"Stop me!"

Black Joan who was knocked into the air adjusted her position in the air.

And facing the ferocious Ilulu, forcibly activate the ability of "Dragon Witch"!


Dragon Witch!

One of the skills possessed by Black Joan.

The miraculous power of the Holy Grail gave her the ability to command the dragon!

If it's just an ordinary dragon, she can easily subdue it!


Black Joan's order made Yi Lulu a little dazed.

Take this opportunity...

The spiritual Joan of Arc rushed to the direction of Black Joan again.

Having escaped the fate of being swallowed, she breathed a sigh of relief.


Yilulu, who had recovered from her shock, had a fierce expression on her face!

"You bastard!"

"You actually want to enslave me!"

"Unforgivable! I will never let you go!"

Angry Yilulu grabbed the dragon's claw ferociously!

Trying to tear that stupid woman into irregular pieces!

But at this moment...

A terrifying coercion, like a storm, swept across the entire battlefield!

Yilulu, who was about to attack, was also stunned by this breath!

Like a stone sculpture, standing in place, motionless!

Even the surrounding burning buildings were almost extinguished under the cold pressure!

The dull sound of leather boots trampling on the ground became more and more clear from the end of the street!

In the dark night when the gunpowder smoke dissipated, that golden long hair was so conspicuous!


Ilulu blinked in confusion.

From the person who came, she smelled the breath of "dragon".


The woman who appeared in her eyes was so strange!

Before Yi Lulu asked about the identity of the other party, the woman had already made a move!

"I said..."

"The guy who disturbed me watching the game is you guys...".

367. Feathered Serpent God's Horror!Yilulu, broke the defense? !

For "Quetzal"...

The modern world is full of endless fun...

beer, food...

wrestling, ring...

TV, movies...

Although she only experienced it for one day, she fell in love with life in the modern world!


She began to feel that signing a contract with the "Master" was a very cost-effective blessing.


What she cares most about is the wrestling match!

Since early morning, she has been waiting in torment-!

Seeing that "underground wrestling match" is about to begin!

Just when the atmosphere of the audience was heated up, the host announced that the game was over!

Toxic fog...


It was the reason for the termination of the "Underground Wrestling Competition"...

The disappointed "Quetzalcoatl" gave birth to a feeling of being deceived!

Her good qualities as a goddess prevented her from killing a lot!


There is a saying that goes well...

Injustice has its head, debt has its owner...

Although she would not anger ordinary people, the culprit of this incident must pay a heavy price!

The guy who created this "poisonous fog" offended the real god!


In the dark sky, large dark clouds emerged!

A bloody thunderbolt streaked across the entire sky!

next moment!

The dull thunder shook so much that even the ground trembled slightly!

Such abnormal weather is very similar to the mood of "Quetzal"!


"You guys, talk..."

Quetzal's voice echoed on the scene.

But everyone present was silent.

She walked in front of everyone with a bad expression, and patrolled the current battlefield with cold eyes.


Even the ferocious Ilulu has turned into a well-behaved child.

He kept his head down obediently, not daring to make any noise.

So familiar!

The aura emanating from this woman!

Yilulu always feels as if she has been in contact with it somewhere!


She scratched her not-so-intelligent little head with her ferocious dragon claws, but she couldn't remember it!

But there is one thing that Ilulu can confirm!

The owner of this breath is definitely not her, an existence that can be provoked!


Only this woman can't provoke...

But the pure Yilulu obviously overlooked one thing...

That is...

Black Joan she offended just now, has no intention of letting him go...


"is her!"

"She did it!"

"All of this is her fault!"

"She almost ate Joan of Arc just now, and she's going to kill everyone! "

Black Joan didn't blush, and her heart was beating unsteadily.

The strongest servant on your side has appeared like a hero!

She was overjoyed, and couldn't wait to set fire to her!


She suffered such grievances, how can there be any reason to let "Ilulu" go?

If you don't teach this little bastard a lesson, Joan of Arc will have a hard time sleeping at night!

To know...

Although she can't "trick"...

But when it comes to being "smart", she is at the top of the list...

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