Fiore replied uncertainly, she only knew so much.


After Natalia confirmed the location, she turned her head and signaled that the girl was leading the way!

It is at this moment that the girl's mechanical prosthesis comes into play!


at the same time...

Inside the city's church...

The irritable Achilles is as anxious as a monkey on a kang.

The sound of battle resounding from outside the city, and the descending Valkyries!

Everyone is explaining to him that this war has already begun!


Heroic Spirits!

The three forces have all sent their own forces!

As a warrior, he participated in the "Holy Grail War" for the sole purpose!

I just hope that I can fight against the powerhouses of all ages!


The opportunity is in front of him, but he is limited here!


"I'm really unhappy!"

Achilles punched angrily and hammered on the pillar beside him!

He walked out of the church with a face full of anger, and happened to see Lancelot who was guarding the outside world.

The resolute Lancelot doesn't look like a "betrayer" at all.

Aware of Achilles, ready to AWOL.

Lancelot frowned and reminded him.

"Your task is to guard the interior of the church."

"You shouldn't have come out, in case an enemy breaks in..."

Lancelot pretended to be a kind persuasion.

But before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Achilles.


"I'm tired of hearing what you said!"

"When I was alive, I didn't like my boss, or the existence of kings."


"The purpose of my participation in the "Holy Grail War" is to have a hearty battle! "

"Instead of staying in this kind of place and acting as a watchdog for others!"

"This battle has continued until now, and there is no winner!"

"If nothing else happens, they should be in trouble!"

"This is exactly the time for my uncle, "The Hero Appears"! "

Achilles spoke excitedly, and raised a hand to pat Lancelot on the shoulder.


Karna once said...

Lancelot, no betrayal...

Achilles was considering this point, so he chose to believe in this sword knight who refused to reveal his real name!

"The task of guarding the church is entrusted to you!"


"Just wait for me, come back victorious!"

The voice fell.

Before Lancelot continued to persuade, Achilles rushed forward!

His speed was extremely fast, and he disappeared without a trace in the blink of an eye!

Achilles' face was filled with an excited smile.

Like an unshackled prisoner, blowing a crisp whistle.

A blue thunderbolt descended from the sky!

Beside Achilles, it turned into a heavy armored chariot with a strong sense of impact!

The undead chariot of the raging wind and waves!

Two immortal horses given by "Sea God Poseidon"!

Plus Achilles, a famous horse he snatched!

There are a total of three magic horses, and the heavy chariots they pull!

In the name of super speed, it has galloped through countless tragic battlefields!


This is one of the Noble Phantasms that he has been summoned to this world as a "Cavalry Class"!


Achilles jumped up!

Skillfully driving the chariot, it took off from the ground!

Under Lancelot's horrified gaze, it turned into a bright blue light!

Heading towards the bloody wasteland on the outskirts of the city, he galloped away at full speed!

"This is..."

"His "Noble Phantasm"..."

Lancelot frowned and murmured in surprise.

But soon he realized that this was a great opportunity.

He took out the mobile phone of this era from his pocket, and tapped the keyboard quickly.

Inform Lion Jie of what happened here and let them take action.


Just a few dozen seconds after the message was sent...

A bloody magic circle appeared in front of Lancelot...

Lion Jie with a complicated expression, and a girl with a helpless face fell from the magic circle one after another.

And then...

Holding a beer bottle in his hand, the drunken Lukoya also leaned out from the magic circle.

And raised his slender palm to greet Lancelot...

The corner of Lancelot's mouth twitched uncontrollably...


In this rescue operation...

A very special existence appeared...

337. A Hero Appears!Amakusa Shiro, was cheated miserably!

On the bloody wasteland...

The "black camp" that was fighting suddenly changed...

First, the leader "Vlad III", because the supply of mana was cut off.

The "Guardian General" weakened from his mount and lost his ability to fight.

and then...

It's "Knight of the Sword" Siegfried.

He was about to unlock the treasure, but he received a call for help from the Master!

Under the effect of the "Command Spell", he was forcibly transferred from the battlefield!

Ziggy flies away too fast...

This made Fafnir stunned in place~

Even Thor showed a surprised expression...


"How dare you play me..."

Fafnir, who was angry with him, had a flame of anger flickering in his red pupils.

A mass of black blood flames ignited from his hands, just when he was about to get angry!

Thor stopped him.

"Without the order of the master, you can't kill people casually!"

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