
Hearing Black Joan's voice, Quetzal looked in her direction.

at this time...

Inside the ruined house, Joan of Arc was struggling with a spear.

Behind Joan of Arc, there is another "girl" whose neck was broken.

see here!

Quetzal's eyes widened in an instant!

She is very clear that Joan of Arc is under the supervision of "Jean of Arc"!

It's impossible for her to do such a thing like killing a child!


The inhuman child in front of me...

He became the most suspected "murderer"...


"May I have your name..."

Quetzal moved his neck and made a crisp sound, questioning the girl opposite.


"My name is: Ilulu..."

Yi Lulu muttered in fear, drops of cold sweat were sliding down her forehead.

Maybe it's her illusion...

On the woman opposite, she seemed to see some shadow of "Lukya"!

To know!

That boss of the "Onlookers" is not kidding!

The aura on the opponent's body is somewhat similar to hers, which is already very scary!

"Ilulu...isn't it..."

"I will write your name on your tombstone!"

Quetzal grinned, showing a cruel and horrifying smile, releasing a terrifying evil spirit!

The evil spirit like a tsunami devastated Ilulu's consciousness!

The confused girl's body trembled uncontrollably.


When I heard that the woman on the other side wanted to kill her...

The ever-increasing desire to survive made Yilulu look fierce, and put on a posture of accumulating strength!

0····Ask for flowers·······

"kill me..."

"In other words, you are also my enemy..."

"As the elite of the "Chaos faction", I will not accept my fate obediently! "

Yilulu stepped on the ground, and the gray sonic boom shattered the ruins on both sides of the street!

With "supersonic" level of mobility, she appeared in front of Quetzal in the blink of an eye!

The ferocious dragon claws spread out in the sky!

Like a "bear trap", it shot towards Quetzal's head!

With the power of a giant dragon, crushing a human skull is as easy as crushing a peanut shell!


Her movement speed...

It was completely in the expectation of "Quetzal"...

After being resurrected by the "Fengshen Bang", Quezal got a stronger body!

Speed, strength, defense...

...... 0

Responsiveness, coordination...

Perception, mana supply...

Etc., etc...

All aspects of her have been "quality" improved!

It can be said...

The current "Quetzal" is a real monster!




Ilulu growled ferociously!

The two claws carried a fierce wind, and slapped Quezal's head!


Face this childlike attack!

Quetzal just didn't care, raising his slender white arms!

Without any strengthening, relying only on the defense of the body!

As well as its own strength, it easily withstood the fatal blow!

Quetzal still had a vicious smile on his face.

But Yilulu's small face no longer had the arrogance just now!

"It hurts!!!"



Ilulu let out a cry of grievance.

Her two huge dragon claws are like human little toes, as if she accidentally kicked the corner of the wall!

The severe pain caused her to fall from the air.

Covering his lower abdomen with his hands, he was rolling all over the floor in pain!


Quetzal, but he didn't mean to let her go!

This vicious big sister corrected Ilulu's cognitive errors with a magnetic voice!

"Before I discipline you, I need to explain..."

"I'm not a "human"..."

"Sister, I..."

"Real name: Quetzalcoatl."

"It exists in "many myths", the supreme god..." Beg.

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