The bright green light turned into two arrows of light in her hands.

"With my bow and arrow."

"Look at the protection of "Apollo" and "Artemis". "

Atalanta, use all your strength to open the brown longbow!

this moment!

Huge magic power gathered in her slender body!

The longbow she holds is called "Sky Bow"!

Received the blessing of the moon god "Artemis"!

By praying to "Artemis" and his brother "Apollo"!

Then you can launch the huge and powerful "Anti-Army Noble Phantasm"!

It's called... The Book of Arrows!


The shining green light turned into an even more dazzling blue light!

Brilliant light particles gathered from the surroundings and above the arrows!

"Dedicate this disaster!"

"The letter of the petition!"

Atalanta uttered her final oath and unlocked her own Noble Phantasm!

The moment she let go of her palm, two arrows broke through the speed of sound!

But in the blink of an eye, it turned into a star in the sky!

In an instant...

The shining brilliance turned into a bright galaxy on the dim yellow dome!

Arrows of blue and golden light fell from the dome like a torrential rain!


A thousand Valkyries, yet unmoved...

The soft bond of light connects a thousand Valkyries together!

The "Swan Dress" they held turned into a giant golden barrier!

Protect all Valkyries inside the barrier!

A thousand pieces of "Level: A+" defensive dresses are now combined into one!

The "energy barrier" formed by it has already surpassed the scope of the specification!

This is the defensive barrier of "Level: EX"!

If you want to break through the defense, unless it is a breakthrough blow!


Atalanta, can't do it yet...


Arrows of light that filled the sky fell on the top of the barrier.

The shocking barrage attack looks spectacular!

But the moment of contact, it turned into particles and dissipated!


Atalanta's "Noble Phantasm" did not have any effect!

Not only that!

The provocative Valkyries automatically entered the battle mode!

The light guns they held in their hands shone with golden thunder!

Pseudo-Great God Declaration!


Just when the Valkyries are about to throw their light guns!

A cheerful female voice stopped their attack!

"That's our prey!"


"Leave it to us to solve it!".

332. The Shining Dragon of the Horizon!Karna, in a hard fight!

The sudden sound aroused everyone's vigilance.

at this time

In the sacred light, Thor and his party of dragons gradually descended from the sky.


She's wearing a maid dress...

But the swinging dragon tail and two dragon horns revealed her~ identity!


Beside Thor...

It's Alma, who is righteous and awe-inspiring, and Fafnir, who looks angry and ready to kill everyone!

as well as...

The petite and lovely Yaolan-...

Even the cute Kang Na put on a serious expression!

Five dragons!

There is no doubt that the creatures descending on the battlefield at this time!

It's a dragon disguised as a human!

If the arrival of the "Valkyrie" is just the opening!

Then the appearance of "Dragon Clan" announced the beginning of the story!


"Has even the dragon species been controlled..."

"Who is the arbiter in the sky?"

Vlad III, his eyes widened in horror, exclaimed in disbelief.

"The probability of winning this battle is basically zero."

"My lord, retreat now..."

"Maybe still..."

Avis Brun, who is a "Magician", saw that the situation on the battlefield was unfavorable, and quickly remonstrated.


Bloody spikes rose from the ground directly in front of him!

The moment his steel mask was slashed, gorgeous sparks splashed all over the place!

"This is a warning!"


"We have no way out!"

"Only by defeating the enemies in the sky can we have a chance!"

Vlad III, with his deep eyes, will go all out in the next battle!

He waved the spear in his hand, and there was a trembling roar under the ground below!

Bloody spikes burst out from the ground!

Like countless long spears thrown out, they flew towards the enemies in the sky!


At the same time as Vlad III launched the attack.

Amakusa Shiro also made the right choice!


"I ordered it with the "Command Spell"! "

"At all costs, defeat the enemies in the sky!"

On the back of Amakusa Shiro's hand, a scarlet and strange light flashed!

Facing the giant dragons on stage, the only servant he can trust is "Karna"!

The Command Spell was transformed into a huge amount of energy, which was poured into the body of "Karna".

Karna's eyes focused on the most powerful dragon!


"Since it is your expectation, you must respond."

The fiery flame turned into a golden spear in Karna's hands!

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