The magic power diffused from his body turned into a substantial flame!

Even the surrounding space is burning and distorting irregularly!

Unleash Magic Power Flame!



Considering the safety of the "Master"...

As the "Son of God", Karna rarely shows his true strength!

Because the magic power he needs can drain the Master's life in an instant!


Things are different now...

The energy transformed from the "Command Spell"...

Compared with the master's magic power, it is larger and more pure!

With the blessing of the "Command Spell", even if it's only for a short 3 minutes!

As one of the strongest heroic spirits, he can go all out to fight!


In Karna's eye sockets, blood-colored eyeshadow appeared.

The moment his body moved, a huge sonic boom cloud appeared behind him!


In the state of "Magic Power Release Flame"!

Even with normal movement, Karna can easily reach supersonic speed!

The golden spear he held was aimed at Thor's eyebrows quickly and fiercely!

Right now!

A bigger sonic boom cloud appeared in front of Karna!

Launch the Raiders, fast!

Even Karna is a little dazzled at this moment!


His body reacted first, holding the spear across his chest!


The crisp sound of swords and halberds intersecting echoed in the dim sky!

Yaolan, who entered the fighting state, showed a surprised expression on her small face.


"Can resist my attack..."

"What an amazing human being..."

Yaolan smiled approvingly, and praised Karna in front of her.

To know...

The original Yaolan can break through the sound barrier in just "0.3" seconds!

Among the known followers, they all belong to the fastest group!

not to mention...

Is it the current "2.0" version...

At this time, Yaolan is using the artificial human technology of "Taiyi Zhenren"!

The material used to make the body is the remains of Albion 45 billion years ago!


Frontier Dragon!

That is at the apex of "mystery"!

Even if it is placed in the Dragon Clan, it is a veritable "Dragon of the Crown"!


Even a servant as strong as "Karna"!

Facing the "2.0" version of Yaolan, it is extremely difficult!


Even if he goes all out, he can only delay the enemy for 3 minutes!


With the next command spell, he can support him and continue to fight!

0····Ask for flowers·······


There are still four giant dragons like "Yaolan" on the scene!

Even he is fighting so hard, let alone other people?


"It's useless to talk too much, let's say goodbye to destiny!"

Karna looked indifferent, and coldly responded to the opponent's provocation!

Now that the enemy has been identified!


He must resolve the battle in front of him as soon as possible!

I saw that Karna pushed hard with both hands, and pushed the enemy in front of him several meters away!

"Should you be brave...?"

"I hate the type..."

Yaolan showed a contemptuous smile, and the arm blade in her hand shone with a strong blue light!

Under Karna's shocked gaze, it turned into: two weird narrow and long spear blades!

Not only that!

Even her aura soared several times at this moment!


Horizon of Light!

When this skill is activated!

Yaolan will gradually change back to its "original appearance" until it turns into a dragon!

simply put...

In the following battles, Yaolan, who is gradually "turning into a dragon", will only become stronger as she fights!

After the initial transformation!

Yaolan wields two sharp spear blades, trying to pierce the golden armor of her prey!

Karna raised his spear with a serious expression, resisting the attack from the enemy, and looking for an opportunity to attack!

Karna's courage was seen by Yaolan.

"Oh huh?"

"Want to challenge the dragon?"

"This fighting spirit is very good, as you wish, I will hunt you down!"

Yaolan's speed accelerated again, and even dozens of afterimages appeared in the air!

Almost at the same second, attacks from all directions rushed towards Karna!

"Dragon of the horizon!"

"The next battle!"

"I will use this entrusted power to do what I should do!"

The burning flames on Karna's body became even more dazzling at this moment!

Every flesh and blood on his body, every inch of blood vessel!

It's all on fire right now!

Karna's speed, strength, and even fighting will have improved qualitatively compared to before!

The figure of one man and one dragon is engaged in a "supersonic class" battle at an altitude of several thousand meters!

For a while, there was no winner!

In the eyes of everyone below.

All I could see was a mass of orange fire, and the intense confrontation with the blue light countless times!

without any exaggeration...

Servants like "Shiro Amakusa" and "Shakespeare"!

They can't even see the fierce confrontation between the two, let alone ordinary people!

That level of battle is no longer something ordinary people participate in!


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