That terrifying female knight called herself: Knight of the Round Table!

That is to say...

She is very likely to be a knight under the command of "King Arthur"!

With her sturdy body, terrifying fighting power, and silver-white knight armor!

It's hard for Emiya Kiritsugu not to doubt it!

In the legendary Knights of the Round Table, besides the King of Knights, are there any other women!


That King of Knights will give him the exact answer...

54. The master-slave bet!What matters most to each other?

Different from

The amazement of other Masters...

Zaid's exit did not attract any attention from Matou's house.

The nervous Ilya didn't even know what happened.

Ilya, who is addicted to cooking, has only a happy smile on her cute little face...

Bagster stood beside Jiang Shang like a statue, performing his duties as a knight...


The previous battle made her feel weird...

She always felt like an enemy, deliberately doing it...

"Master, I don't understand the behavior of the enemy."

"But I can conclude that this must be the enemy's "suspect strategy." "

"I'm afraid the "Assassin" I killed was just a fake body..."

Bagster, who didn't know the truth, expressed his doubts.


The servants who participated in the Holy Grail War are all figures who have left their own deeds in human history.

Even the "Assassin" is the same...


If it weren't for his own strength, he would have absolute confidence!

Then the assassins who lived in the "Assassin class".

Impossible to be grandiose, provocative at the door during the day!

This is simply stupid, unbelievably stupid!

137 Therefore!

Bagster judged that there must be something else hidden in this matter!


Hearing Bagster's question, Jiang Shang nodded approvingly, and then told the truth.

"Bagster, you're right..."

"The servant named "Assassin", real name: Hassan Baimao. "

"According to historical legends, she is an assassin with nearly a hundred faces and proficient in 32 stunts."

"In this Holy Grail War, these faces of hers turned into 88 independent individuals."

"The "Zayid" you killed was just one of them..."

Jiang Shang explained in detail.

Bagster, who knew the truth, suddenly realized.

"I see..."

"Sacrificing insignificant individuals to achieve the effect of deceiving the enemy."

"The remaining 87 people are hiding in the dark and watching the tigers fight, and looking for opportunities for assassination..."

"If this is the case, then all this can be explained."

"Oh...have you been tricked..."

Bagster sneered in disgust, and her clenched fists made terrible noises.

Yi (aeed) Liya, who was eavesdropping on the conversation, shivered suddenly.

But Jiang Shang shook his head and mocked in a lazy voice.

"Layout is like playing chess..."

"The easier a place is to be ignored, the more deadly murderous intent is hidden..."

"Those who think they can see through the situation often just see what the planner wants him to see..."

The expression on Jiang Shang's face was as calm as ever.

But in his words, he revealed without any concealment his contempt for Tohsaka Tokiomi.

Kotomine Kirei has been in private contact with Jiang Shang for a year!

But Tosaka Tokiomi, who is the "magic teacher", has not noticed it until now!

But this is not true, he is too stupid!


As a teacher, Tohsaka Tokiomi was completely indifferent to Kotomine Kirei, a nominal disciple!

He thought that by virtue of his relationship with "Kotomine Risei", he could use his son as a subordinate!

Coupled with Kotomine Kirei's dullness and desireless personality, he has a wrong perception!

Tohsaka Tokiomi thought from the very beginning that this disciple would not betray him and would assist him in obtaining the Holy Grail!


He didn't care about Kotomine Kirei's private life.

Even if he asks occasionally, it's just a symbolic politeness from him as a teacher.


Under the guidance of Jiang Shang...

Kotomine Kirei's character has long since changed...

From being used to obeying orders, to having your own thoughts.

He even has a "hobby" and finds something to fill the void in his heart!

And these...

It's all Tohsaka Tokiomi, what he didn't realize...

Speaking of Mine Kirei's actions today, it is obvious that he is expressing his wishes...

He is on the side of "Jiang Shang"...

If nothing else...

Within today, Kotomine Kirei will come to plead guilty, and tell Tosaka Tokiomi's plan...


"Your words are too profound, I don't quite understand..."

Bagster replied respectfully.

To this...

Jiang Shang lazily leaned his head on the back of the chair, looking at Bagster behind him.

"Let's make a bet..."

Jiang Shang showed a playful smile and proposed a bet to Bagster.

"I don't know...what are you going to bet on..."

Bagster frowned puzzled, she had sworn allegiance to the Master.

Even if there is no bet, she will faithfully carry out all the orders given by the Master!


"Just bet on each other, the most important thing..."

Jiang Shang said with a bad taste, of course he was just joking.


Bagster's eyes instinctively looked up.

Her most important thing should be her horns.

"What about the answer?"

Jiang Shang asked again, he was also curious about what Bagster's expression would be when the time came.

"I promise you..."

"What is the content of the bet?"

Bagster took a deep breath, and solemnly asked the Master in front of him.

"Just bet..."

"Before sunset today, the master who killed the servant will come to apologize in person."

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