"This group of captives, I will take them back!"

"If you want to kill or cut, it's not too late to ask the Master!"

Thor said seriously.


"It seems that you have been "domesticated"..."

"In the past, you would not consider human beings..."

Fafnir said with a cold face, but the flame in his hand had already been extinguished.

Siegfried's departure made him tired of this battle, and it was time to go back.


On the other side of the battlefield...

Avis Bron, already unconscious...

How could a blow from "Erma" be an attack that his weak body could resist?


The frantic Frankenstein let out a ferocious roar.

Swinging the sledgehammer with a flashing arc, it smashed towards Erma's head!


The crisp sound echoed on the battlefield!

The shock force from the giant hammer almost made the girl lose her grip on the weapon.


Alma, who was attacked unexpectedly, did not rush to the pain.

She even scratched her head in doubt, then turned to look at the girl who was attacking.


Frankenstein, who was violent before, was also stunned in place at this time.

The attack does not work...

Is there a more humiliating way than this?


An angry Frankenstein, how could he accept such a shame.

She is going to unlock her treasure and die with the enemy!

The Thunder Tree of Punishment!

The rapidly rotating heavy hammer automatically unlocked the switch!

A series of emerald green arcs emerged from the hammer!

Frankenstein, holding up the weapon in his hand, was about to launch the strongest blow!

The current she released coincided with each other and flew in the same direction!

at this time...

Kang Na, with a cute expression, showed her cute little tail.

Her tail is like a "lightning rod", pulling restless thunder!

It may not be appropriate to use the word "absorption" to describe this scene.


It would be more appropriate to use "eating" to explain.

As a "thunder attribute" dragon, she feeds on lightning.

After coming to modern times, she even evolved electric plugs.

Electricity, lightning...

Kanna can absorb everything, and the more she absorbs, the stronger her strength will be...

It can be said...

Frankenstein's Noble Phantasm is simply a moving feast...

Like an ice cream truck, for example...

For children, there is an irresistible attraction...


Frankenstein's Noble Phantasm stopped working...

The powerful electricity stored inside was swallowed up by the gluttonous Kanna.

Having lost the strongest treasure, Frankenstein stood there blankly, maintaining a funny posture.


Alma blinked suspiciously, considering that this lovely girl is also one of the enemy's servants.

She raised her palm, and tapped Frankenstein's neck lightly!


At the beating of Alma...

Frankenstein, who is a "Frankenstein", rolled his eyes at the beginning, fell to the ground in shame, and fell into a severe coma.


But Kang Na came over, squatted on the ground with concern, and poked Frankenstein's little face.

The electric current just now was the most delicious food she had ever eaten.

If she could, she would like to have some more...


Vlad III...

Avis Bron...


All have been surrendered by the enemy...

Looking at the scene, the almost one-sided decadent trend...

"Chiron" who was hiding in the dark immediately realized that something happened at the hotel!

0····Ask for flowers·······

He didn't stay on the scene to fight, but ran towards the city as fast as he could!

The supply of magic power from the master has not been interrupted at this time!

This means!

His master is still alive at this time!

If he can still catch up, maybe there is still hope for everything!


The defeat of the black camp was far faster than Amakusa Shiro expected!

Vlad III, that unusual behavior made him even more wary!

problem occurs!

Something must have happened to the "Master" of the black camp!

Very likely, it has been completely wiped out by the enemies in the sky!

This desperate thought made Amakusa Shiro's face extremely pale!


The master of the black camp has been attacked...



Will the enemies in the sky spare the Master of the "Red Camp"?

The answer is: impossible to let go!


Amakusa Shiro, already prepared!

He arranged for the trump card "Achilles" in advance to stay in the church!

Even if the enemy does launch a surprise attack, he may delay enough time!

During this period of time, it was enough for "Hassan of Tranquility" to transfer the group of masters!


If nothing else, it must have been an accident...

A burst of horse neighing suddenly sounded from the sky...

"Achilles" driving a chariot appears on the battlefield like a hero!

When he saw the figure of "Achilles", Amakusa Shiro's eyes suddenly went dark!

His body fell backwards.

If it wasn't for "Shakespeare", kindly support him.

Maybe he has already turned his head and passed out on the ground.

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