"No...then let me put it another way."

Yun Tian looked at Kusanagi Godou and asked:

"Do you believe in the existence of extraordinary power in this world?"

"Eh? Ah, super, super is... the kind of super that I understand?"

Kusanagi Godou was obviously dumbfounded by Yuntian's question, he looked at Yuntian with a subtle look, that look seemed to say, 'How old are you, do you still believe this'.

Yun Tian didn't mind that he was treated as a secondary illness, instead he said to Kusanagi Godou:

"You can understand it this way, but when you were young, you would have fantasies more or less, didn't you?"

"If you want to say that, there has been." Kusanagi Godou scratched his head as if he had been mentioned the black history, with a slightly embarrassed expression.

Then he hurriedly added as if he was afraid that Yuntian might misunderstand:

"But now, that kind of thinking has long since disappeared. I am a pacifist now, and my biggest dream in life is to spend my life in peace and stability."

Hearing Kusanagi Godou's words, Yuntian showed other expressions for the first time, the smile receded from his face, replaced by surprise and some regret.

As if confirming, Yuntian asked Kusanagi Godou again:

"Don't you have any dreams?"

"Spending life in peace, isn't this the biggest dream?"

Something like an excuse came out of Kusanagi Godou's mouth, but Yun Tian knew that it was not an excuse.

It is easy for today's Yun Tian to see whether the words spoken by the hero of the original book, who is still an ordinary person, are sincere.

So he can be sure that Kusanagi Godou really thinks so, he really regards living an ordinary life as his dream and pursuit.

"This is really regrettable, obviously you have very good fighting qualities."

"Battle... Uh, sorry, I'm really not good at such topics."

Kusanagi Godou has completely regarded Yuntian as a person with a second-class illness.

But it didn't matter to Yuntian, because he already knew what he wanted to know, and the result made him extremely regretful.

Thinking of this, Yun Tian looked at the slate in his hand and asked:

"You don't speak Italian very well, do you want me to deliver this slate for you? Since you have no intention of going this way, it's best not to get involved."

"No, thank you for your kindness. I'd better deliver the slate myself. I need to deliver it myself as my grandfather told me."

Yun Tian looked at Kusanagi Godou whose gaze had begun to take on vigilance, and shook his head boredly.

In the surprised eyes of the other party, he casually handed back the travel bag with the slate, Yun Tian waved his hand, turned and left.

Only the last sentence remains.

"Pray that we won't meet again, I can't get along with you, and I won't show mercy."

. . . . . .

"Somewhat disappointed?" Looking at Yun Tian who was walking back, Edelweiss reached out and held him.

"Perhaps a little."

Yun Tian shook his head and sighed:

"He undoubtedly has enough aptitude. It can be said that he is a natural fighter. Even without training, he can quickly become a strong man as long as he is given a chance. The instinctive sense of fighting reflects his outstanding talent."

So far, Yuntian has seen Destiny's Child in more than one world.

Some of them have a good relationship, such as Ikki from the World of Lost World and Bell from the World of Misunderstanding, and there are also people with a slightly ordinary relationship but can be called friends, like Ayato in the world of Gakuen War.

There is also Reimu in Gensokyo who has just known each other for not too long but gets along well.

They all have a similar quality, including Yuntian, that is, no matter what the purpose is, they are always moving forward.

Needless to say, Ikki and Bell, Ayato also worked extra hard before finding his sister, and after finding his sister, he swore to protect his sister and never slackened his training.

Even Lingmeng, who seemed to have no motivation and was very lazy, never stopped moving forward. What she shouldered was not a dream but a responsibility, which made her somewhat different from Yuntian and others.

Yun Tian also felt regretful about this, but that was the other party's responsibility. As the party involved, Ling Meng had no dissatisfaction, and Yun Tian had nothing to say.

But Kusanagi Godou is different, he has outstanding talent, but his ambition is not here.

Even if he embarks on this road of becoming stronger, he will not continue to pursue the road of advancement like Yuntian and others, nor will he choose to shoulder the responsibility like Reimu.

He would go back and try to find his way back to normal. His dream was always that stable and peaceful life.

He may move forward, but that requires people around him, others to push him, not his own decision to take steps.

If you let him choose, he will definitely choose to return to his normal life.

This has nothing to do with right or wrong, it's just that it obviously runs counter to the path that Yuntian is taking.

If it is said that Reimu is taking a different path from Yuntian, Ikki and the others, then Kusanagi Godou is taking a completely opposite path.

That's why Yun Tian said that he couldn't get along with him.

Maybe Kusanagi Godou will change after going through a lot as a godslayer, but it's also possible that he won't change, and he's been pursuing to return to that stable life from the beginning to the end.

But once said, Yuntian seldom interferes in other people's choices and decisions, and he is not interested in cultivating Kusanagi Godou into what he wants to see, let alone expect such a person who runs counter to it.

In Kusanagi Godou's eyes, Yun Tian did not see that perseverance and dedication.

No, maybe there is, but that's not what Yun Tian is interested in.

"This is the first time, seeing such a man of destiny who doesn't get along with me at all." Yun Tian said with strong emotion.

He didn't dislike Kusanagi Godou, but felt that the pursuit between the two was a bit too great.

Thinking of this, Yun Tian suddenly paused, and looked at Edelweiss beside him, as if he suddenly remembered something.

Seen by him inexplicably, Edelweiss blinked and asked:

"What's wrong with you again?"

"You, do you want to try to become a godslayer?"

After Yun Tian finished speaking, Edelweiss was stunned.

Edelweiss doesn't really like fighting, so even when she came to this world, she wasn't interested in things like killing gods.

On the contrary, it was the four years spent with Yun Tian that made her extremely happy.

In fact, Yuntian didn't have much idea of ​​snatching the opportunity of the original protagonist, one is that it is unnecessary, and the other is that his current identity is a god, and it is [-]% impossible to become a godslayer.

But now, after meeting Kusanagi Godou, Yun Tian realized that the other party didn't really want this extremely precious opportunity in everyone's eyes.

That being the case, there is no reason for Yuntian to give up.

. . .

. . .

. . .


It was agreed to add more, thank you again for the treasure chest, and I will continue to add it tomorrow

1442 Mythical Beast

Although the plan was changed and the next course of action was decided, Yuntian and Edelweiss still wandered around Sardinia casually.

Anyway, the two gods who came here have not fully recovered after a great battle.

When the conflict broke out, with the strength of Yuntian and Edelweiss, they were able to rush to the scene as soon as possible with only a small resort island.

At this time, the two were sitting in a coffee shop, and Yun Tian was watching helplessly as Edelweiss continued to add sugar to the coffee.

"So, why do you have to drink like this?"

After all these years, Yun Tian still can't understand Edelweiss' strange habit of ordering coffee and turning it into syrup to drink.

"I like it." Edelweiss shook his head with an expression of 'I'm happy, don't worry about it'.

Yun Tian shook his head with a broken smile, then picked up his own cup of coffee and took a sip.

Concerned about Dali, drinking coffee and adding a lot of sugar seems to be quite a common phenomenon.

However, whether sugar is added or not, the difference to Yuntian is not very big.

Compared with coffee, he still prefers to drink tea, whether it is Chinese style or Western style, tea is always a little higher priority than coffee for Yuntian.

In all fairness, the coffee in this shop is not bad, at least with the level of a layman like Yuntian, there is nothing wrong with it.

But the cake is another story.

Years of adventurer habits have allowed Yuntian to rarely waste food, but Edelweiss' taste for desserts has been raised too high. It is really difficult for Yuntian to give a good evaluation of cakes made by ordinary shops.

At this time, he always feels a little bit extravagant.

After a brief meal in the cafe, Yuntian and Edelweiss officially started their sightseeing trip.

Walk through the town, pass the church, and walk across the beach to see the sea.

Finally, when they decided to go to the next town, Yun Tian and Edelweiss suddenly stopped.

"This is really an interesting encounter."

Turning his head, Yun Tian looked at the port in the direction he came from, and the corner of his mouth curled up.

As if responding to his words.


In the next second, the sky-shaking roar sounded along with the collapse of the building.

A gigantic figure suddenly appeared in the sight of Yuntian and Edelweiss.

It was a wild boar, a huge monster that seemed to be able to trample all the buildings in the whole town under its feet.

The wild boar ran wildly, dashing and trampling, destroying everything it saw.

"Is that the God of Disobedience?" Edelweiss looked at the huge wild boar that seemed to be born for destruction, frowned, and waved his platinum long sword.

If this monster is allowed to wreak havoc, I am afraid that the town will be turned into ruins in a short time. Therefore, Edelweiss intends to deal with it.

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