Vanity Sky Garden...

Custer's report sounded in Jiang Shang's mind.


"The master is detected, triggering the main plot!"

"Make a choice and get system rewards!"

"One: Kill the master of the red side, and get: the qualification to summon special servants!"

"Two: Let go of the master of the red side, and get the qualification to summon special servants!"


A system prompt appeared in front of Jiang Shang.

Looking at the reward in front of him, Jiang Shang frowned slightly, showing a look of surprise.

This is the first time...

A system that understands people's hearts actually provides: the same reward!

Jiang Shang looked at the same two options, but fell into hesitation instead.


The master of the red square is originally a passerby character...

even though...

Five people added together to provide such a reward.


or leave it alone...

For Jiang Shang, there is no difference...


The expression on Jiang Shang's face caught the attention of the "Empress of Assyria".

"what happened?"

"Have you encountered any troubles?"

The Empress of Assyria raised her hand, held Jiang Shang's palm hovering in the air, and asked with concern.


"The master of the red camp has been arrested now..."

Jiang Shang said with a sigh.

He is thinking about what method to use to maximize the benefits.

"That's a good thing."

"How about taking this opportunity to kill them?"

The Empress of Assyria smiled, and was delighted for Jiang Shang from the bottom of her heart.

Based on her idea, she took this opportunity to kill all five of them!

Simply and neatly eliminate five followers, sitting on the final victory!


Jiang Shang smiled and shook his head...

"Let them live, maybe the value is higher..."

Jiang Shang narrowed his eyes halfway, with a deep smile on his lips, rejecting the empress's suggestion.

He suddenly has a "very bold" plan!

If it succeeds, it will bring him benefits beyond imagination!

Even his "stand-in: easy to do evil" will evolve into: the second stage!

And this plan...

He needs the help of the "magician"...

And the more "magicians" there are, the easier it is to implement...


inside the dungeon...

Jiang Shang gave Custer an order through the "Master-Slave Contract"...

"The master said..."

"He wants to live..."

Castor looked at the crowd at the scene and spoke with a relieved expression.


"It seems that Master "Judger" is not as scary as imagined. "

When Lion Jie heard the news, he couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief, showing a heartfelt smile.

Even if he is willing to let go of these worthless masters.


As the hero of this mission, you must also be rewarded!

realize this...

His mood was high, and his awe of Jiang Shang increased a little!

"Let me unlock it."

Custer excitedly took out the professional lockpicking tool from his bag.

Under the sluggish gaze of "Lancelot", he skillfully opened the lock.



The sound of unlocking the lock was heard, and the whole process only took a few seconds!

The girl's proficient skills stunned everyone present!


"This kind of lock can be easily unlocked."

While unlocking the lock, Castor did not forget to speak to the others.

Lancelot opened his mouth in astonishment, watching the scene in front of him.

this moment...

Something in him broke...

If we use the words of modern people, the broken things should be the "Three Views".

3 minute later...

The girl unlocked all the locks, and held the only female among the five Masters in her arms.

Lancelot also stepped forward, holding the two masters under his arm, and carrying two more in his hand!

The extraordinary power of the follower is fully displayed at this time!

"Sister Rukya..."

"Can I trouble you, are you opening the "Portal" once? "

The girl looked at her expectantly. The slightly drunk elder sister in front of her had an indescribably cute little face.


"I just ran out of wine..."

Lukya said very bluntly, she raised her long and slender fingers, and gently poked forward.

The blood-colored magic circle immediately unfolded in front of everyone.

Under her leadership, a group of people left in a mighty way.

And all this...

The tranquility that is hidden in the dark is silently seen in the eyes.

Quiet: 0MO....

340. The Fierce Battle Between Heroic Spirits and Dragons!A small world surrounded by heaven!

on the wasteland...

The flashing blue streamer sent Karna flying tens of meters away!

The energy from the blessing of the "Command Spell" is rapidly decaying!

For a servant of the level of "Karna".

If there is no huge "energy supply", it will not be able to exert its full power!


If he forcibly draws the magic power, it is even possible to drain the master's life energy!


"It seems..."

"This is your limit..."

Yoran's casual and frivolous voice reached Karna's ears.

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