
As Kenneth's fiancée, Sola has been watching Diarmuid from the beginning to the end.

Even when her fiancé was threatened with his life, she didn't change any expression.

And all this...

Kenneth saw it all, making his facial expression even more distorted.


Jiang Shang also saw this scene, and the smile on his face became more playful.


"Do you know the fate of "Finn"..."

Jiang Shang's voice was very soft, but it was like a heavy hammer, hitting the hearts of the master and slave at the same time!

Kenneth lowered his head with trembling pupils, and the veins on his forehead were already bulging!

Isn't his fiancée's obsession with "Diarmuid" just repeating this plot!

Sensing the change of the Master, Diarmuid also burst into anger!

"Since you want to start a war, come at me!"

"It's too nasty to attack my Master!"

Diarmuid noticed that the atmosphere was not right, and he knew that this man must not be allowed to continue talking!


Without him doing it himself...

Kenneth, who was dazzled by jealousy and anger, wanted to protect his lover.

I'm afraid he will be given the command to "suicide" through the command spell!

If so...

Then his present life this time is too ridiculous...






A variety of negative emotions filled Kenneth's heart.

Jiang Shang, who is familiar with the plot, just moved his lips and provoked with a few words.

It has already made Kenneth's complexion extremely ugly.

Anger was almost swallowing up the man's sanity.

Even the aura of genius he was so proud of was stained with shame!

But at this moment...

Jiang Shang put down the "Magic Whip", and said again in Kenneth's ear.

"Let's make a deal..."

"I will help you erase the curse of the "mole of love"..."

"As a reward, you must follow my orders in this "Holy Grail War". "

Jiang Shang's voice was so soft that only "Diarmuid" and "Kenneth" could hear it.

Kenneth didn't answer.

For this "Holy Grail War", he spent countless money and was even burdened with debts.

How could this child prodigy who wanted to "win" be willing to be someone else's pawn!


When he looked at his beloved fiancée...

but see...

Since his life is in danger...

This woman is still the same as before, all her attention is on Diarmuid.

Kenneth had long since disappeared from her eyes.

In just a moment, Kenneth already had the answer in his heart.

"I promise you...".

44. Samadhi real fire!Diarmuid's choice!

Kenneth said yes!

He made a huge choice in order to free his beloved from the curse of "mole of love".

This monarch from the "Clock Tower" is willing to give up the halo of genius and all his own glory, and become Jiang Shang's pawn!

The expression on his face seemed a bit unwilling


When he thinks that after the curse of the "mole of love" is broken, his beloved fiancée will be able to come back...

He smiled innocently again...

For the woman he loves, he can give up everything, including his own future...


Diarmuid looked at Kenneth, guilt flashed in his eyes, he hesitated to open his mouth to explain something.


Jiang Shang, who was originally behind Kenneth, suddenly activated the Five Elements Escape Technique!

Appeared in front of "Diarmuid" out of thin air!

"This is not the place to talk."

"follow me."

Jiang Shang pressed Diarmuid's shoulder, and before the knight could break free, he launched the Five Elements Escape Technique again!

As the space fluctuates...

Jiang Shang had already taken Diarmuid, disappeared from Kenneth's sight, and came to a roof a thousand meters away.

After the two landed, Diarmuid's eyes widened in disbelief, and he looked at Jiang Shang angrily.

"You guy..."

Diarmuid raised his weapon angrily, but his movements froze in midair.


The chief hero of the "Knights of Fiona" sighed with a complicated expression.

He is actually suffering.

And he doesn't intend to tell anyone, including his Master.

The root cause of Sora's change of heart is not all the curse of the "mole of love".

Actually the biggest factor...

Sora was willing to be seduced by the "mole of love"...

That passionate woman...

Disliked from beginning to end, her overbearing fiancé...

Even if the curse of the "mole of love" is removed, nothing will be changed.

It will only make his master feel more embarrassed...

The confusion on Diarmuid's face was in Jiang Shang's expectation, he showed a knowing smile...

at the same time...

The panel from the system also appeared in front of Jiang Shang's eyes.


"The master is detected, triggering a hidden plot."

"After making a choice, you can get the corresponding reward!"

"Option [-]: Kill Diarmuid and get the qualification to summon the Knights of the Round Table!"

"Option [-]: Subdue Diarmuid and get the elf knight summoning qualification!"


Jiang Shang glanced at the system's rewards, and already made a decision in his mind.


The smile on his face became more intense.

"Diarmuid...can you tell me the reason why you responded to the "Holy Grail" call? "

Jiang Shang raised his hand, patted Diarmuid's shoulder, and asked the sad knight.

"I want to wash away the shame on my body, hope to gain life again, and dedicate everything to the new monarch."

Diarmuid frowned, and after hesitating for a moment, he spoke his truth.

"That means, for your Master, you can sacrifice everything?"

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