...

The "Killer Servant" after the present world cut off the magician's palm with the command spell!

Use the cruelest capital punishment!

Forcing that magician to transplant his "Command Spell" to the woman who should have died!

From that moment on, her originally gloomy life took a completely different path.

as if...

Thank you to this "killer servant"...

Even if she sacrifices her own life, she will send "Jack" to the city in the sky!

Help the girl in front of me to get the Holy Grail...

315. Jiang Shang's next move!Assassins, move!

Vanity Sky Garden...

After Jiang Shang gave orders to the fourteen servants who participated in the battle through the "Great Command Spell".

Ah Fu, who is also a "war Servant", couldn't hold back immediately.

"It's incredible!"


"If this continues!"

"Aren't we going to become public enemies of the whole people!"

Ah Fu covered his head in frustration, he didn't dare to think about what would happen next!


Semiramis showed a mocking smile.

"Stupid cavalryman, open your eyes and look around!"

"Whether it is strength or quantity!"

"The powerhouses in our camp can completely crush them!"

"The ones who should be worried are those guys!"

"They're just prey!"

"And we are the hunters!"

The empress standing beside Jiang Shang looked down at Ah Fu condescendingly.

In her arrogant voice, there is absolute confidence that she is sure of winning!

Alfred froze...

He, who just joined this camp, obviously hasn't realized how terrifying this Master is!


at this time...

Jiang Shang's voice sounded again...

"After my order is issued, if there are no accidents."

"Both sides will see me as: the worst enemy."

"The "Black Camp" and "Red Camp" should cooperate. "

Jiang Shang smiled freely and did not pursue Ah Fu's fault.


"I'm afraid that both sides of the black and red camps will send the strongest servants."

"Master, do you need to send our followers and teach them a lesson?"

Semiramis suggested from the side.

She is very good at destroying other people's good things.

You just demolished the other party's home, and now you're destroying the other party's alliance.

This kind of thing...

Just thinking about it makes me happy...

The words of Semiramis made the other people present shudder suddenly.

This woman is simply too vicious...


Jiang Shang's next answer...

But let everyone realize what it means: there are people beyond others!

"Your suggestion is good..."

"But it is better to cut off one finger than to hurt his ten fingers."

"I have dispatched "Natalia" to infiltrate that city. "

"That experienced assassin knows what to do next."

Jiang Shang showed a deep smile.

He informed the subordinates at the scene of the chess pieces that he had already laid out.

His pair of gray eyes were so deep that one could feel a chill down the spine.

Unlike Heroic Spirits who value "honor".

The Guardians are a bunch of people who do anything they can.


sneak attack!


As long as you can get the job done...

No matter how bad things are, they can do it!

Like unscrupulous bosses, they only value results!


In modern society...

There is no more professional assassin than "Natalia"!


Jiang Shang's answer stunned even Semiramis for a moment.


"You have already prepared..."

Semiramis's smile seemed a bit far-fetched.

After the "Seventh Singularity" battle, she has seen the strength of the Master.

She originally thought that a strong man like the master must be a proud person.

I didn't expect...

With such strength, his style of handling things is still impeccable!

This terrible state of mind can no longer be called an "ordinary person"!



"You need to remember one thing..."

"When you have the upper hand, if you don't strike in time..."

"When the enemy recovers, you will be the one who suffers..."

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