So is Lancelot...

Holding the "Indestructible Lake Light" in his hand, he was at the forefront of the crowd.

The dark dungeon is small in size though.

However, it formed a delicious contrast with the solemn and splendid church above.

Everyone is walking forward vigilantly...


In the cell at the end of the tunnel, they saw the rescue target of this trip!

at this time...

The five masters of the red camp are sitting on the ground with dull expressions.  …

Their limbs and necks were covered with heavy steel chains.

even though...

When the rescuers came, they didn't do anything.

Because of "Jiang Shang"...

Amakusa Shiro didn't get what he wanted, and summoned the "Empress of Assyria".


In order to limit this group of "Masters", he can only use more cruel methods!

All captured masters will be kept here in captivity like "livestock"!

"Let me come."

Lancelot signaled the girl to step back, waved the holy sword in his hand, and slashed at the iron railing!

A few blue sword lights disappeared in a flash!

The iron cages broke apart one after another!


The collapsed iron prison door made a loud roar!

But the five imprisoned masters did not take any action!

Even the expression on his face was as dull as ever!

"what happened?"

Lion Jie was the first to notice something was wrong, and said suspiciously.

He walked into the cell and looked at a tall and thin man.

This person's name is "Find Wall Semperen", and he is the first-class lecturer of the clock tower!

According to common sense, with his ability and status, it is impossible to become like this!


"We are here to save you!"

Lion Jie shook the man's shoulders, but the sluggish man didn't respond.

The man's eyes were empty, and there was no sadness, joy or fear on his numb face.

That strange appearance is like a puppet whose soul has been taken out.

at this time...

"It's useless..."

"They're poisoned too deeply..."

"The brain is broken..."

"In addition to serving as a "battery", even the pain has been lost. "

"The guy who locked them here didn't intend to show mercy from the very beginning."

Lukya's lazy voice sounded in the room.

She drank sweet beer and spoke the cruel truth in a drunken tone.


Lion Jie cursed angrily.

An inexplicable chill came to his mind, reminding him of "Jiang Shang"'s warning!


If he didn't follow the advice, he might have ended up, the same end as them!

That priest named "Kotomine Shiro"...

The heart is really vicious...

339. Quiet Little Helplessness!Qualification for special servant summoning? !

inside the dungeon...

The state of the five "Masters" of the red camp made everyone fall into silence.

Shi Shijie's eyes looked at the backs of the five people's hands, and his pupils shrank instantly!


The Command Seals on the backs of these masters' hands!

All of them disappeared!

"The command spell is gone?"

Shi Shijie said in amazement, even he had never heard of such a weird thing!

But if nothing else happens, everyone's Command Seals are in the hands of that priest!

That is to say...

That dangerous guy named "Kotomine Shiro" controls six servants by himself!


"Miss Custer, why don't you go up first."

"Just leave this terrible thing to me."

Lion Jie turned around and looked at Custer behind him.

He subconsciously clenched the shotgun in his hand.

The current situation is actually very clear.

The masters who lost the "command spell" were poisoned by the terrible spiritual poison!

They lost consciousness and became empty shells like "living dead".

Provide a stable source of magic power for the followers of the "Red Camp".

It is their only existence value and the reason why they are still alive!

It can be said...

Now they are worse than death!

不 ...

Even death is considered a gift!


If we kill "them" now...

Servants who lose their "magic power supply" will lose their combat power on the spot...

That is to say...

The five "servants" of the red camp will be eliminated immediately...


This is also what the "Ruler" master in the sky would like to see.


"I won't leave here half a step!"

"Their life and death, we have to ask the master before making a decision!"

"Uncle Lion Jie, Mr. Lancelot, please trust me!"

Castor's expression showed a bit of determination.

As the "son of prophecy", she is not a flower in a greenhouse!

She has experienced too many hardships along the way, and she already has the consciousness to face death directly!

At times like this...

The most correct choice is to report the details of the scene to Master Master!

"I agree with "Caster"..."

"If it's that man, there should be a way to heal them."

Lukya said approvingly, she knew very well the true strength of "Jiang Shang".

at the same time...

She is also looking forward to that human being that even he can't see through...

At this critical moment, what choice will you make...


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