"On my side, I have to step up the arrangement..."

Kenneth clutched his pale forehead and looked at the various luggage piled up in the living room.

His purpose of coming to "Fuyuki City" this time is not for the Holy Grail.

He just simply wants to win and add glory to his "life history".

By the way...

Let the younger generations in the family, and the stubborn elders, marvel at him again!


He spent a lot of money and purchased many dangerous magic dresses!

Just to prove himself, as a "child prodigy" who has been praised since childhood.

No matter where it is, it is the absolute protagonist!



"Just watch, I will definitely win, the final victory!"

Kenneth showed an arrogant and arrogant smile, and looked at his fiancée.


His beloved fiancée's attention at this time was not on him, a genius at all.


He gazed affectionately at the servant he summoned—Diarmuid.

Do not know why...

In Kenneth's mind, the myth and legend of this "Servant" suddenly appeared.

The anger called jealousy made his face suddenly become extremely ugly.

Kenneth, who was full of suspicion, even worried that his beloved fiancee would be snatched away by the other party!

That despicable myth will be staged again on him!

"whispering sound..."

Kenneth clenched his fists with an ugly face, just as he was about to give an order.

Let Dimuludo do some chores, when he disappears from his presence.

A strange man's voice suddenly rang out from his ears.

"You seem very angry... child..."

"How about...tell the old man to listen...".

43. Director Ken's helplessness!Fairy Knights of the Round Table!

too close!

So close that you can even feel the breath from the other party!

Kenneth's face became extremely pale, and his body sitting on the sofa was trembling slightly.

He sensed the terrifying magic power behind it, it was definitely not something a magician like him could compare to!


And there is a high probability that it is a Servant of the skill level!


Kenneth opened his mouth, trying to make a sound, calling for his followers to come and protect him.

but the next moment

The icy magic whip was pressed against his neck, causing his words to stop abruptly.

Kenneth rolled his eyes in horror, looking at the blood stains on the whip!

Noticed it almost immediately!

The mysterious servant who is threatening him at this moment must be one of the "Battle of the Port".

at the same time...

Diarmuid also reacted, and he immediately summoned the double guns.


Considering that the master he is loyal to is being held hostage by the enemy.

For a moment, he didn't know what method to take to save his master.


"You guy, you are too despicable!"

Diarmuid stared at Jiang Shang with an ugly face. He could feel that the opponent's strength was far above his.


A strong man like this uses the most shameless sneak attack!

Could it be that...

Is his class "Assassin"?


Regarding Diarmuid's evaluation, Jiang Shang laughed contemptuously.

"Ha ha..."

"Diarmuid, did you leave your mind in the Hall of Valor when you were alive?"

"Don't you expect all your opponents to fight you upright?"

Jiang Shang pursed his lips contemptuously, retorting against Diarmuid, who was so simple as to be ridiculous.

"what on earth do you want..."

Kenneth was also a little panicked now, asking the enemy who held him hostage with an ugly face.

At such a close distance, no matter what magic tricks he casts!

The opponent can detect it instantly and kill him!

"How about it..."

"It's just that I didn't enjoy playing tonight, so I followed the breath of the follower and found this place."

Jiang Shang smiled brightly and explained the reason for his visit.

at the same time...

The system screen also appeared in his sight.


"The master is detected, triggering a hidden plot."

"After making a choice, you can get the corresponding reward!"

"Option [-]: Kill Kenneth, get: A-rank Anti-Army Noble Phantasm!"

"Option [-]: Let Kenneth go, and get: A-level Anti-Person Noble Phantasm!"

"Option [-]: Help Kenneth, get: Fairy Knights of the Round Table!"


The system panel appeared in front of Jiang Shang.

As expected of a magician from "Clock Tower"!

Each of Kenneth's three options looks extremely attractive!


When I saw "Fairy Knights of the Round Table", the previous two seemed less attractive.


He decided to help Kenneth...

At least help him get rid of the fate of being "Tauren"...

Jiang Shang patted Kenneth, who was restless, and looked at Diarmuid on the opposite side.

"The Mole of Love..."

"Legend Diarmuid is cursed by a goblin."

"You who have a "brilliant appearance" can always fascinate thousands of girls, even the wife of the monarch eloped with you in the end. "

Jiang Shang recalled the description of Diarmuid in "Celtic Mythology".

After he said these words, Kenneth's expression instantly became extremely ugly.

Even the clenched fists rattled at this moment.


"That's not my will!"

"Your Excellency's intention is nothing more than to transfer the relationship between me and the Master!"

"I, Diarmuid, how could I be fooled by you!"

Diarmuid put on a defensive posture, one long and one short two steel guns, wishing to let the enemy's corpse go away!


This resolute knight didn't notice the expression of the other person in the room at all.

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