A trace of cold sweat slid down her forehead, and she was full of joy at this moment!


She had already set a trap before last night...


With a "third-rate follower" like her...

If you want to rely on your own strength to forcibly break into this hotel, you will end up dead!


So far, the situation has been predictable...

Natalia glanced at the silent watch on her wrist, estimating the time of the meeting between the two parties.

Considering the movement speed of the "servant"...

I am afraid that when the "Magic Workshop" is activated, they have already started to act!

Natalia stood up from the sofa and put on a long black trench coat.

A final check of the two Glock pistols.

Make sure it's working, a complicated look on her face.

"Resolve it as soon as possible."

Natalia sighed sadly, this mission must be a disaster.

Put the magazines full of "origin bombs" into the inside of the windbreaker one by one.

The next fight...

The only thing that can protect her is the "origin bomb" made from the ashes of her adopted son.



At this time, Lion Jie was sitting helplessly on the ground...

He is a "Necromancer", and the fastest place to recover mana is in the cemetery.

This is the best way to provide sufficient high-quality mana to "Lancelot".

at this time...

In the empty cemetery, he was left alone...

Just last night...

Thor, who came suddenly, and her companions took "Castor" away.

According to her, it is very impolite to let a girl spend the night in the cemetery!


Consider the maiden's mission.

Thor promised to bring her back before dusk.


Watching dusk approaching, the girl still disappeared...

This made Lion Jie feel anxious for a while, but he was helpless.


at this time...

Vanity Sky Garden...

A grand banquet has come to an end...

All kinds of dinner plates and dessert containers are piled up on the luxurious long table.

But who can imagine that there are only four people participating in this banquet?

不 ...


It's four dragons...

It's Thor's group of friends who crossed the "Dimensional World Barrier" and came to play!



As early as after the heart-to-heart talk in the "imaginary number space"...

Jiang Shang helped Thor, using the authority of the system, to build a "dimension-level" portal!

Under the maintenance of the system, even two different worlds can be traveled stably!


Thor's friends, have always been less convinced.

In the unknown "dimension world", there really is an ideal paradise.


Races with "advanced intelligence" always have deadly curiosity.

Under Thor's repeated invitations, they decided to come and have a look first.


After seeing the scenery of "imaginary number space", all the dragons were shocked!


Thor invited them to hold a small banquet in the "Vanity's Hanging Garden".

Trying to use all kinds of delicacies to further bribe them and let them act as thugs!

It turns out...

Thor's strategy is still very effective...


When I heard that I was going to fight for "humanity"...

Without exception, the four dragons all refused...


Banquet hall...

The maids of Einzbern were clearing the dining table.

Thor, who looked annoyed, patted the table with his hands angrily.

"You guys!"

"Eat everything! Drink everything!"

"Are you still planning to pat your ass and leave!"

Thor groaned angrily.

She never thought that her friends would be so shameless!


"You should know that we cannot interfere with humans."

"Not to mention meddling in the world of other dimensions!"

"It's not just that I can't shoot, you can't either!"

"If you make a move, I will definitely stop it."


Alma preached with a serious face.

0····Ask for flowers·······


Her voice was muffled...

Because she was still eating something in her mouth.

Even the pretty little face was stretched out of shape!

This banquet that started last night, the delicious food shown!

It was more than what she had eaten in her tens of thousands of years of dragon life!

in particular...

After being seasoned by modern industry...

That indescribable delicacy was something she had never felt before!

so that...

When the other companions had already stopped, she was still eating hard!


"Would you like to listen to what you are talking about!"

"Give me the food in your mouth, swallow it and talk!"

"Since I planned to stand by from the very beginning!"

"Then return everything you ate!"

"You still eat!"

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