
"You idiot!"

Amakusa Shiro clutched his chest, cursing regretfully!

If "Achilles" left, then who would stay in the church?


just now!

During the negotiations, Amakusa Shiro planned to betray his master and make him an abandoned son!

The funny thing is...

The current situation has undergone an earth-shaking reversal.

The abandoned son turned out to be a key savior!

At this moment...

Amakusa Shiro can only pray in his heart, Lancelot must not betray him... Beg...

338. C Dumb rescue operation!True Royal Sister, killing people with their eyes?


Lancelot's cheeks twitched, and he looked in the direction of "Lucoa".

This sister with a kind face and a lazy smile looks like a "wine boy" no matter how you look at it!

But she inadvertently emitted a faint breath...

But it made a servant of the level of "Lancelot" feel palpitations!

even though...

With the blessing of "Indestructible Lake Light"...

Lancelot also has a sense of crisis...

If he was an enemy of this woman, he might not even be able to survive half a round!


Just one look from the other party can make him exit...



"Am I that scary?"

"Obviously I am very confident about my disguise..."

Lukya innocently raised her hand, pointed at her face, and said without knowing it.

To know...

Thor, who is 60 meters long, is not even as big as her "[-]" eyes!

And Lukya's body is in the same snake shape as "Yegamonde"!

Freely hovering over the entire top of the sky, but can't see the end of the body!


When facing "Tiamat"...

Thor once said that the only dragon who can defeat the "God of Creation" is Lukya!

"Sister Rukya..."

"The task is urgent..."


Castor eagerly persuaded, holding Lukoya's arm, ran towards the inside of the church.


"Okay... let's perform the task first..."

Lukya opened his eyes in a daze, and looked towards a deserted corner.

Her "eye of truth" can see through the authenticity of everything in the world, and can penetrate people's hearts!


all the pretense...

In front of her, they are all self-defeating...


She had already drank too much wine, and even the breath she exhaled had the sweet aroma of alcohol.


Everyone selectively ignored, Lukya's drunken words...

Led by Lancelot, they rushed towards the dungeon under the church...

until everyone leaves...

The no-man's corner that "Lukoa" was staring at...

A pretty girl with a "skull mask" emerged...

She sat weakly on the ground, unable to exert any strength in her body...

"Well...so scary..."

"What kind of existence is she..."

Hassan the Tranquil exclaimed in a trembling voice of fear.

When I met the eyes of that woman!

It was as if time and space were frozen!

An unprecedented sense of powerlessness engulfed her heart!

thinking, remembering...

Practicing martial arts...


At that moment, she even forgot her own name!

All that remains is the primal fear of being a creature!

That is definitely not an existence that "human beings" can contend with!


Hassan the Serenity decisively chose to stand by and watch.

She didn't stop everyone's rescue operation, she was afraid!

Because offending that woman will inevitably happen, something more terrifying than death!

Although she is an assassin, she is not foolish enough to give her life!


The "contractor" who dared not touch her was not recognized by the girl!


deep in the dungeon...

Everyone moved down step by step along the wet and cold steps.

A peach-pink mist hangs in the dungeon...

A strange sweet fragrance hit everyone...

Toxic fog!

Hassan the Serenity's masterpiece!

The masters of the red camp lost their ability to resist because of inhaling this mist!


Custer raised his hand and stopped everyone behind him.

"O staff of choice, grant light!"

"Dispel the poisonous fog ahead!"

The girl raised the staff of selection in her hand and sang solemnly.

The gorgeous staff of selection, blooming with blue dreamy light.

The poisonous mist pervading the dungeon quickly dissipated, as if it had encountered a nemesis!


The girl watched the poisonous mist dissipate, and secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

"Time is running out, let's continue on our way."

Lancelot sighed complicatedly. He looked at the girl with guilt and expectation.

On "Castor", there was a familiar aura, the aura of that king!

The girl in front of me has the qualifications to become a king...


"There is a "Magic Perception Barrier" here, and the other party must have noticed it. "

Lion Jie sighed, he took out the shotgun from his pocket, and prepared for battle.

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