"Lily told me." Erica spread her hands like Paul did before.

"Liliana Krannichar, no wonder..." Paul's face became a little ugly.

"That god is approaching Italy, Lily told me a few days ago."

Paul was silent for a while, and finally said with a sigh:

"Do you have to go?"

"If I don't go, then Lily will definitely go. To be honest, I don't feel too worried about her facing that god."

Erica looked at Paul with a firm look in her eyes, but there was also an imperceptible cunning.

"Don't worry, Erica...Are you going to challenge God?"

Paul looked at Erica and asked word by word.

"I'm not that conceited. I know that there is no chance of winning a direct challenge, but if you ask me if I have such an idea in my heart, if I say no, you won't believe me, right?"

Paul closed his eyes and stayed there for a while, as if in deep thought.

Afterwards, he opened his eyes and did not try to persuade Erica, but asked calmly:

"So, what is your qualification to face the gods?"

"I have already prepared Golgotha's word spirit and the secret ritual of summoning."

Mount Calvary, the location where Jesus was crucified in the Bible, is simply a secret technique for restraining the gods.

"The Holy Spear of Sighs and Prayers, have you even learned this secret technique without telling me?"

Paul stood up from his chair and said to Erica in a commanding tone for the first time:

"Grand Knight Erika, I order you to go to Sardinia to learn the details of the coming of the God of Disobedience, and the judgment during the mission...I leave it to you to decide."

"Obey, Commander-in-Chief."

Erica gave a knightly salute to Paul, and then took the order to turn around and leave here.

But looking at the girl's back, Paul sighed softly.

"Although there will be such a day sooner or later with your talent, it is too early now."

"The moment you face the God of Disobedience, you will understand how far away the step you need to take to continue upward."

"Pray to see you again after surviving."

1440 Kusanagi Godou

At the southern tip of Italy, there is a resort island floating on the Mediterranean Sea - Sardinia.

The size of the island is not large, with a population of about [-], more than half of which are gathered in Cagliari, the largest city on the island.

The natural environment on the island surrounded by sea water on all sides is also well protected, and the largest industry is the sightseeing and tourism industry that depends on it.

Whenever it comes to summer, especially the northeastern coast of the island, it is famous as a resort for noble people.

"That's it."

Yun Tian, ​​who disembarked, stood at the port, looking at the small town in front of him.

He also held a map and guidebook of Sardinia in his hand, just like an ordinary person.

As for the Black Furnace Demon Sword hanging around his waist, Yuntian used the Star Immortal Technique to perform some small tricks on it, which are invisible to ordinary people.

"So, you haven't told me why you came to Sardinia?"

Edelweiss followed Yuntian, and questioned Yuntian curiously.

Yuntian didn't tell her why he suddenly chose to come to this Italian holiday island. The two originally planned to go to the extreme east or Tianchao for their next stop, but Yuntian changed his itinerary immediately after seeing the news.

He kept secretively not telling her why, which made Edelweiss feel itchy, and he asked her more than once along the way.

"Calculating the time, we have been traveling in this world for four years, right?"

Yun Tian still didn't answer Edelweiss, but talked about irrelevant things as if changing the subject.

"It should be about the same." Edelweiss was a little helpless, but still nodded.

"It's been four years, and I have a certain understanding of the skill of divinity. It's just in time for the opening. I don't know if it's a coincidence."

"During the opening?" Edelweiss tilted his head, pondering Yun Tian's words.

She just didn't think about it before, but now that Yuntian hinted a little bit, Edelweiss immediately understood what Yuntian meant.

"You mean, it's time for the plot to begin?"

"Well, I can already feel the breath of 'same kind'."

Yun Tian, ​​who has obtained divinity, has discovered many uses after four years of not-so-hard research. For example, feeling the breath of other gods is one of the simple applications.

In the past, Yuntian didn't have a clear perception of the divine aura emanating from the blessings on himself and Edelweiss, so he needed to rely on Reimu to remind him.

Now, he could already easily feel the god-related aura on himself and Edelweiss.

"It's just that the timing is a little unlucky, maybe it can be said to be just right."

Yun Tian sensed the lingering breath on the island, and confirmed that the first confrontation between the two gods who descended here had ended.

The arrival of him and Edelweiss may not be too far from the beginning of the original plot.

"Anyway, find a place to live first... oh?"

Just when Yuntian was planning to take Edelweiss to live in the small town temporarily, a black-haired boy who seemed to have just arrived on the island caught his eyes.

Because Sardinia is a resort, it is not uncommon to see black-haired Asians here, but the aura from the boy, or rather the aura from the travel bag he was carrying caused a sensation. Yuntian's attention.

A black-haired boy who looked a little dazed and didn't look like he was on a trip, and a travel bag that was covered up but couldn't completely hide the divine aura inside.

A trace of surprise appeared on Yun Tian's face, he motioned to Edelweiss to wait a moment, and then walked towards the boy.

"Looks like you need some help?"

Yun Tian's greeting obviously startled the other party. I'm afraid the young man never expected that he would meet someone who also spoke Far Eastern dialect in the land of Italy.

But immediately after, a trace of joy flashed across the boy's face, and he said to Yun Tian:

"Hi, are you from the Far East too? My name is Kusanagi Godou and I live in Tokyo."

"Kusanagi Godou..." Yun Tian listened to the boy's self-introduction, and at the same time looked at him seriously, then shook his head and said:

"I'm not from the Far East, but from the Celestial Dynasty. You can call me Yuntian."

"Ah, I'm sorry." It's obviously not polite to admit someone else's country, Kusanagi Godou immediately apologized to Yuntian.

Then he scratched his head and asked curiously:

"Your extreme eastern speaking is too standard, have you ever lived in the extreme east?"

"For the time being, I have lived in the Far East for more than a year."

Yuntian and Edelweiss have not been to the extreme east of this world yet, but once in the world of fallen knights, Yuntian can be regarded as studying in the Pojun Academy in the extreme east for a year.

"Can you learn linguistics so well in just one year?"

Faced with Kusanagi Godou's admiration, Yun Tian just smiled and didn't answer, and turned to look at the travel bag hanging on his shoulder.

"Are you here to travel?" Yun Tian asked.

"Ah, half of it."

Kusanagi Godou noticed Yuntian's sight, touched the travel bag behind him, and explained:

"This is something left by a friend of my grandfather's. In order to return it to its original owner, I came to Italy from the Far East. But, to tell you the truth, I got a little lost."

Speaking of this, Kusanagi Godou had a slightly embarrassed expression on his face, he pointed to the map in Yuntian's hand, please:

"If possible, can I have a look at the map?"

"Of course, please."

Yun Tian handed over the map, looked at Kusanagi Godou and thanked him, and then looked for the location on the map.

"I remember the town is... ah, yes, it's located in the center of the island, so it's easy."

After confirming the location, Kusanagi Godou handed the map to Yuntian again, bowed and thanked:

"It really helped a lot, thank you very much."

And Yun Tian was not polite, pointing to the travel bag he was carrying and said:

"If you really thank me, how about lending me a look at what's in your backpack?"


Hearing Yuntian's words, Kusanagi Godou obviously hesitated.

But in the end, he handed over the travel bag with a little hesitation, and at the same time exhorted:

"This is an item that my grandfather specifically asked me to keep carefully. It may not be so strong. Please be careful."

Yun Tian took the backpack, opened it, and saw the magic implement exuding the aura of the gods inside, smiled and said to himself:

"Isn't it solid?"

It was a slate, about the size of a B5 paper, wrapped in a purple cloth.

Yun Tian could tell that this kind of purple cloth was a prop used to cover up the divine aura on the stone slab.

"Do you know what this thing is?" Yun Tian asked Kusanagi Godou with great interest.

"It seems to be a prop used by temples and shrines to suppress some things. Now that the place is abandoned, I came here to return it to the original owner. However, to be honest, I am not very interested in these things."

Kusanagi Godou looked at Yuntian with an expression of "it's already a modern society, why are you talking about superstitions like temples and shrines" on his face.

1441 Running in the opposite direction (three shifts)

"Don't you believe in God?"

"I'm really not very good at this kind of thing, Mr. Yuntian is a religious person?"

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