Jiang Shang lazily raised his head and looked at Semiramis beside him.

In a calm tone, he taught the Assyrian empress a lesson.

"I agree with your statement."

"Strongly Agree..."

Semiramis smiled approvingly.

Jiang Shang's evaluation level in her heart has reached another level.


The conversation between the vicious master and slave.

But it made the other people who gathered here show shameful expressions.



"There must be a battle between the "strongest" of the two camps. "

"Once the battle starts, you will suppress it."


Jiang Shang issued a new order...


Thor clenched his fists excitedly, a warlike look flashed in his eyes.

"As ordered..."

Yaolan put on a serious face.

In order to prove herself, she will go all out in this battle!


at the same time...

In a cheap hotel...

Natalia in a bathrobe is wiping her hair...

On the bed behind her, there is a new weapon box...

The moment the box is opened...

Two "Glock 17" pistols lay quietly in the weapon slot.



Equipment popularity, one of the highest pistols.

Can be loaded with "[-]mm" special bullets.

Magazine capacity, currently "[-] rounds".

Light weight and high precision.

And have a foolproof insurance agency.

The magazine catch and the hang-up release handle are all set on the left side for easy one-handed operation.


When she saw the two firearms, Natalia smiled approvingly.

Matched with this gun, there are six special magazines full of bullets.

The silver-gray bullet contains the aura of "magic".

Origin bomb...

Six magazines, 110 four rounds...

Different from the single-shot mechanism of the "competitor".

With Natalia's hand speed, it only takes two seconds to empty the magazine!

Within an effective distance of 50 meters!

Even the monarch of the "Clock Tower" may not escape death!

Natalia picked up the pistol skillfully and quickly loaded the magazine.

The familiar touch reminded her of the memories from her lifetime.

The figure of her adopted son appeared in her mind.

The smile on her face turned into sadness.

"` ~that child..."

"It's suffering again..."


after an hour...

After a long journey, the masters and servants of the black camp finally arrived in the city.


"Judger, that guy..."

Danic's complexion was extremely ugly.

The battle with the "Red Camp" has not even started yet.

They were already broken: two servants!

The missing "cavalry": Astolfo!

as well as...

The assassin who has completely lost contact and has not yet appeared!


There are only five servants left on their side...

Danik wanted to curse, but he was worried that he would be retaliated by the other party.


He can only hold it in his heart...

The enemy who stole the "Great Holy Grail" does not belong to either camp.

It also means...

A new enemy has arrived...

And the opponent's strength far exceeds his cognition...


"Master Danik, what should we do?"

"Could it be! Really (well) you have to obey him."

"Are you going to board that sky city?"

The rich middle-aged man wiped his sweat with a towel, and asked worriedly.

He is the master of "Black Swordsman - Siegfried".

Gold Mujik...

For the "Moon World", where talented people come forth in large numbers, he is just an ordinary little character.

But in a certain "parallel world", he has an outstanding son.

Goldruf Mujik.

That is...

Spend a lot of money to buy the new director of "Chaldea".


Gold's question was like a thorn, piercing Darnic's heart!


"What else can I do!"

"The Great Holy Grail belongs to us!"

"I don't care about that guy, what kind of person he is!"

"I will definitely let him spit out the whole thing with interest!"

Danic said viciously, he half-closed his eyes, flashing a murderous intent of resentment!

at this time...

A crazy plan...

It has already quietly taken root in this man's heart...kill...

He is going to form an alliance with the "Red Camp" and get rid of this "Judger" first! .

316. The wonderful use of C stay?Lancelot, break the defense!

Vanity Sky Garden...

After Jiang Shang's order was issued.

He signaled to the servants present that they could go back and rest.

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