"And tell the plan in full detail."

Jiang Shang smiled lightly and said, in Bagster's view, unrealistic and absurd things.

Bagster frowned and shook his head in disbelief.


She had just killed an instance of The Assassin.

This means that her Master has become like fire and water with the Master of the "Assassin"!

In this case...

How could the master who killed the servants go to Matou's house to plead guilty before sunset?

Bagster was puzzled, but she trusted her own judgment and agreed to the bet.

"I can't believe that something like this will happen..."

"Even you..."

"My answer is..."

"That master will hold a grudge, and launch an assassination against you, against the Matou family!"

Bagster also made his own bet.

at the same time...

This mighty female knight is also very curious...

The Master in front of her, what is the most important thing...

His Majesty Morgan...

Or...that holy girl...

With such a simple thought...

Bagster didn't know that she had fallen into the trap set by Jiang Shang...

55. Noble Phantasm gift?Kotomine Kirei, come to apologize!

On the table

The bet between Jiang Shang and Bagster also attracted the attention of others...


Ilya swallowed the sweet honey barbecue, her beautiful eyes were full of little stars, and she looked at the two beside her!

With her little devil character, she already had a premonition that something very interesting would happen next...

"Then it's a deal..."

Jiang Shang raised his hand, obviously wanting to high-five Bagster.

"No matter what the result is, my loyalty to you will not change in any way."

Bagster responded firmly.

She raised her powerful big hand, and it fit Jiang Shang's palm together~.

So far...

The betting contract was formally established...


After half an hour...

After finishing his meal, Jiang Shang was going to the private cinema of Matou's family to watch the movie that just came out.

Bagster respectfully followed behind him, responsible for protecting the safety of the master.

But when the two passed through the corridor, they saw a black-haired man standing in front of the gate of Jiantong's house along the window on the second floor.

In the man's hand, holding a black gift box...

He lowered his head gloomyly, hesitating whether to ring the doorbell.

Bagster stopped in her tracks, her brow furrowed, her face showing a scrutinizing expression.

"It's the enemy..."

"Master, do you need me to go and annihilate it!"

As the "Fairy Knights of the Round Table", Bagster has a danger perception ability that far surpasses that of humans!

The black box that the man was holding was exuding an aura that even she felt was dangerous!


hidden weapon...

Or...some kind of treasure...

Bagster didn't know what was in that box, but she was absolutely sure!

For the sake of Master's life and safety!


Never let the Master touch the contents of the box!

Absolutely not!


The battle seems to be on the verge of breaking out!

Bagster, full of anger, is about to enter the battle mode.

But Jiang Shang raised his hand, grabbed Bagster's arm, and stopped her from moving!

"That's the Master of the "Killer Servant"..."

"Bagster, you lost..."

Jiang Shang smiled triumphantly, teasing the loyal female knight beside him.


Bagster made an unbelievable voice, expressing strong doubts about the Master's words!

Did that man really come to apologize for holding such a dangerous "item"?

How can it be!

"Let's go..."

Jiang Shang took Bagster's big hand and activated the Five Elements Escape Technique.

Appeared in front of Kotomine Kirei using the method of "space movement".

"Qi Li..."

"Did you come here this time to avenge the dead "Assassin"? "

Jiang Shang, who appeared behind him, kept the smile on his face, teasing Kotomine Kireidao.

Qi Li recovered from his astonishment, and immediately shook his head.

"Master Jiang Shang, you misunderstood..."

"I'm here to apologize to you for the provocative behavior just now..."

Kotomine Kirei spoke respectfully.

And handed over the "black gift box" in front of Jiang Shang with sincerity.

"This is...?"

Jiang Shang looked at the gift box, and asked Kotomine Kirei in doubt.

"This is a dessert I made myself..."

"It's mochi stuffed with mapo tofu..."

When mentioning his masterpiece, Kotomine Kirei's face showed an excited smile.

As soon as the voice came out...

Suddenly, there was no sound at the scene...

Even the female knight "Bagster" opened her mouth in astonishment and froze in place.

"Qi Li..."

"The next time I come back, the gift will be waived..."

After Jiang Shang received the "gift", he complained about Kotomine Kirei with black lines all over his head.

Seeing the lord accepting the gift, Kotomine Kirei let out a heavy breath.


He took out a notebook from his pocket...

"Time is running out, so I won't go in..."

"The contents of this notebook record the conspiracy of Patriarch Tohsaka and the architectural layout of the mansion."

"Every magic enchantment, every magic trap, there are detailed instructions on it."

"It's the information I recorded after field trips during this year."

"I hope it can help you a little bit."

Kotomine Kirei bowed respectfully, held the notebook with both hands, and handed it to Jiang Shang.

to indicate...

His respect for this "soul teacher"...

After more than a year of getting along, under the guidance of Jiang Shang, Kotomine Kirei has found the answer!

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