"Therefore, all members must be dispatched! Even if one more servant joins the battle!"

"For our side, it can also occupy an advantage!"

Danic narrowed his eyes viciously, with a venomous light shining in his eyes.

For him who experienced "World War II"...

War is a despicable game, he just adapted to the rules of the game earlier than other players!


His purpose is also very clear!

In the negotiation, get at least "One Riding Servant"!

That's right...

Although Danik's idea was crazy, he had his eyes on the opponent's servants!

For normal magicians, followers are familiars and tools!

Even if the soul of the controlled "container" is Heroic Spirit himself, so what?

Since it is a tool, it can be exchanged!

Sincerity as an "alliance"!

The red camp must transfer a servant to the "black camp"!


Danik, an old fox, why did he do such an absolute...

If you want to blame, blame the leader of the "Red Camp" for being impatient...

He was the first to propose the idea of ​​"Alliance"!

All of this is their own fault!


Danik's order had just been given.

There were voices of opposition at the scene.

"Mr. Danik, isn't your approach too risky?"

Chiron frowned, and retorted rationally.

Send all five servants on your side to the scene.


If there is a "third-party force", take this opportunity to be a demon.

Wouldn't the master of the black camp be wiped out?

No matter how you think about it, this approach is too stupid!

At least...

Let one of the followers stay and take charge of defending the position!

Good magician too...

Berserkers are good too...

Any one of them staying is a good choice!



Danik raised an arrogant smile and dismissed Chiron's suggestion.

"There is an old saying in the West, called: Live to die."

"Now is the time for us to gamble everything!"

Danik raised his hand confidently, and continued speaking in an arrogant tone.

"This city was originally controlled by the "Thousand Boundary Tree" family! "

"Even this luxurious hotel has been devoted to my efforts!"

"As early as a few years ago, it became my "Magic Workshop"! "

"As long as I activate it, this place will become: a copper wall and an iron wall!"

"36 layers of defensive barrier!"

"72 layers of attack barrier!"

"There are as many as seven "magic furnaces" that provide energy! "

"There are more than a hundred monsters acting as "watchdogs"! "

"Countless "magic traps"! "

"Even areas that are easily overlooked have been alienated into: Subspace!"

"Hum hum..."


"If these are not enough, there are artificial humans disguised as tourists!"

"And the "Alchemy Golem" sleeping in the basement! "

"Even if it's the enemy's "Servant", they broke in recklessly! "

"Waiting for his end, there is only one dead end!"

"Even if he overcomes many obstacles!"

"But the moment when the foreign enemy breaks in!"

"We have enough time to summon servants through the "Command Spell"! "

Danik smiled sinisterly.

This cunning old fox has already started planning decades ago!

He has considered almost everything!

Danik's words left Chiron speechless.


Even Vlad III applauded approvingly.


"Danic, you really have a heart."

"You guys, do you have any questions?"

Vlad III praised with satisfaction, while looking at Chiron and the other followers.

The atmosphere at the scene fell into silence again.

There is a reason why Danik, the fox, can become the leader of the "Tree of Thousand Worlds"!

Looking at the silence of the crowd, the confident Darnic added again arrogantly.

"From ancient times to the present, every era."

"There are magicians who stand at the top and overlook the world!"

"The Association of Magicians generally calls it the crown!"

"And I... Darnic!"

"It is the "Grand Magician" standing at the top of the world! "

"The final victory will only belong to the black camp!"

"Only this is an undeniable fact!".

327. Friends of Thor!All four dragons are here?

at dusk...

Located inside the city, inside an average hotel...

Natalia, half lying on the sofa, stretched lazily.

On the low table in front of her was a laptop.


When she sneaked into the hotel disguised as a "plumber".

Except for a little "little surprise" prepared for everyone.

She also quietly installed several tiny cameras.

at this time...

By receiving the signal...

The corridor of the hotel, as well as some scenes in the lobby, are being displayed on the screen.


The picture displayed by the monitor has become blurred-indistinct...

Some scary-looking monsters, such as ghosts, began to appear on the screen!


"It's really yours..."

"It's forbidden to raise monsters of this level..."

Looking at the video on the monitor, the corners of Natalia's mouth twitched slightly.

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